IS IT TRUE September 13, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE September 13, 2012

IS IT TRUE that we are wondering why the auction company that auctioned off Roberts Stadiums contents last month hasn’t removed the massive and unsightly advertising signs they have posted in both entrances and attached to the Stadium building since the auction is long over? …some of our readers also are wondering why haven’t the people at “KEEP EVANSVILLE PRETTY” come forward to request to the city that these massive and unsightly signs be removed from the Roberts Stadium property soon as possible?…that a simple “FOR SALE” sign is what is needed as it is clear from the escalation in the price of demolition and the range of bids that the City is clueless on the real numbers that this boondoggle park may cost?…if the City is as far off with its estimate for Roberts Park as it was on the demolition then we taxpayers are looking at a $30 Million tab to get this unnecessary park built?

IS IT TRUE one could break things down to help these fly by the seat of the pants children come up with a cost?…the easy place to start is the proposed footbridge over the Lloyd Expressway to connect Roberts Park to the State Hospital grounds?…if the bridge at Aztar spanning Riverside Drive and the bridge to nothing at the Centre are an indicator then the bridge alone will be $3 Million when paired with the demolition of $1 Million will only leave between $2 Million and $4 Million to meet Mayor Winnecke’s winging estimate of $6 Million to $8 Million to do the entire project?…the next question to shine a bit of light on the subject is just how much removing the Roberts Stadium parking lot and filling that large space in will be?…that I would not surprise anyone if just the demolition, the bridge, and removing the parking lot will eat up the Mayor’s entire budget?…the new mantra for Roberts Park needs to be “BINDING QUOTE BEFORE WRECKING BALL”?…the minute that the first wrecking ball hits the building the rational solution of selling the stadium at auction is no longer viable?…thinking is a good thing buy the political leadership of Evansville does not seem inclined to engage in such things?

IS IT TRUE the Vanderburgh County Council has deferred judgment on whether or not to go along with the unanimous recommendation of the Vanderburgh County Commissioners to remove just under $10,000 from the budget that was presupposed to be going to the Human Relations Commission?…as it turns out the County has been paying more than its contractually legal amount to the HRC for a number of years now?…the amount that the County is obligated to pay is 9% of the total budget or $3,500 less than has been recommended by the Commissioners?…for some unknown reason the County seems to have been paying over 35% more than they are obligated to for years?…this could all have been avoided by first sticking to the contract, second by the head of the HRC showing the respect of an annual report and maintaining a working relationship with the County, and third the HRC tempering its zealousness in bringing a complaint against the Evansville Rescue Mission?…the real question that still has not been asked is “just how much money is needed by the HRC to carry on its necessary work?”…this number may be more or less than the budget has traditionally been?…that government social programs seem to have a way of growing unabated and then screaming with pain when there are questions raised regarding budget cuts?…this year and this economy are times that all government spending needs to be questioned without impunity and right sized as the private parts of this country have already been?


  1. I read about all of the people who came out in support of the HRC. That is fine and I agree that we need an organization like this, but not if they are taking on other projects outside of the scope of their duties. HRC should not be supporting OTHER organizations. That is not what their directive is and the Director of the HRC should be fired for a dereliction of duties. Or their funding cut as a consequence. Maybe their supporters could pick up the tab if they feel so strongly about it?!?

  2. Many of my friends are saying that the HRC Board members can start to make amends with the County by firing it’s Director!

    It’s obvious it’s time for new leadership!

  3. When the rational is ignored (selling Roberts Staduim) and the irrational is championed (demolishing it to build a park we can’t afford), and we also have no reason to believe the officials involved in championing the irrational are sane individuals with a full capacity for reason, then a thinking man or woman MUST conclude other forces are at work in the equation we cannot see.

    The answer: there is something criminal going on between the Mayor of Evansville and the people hired to demolish the Stadium and build the Park. The ONLY other answer is that the Mayor is insane and therefore incapable of holding the office. Either way, this man needs to go.

  4. Sad but true , I agree with you that the director should be fired or at very least disciplined …the director is in 2 of the 3 groups that she represents and because of that my guess is she would claim she was fired cause she wasn’t a man or a yt

  5. Aren’t you the Brad Linzy that is a Republican Ist Ward leader?

    If so, why are you bashing a fellow Republican?

    Oh, I do like reading your comments. Your one hell of a smart man!

    • No. I resigned. Here is my resignation letter:

      Letter of Resignation from My Precinct Committeeman Position….

      To Chairman Wayne Parke, my fellow Precinct Committeemen in the Vanderburgh County Republican Party, and whomever else it may concern:

      After a great deal of soul-searching, I have decided to resign my post as Precinct Committeeman for Ward 1 Precinct 1. This decision comes on the heels of certain recent revelations that the Republican National Convention (RNC) was handled in a manner that was exclusionary and hostile to grassroots activists within our Party.

      Several documented incidents have been circulating the internet, including the removal of duly elected delegates from the State of Maine, seven of whom were esteemed military veterans and Ron Paul supporters, in favor of hand-picked delegates favorable to the presumptive nominee, Mitt Romney. This move was in my estimation a disenfranchisement of the State of Maine’s self-determination and a gross display of top-down muscle stepping on the grassroots activists that make up the true heart and soul of the Republican Party.

      In a separate incident clearly documented by on-site video cameras at the RNC, the vote that was taken by acting Chairman of the Convention, John Boehner, was read from a teleprompter, with the foregone conclusion of that voice vote “the ayes have it” clearly pre-programmed into the teleprompter. The results of that vote mean that in future Conventions insurgent candidates like Reagan ’76 or Paul ’12 will not have the opportunity to utilize grassroots activists to express their dissent in any meaningful way, and ALL delegates, regardless of their personal convictions, will face removal if they refuse to vote in line with the overall results of their State primary or public straw poll votes. This is a serious departure from the idea of a representative, bottom-up Party structure where each county and precinct elects delegates to represent their county or neighborhood, and where each State can decide if they want their delegates bound to the results of their caucus or straw votes.

      Furthermore, the nomination of Mitt Romney and his selection of Paul Ryan as running mate are personally problematic since both candidates supported the TARP bailouts. I was one of the first people back in 2008 to take to the streets in protest of TARP. In fact, I helped organize the local protests in front of our Federal Building, which I believe contributed to the public outcry that led to the unseating of Brad Ellsworth (D) from Congress. In my estimation, the idea of putting taxpayers’ money on the line to bail out banks that got into trouble was un-American and dangerous. It was also the least “conservative” position I could think of, and serves as an easy litmus test for whether someone is truly a “fiscal conservative”. In fact, the entire “Tea Party” movement was born out of those opposed to TARP. Given Romney and Ryan’s support of TARP, it would be unconscionable of me to now lend these men my support.

      So it is with great regret and apologies to my fellow Precinct Committeemen that I cannot continue with you in your endeavors. I wish you all the best. As for my future in politics, I have more soul-searching to do, but I will urge you in this election to cast your vote for the office of President to Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, the only man likely to appear on your ballot who opposed the bailouts.

      Thank you to Chairman Parke for your understanding in this matter. I wish you too the best of luck.

      Sincerely and with a clear conscience,

      Brad Linzy

  6. Yes brad your corrector mundo on that ,and it don’t matter if there is a D or a R by their name ,,,, all they are concerned about is a $$ amount underneath the table. I’m sure weinzapfel got a cash load and now he is taking care of his buddies

  7. Wow!

    I’m taken back. What an outstanding letter of principal.

    Ever thought about running for Mayor? You would be better then “one term” Winnenke.

    Glad I ask you the question.

    • No offense intended to single-celled organisms, but an amoeba could do a better job than this Mayor. He is unprincipled, arrogant, and ham-fisted in his approach to the job.

      The easiest decision he had to make as a Republican and supposed “conservative” was to advocate the free market sale of the surplus property at Roberts Stadium. That was his litmus test. He failed miserably, and sadly continues to fail even in light of increasing opposition among the very people who will be asked to plant signs and make calls for him his next election.

      All that said and to answer your question, no. I would not consider running for Mayor. I would, however, support ANYONE of ANY PARTY who steps forward and expresses the ideals and principles of small, fiscally responsible, and fair government.

    • Agreed 100%……but as we saw in the last election no one other than an chosen candidate can be elected because of voter turn out, get the folks out to vote and get the turn out to 60-80% of the eligible voters and we could elect someone like Brad and rid ourselves of the fools for a good long time, without the voters it really doesn’t matter how good a candidate is because the powers that be control about 20% of the voting block.

      This exact situation is what scares me about the VandyGov vote this fall, without voter turnout it just might pass which is what I think the consolidation forces are expecting….low numbers in the city which they can manipulate some wards like they did to get Winnecke elected.

      Of course it is JMHO

  8. Relax, the City tore down the Executive Inn and that worked out great with our impressive new 4 star hotel now serving the Ford Center and the Convention Centre. How can anyone be critical of the City’s plans to tear down Roberts Stadium?

    • How cool would it be if someone set up a queen sized bed, night stand, the works down there on that empty lot and spent the night…

      I’ll pitch in $100 to the first person who does it. Just let me know in advance so I can send out a press release.

      • I think it would probably cost more than $100 for bail and legal fees, if you call the press you’d either get ignored or arrested for tresspass. Heck of an idea though

        • You would be surprised what a good press release can accomplish. Getting arrested… Even better.

      • How about a one story Mayor’s Yurt Hotel? Set up about 50 yurts in the vacant lot and rent them out to convention goers. It would be unique and could probably be done for $10,000.

  9. Relax, word at the Civic Center is that Vandy/Gov. shall lose by a 43% to 57% margain. This issue shall be a political career ender for Sheriff Eric Williams. Also this issue shall be reason why County Treasurer, beats County Clerk, Susan Kirk.

    • Brad Linzy is logical. We need logical thinkers in town and not people with pre-determined goals in mind.

      Just Sayin.

  10. Terrific posts on here today.
    Particularly loved JoeBiden’s post regarding the beautiful new 4-star hotel built alongside the Ford Center and the center … How long’s it been since they tore down the executive inn? 3 years? And we still don’t have a hotel next to our convention center.

    How much money has the county lost because of this stupid decision?

  11. Auction signs are still up on the Robert’s Staduim property. Looks like an out of county Republican auction company think they can use a piese of taxpayers property foy free advertising!

    The question is–“Is this Auction company breaking zoning and planning commision rules by keeping these signs up long after auction is over?
    If so, why doesn’t the Area Planning Commission force them to take them down?

  12. A freind of mine suggested that I look into to see how much the Wilson’s Auction brothers donated to the Winnenke For Mayor campaign.

    He also ask me to research if city of Evansville put out a public notice to vendors to submit a bid to auction off Robert’s Staduim assets.

    I honestly don’t have time to research the above question and suggestions. Can anyone out there help me?

    • A lot of the time it’s hard to see where money is going because a lot of donors give soft money contributions to the Party, which is then spent on candidates. So in that action, the money is essentially laundered, offering a level of removal and deniability. Deals like the Roberts Stadium demolition would require several players in different positions to pull off the quid pro quo without a big tipoff. In all likelihood, the players are smart enough not to leave a smoking gun behind, but the sheer deftness with which officials have thus far avoided talking about an Option C at all costs casts a pall of stench around this whole business that is starting to attract flies.

  13. I hope that the Mayor didn’t encourage the Parks Board to approve a non bid contract to a vendor that made a political donation to his campaign.

  14. Klenke Co. were the ones who gave the initial estimate of $200,000 to tear down the Stadium. That was in 2011. That estimate was used to bolster the argument to tear down the building by artificially deflating the real cost. Now, when it has come time to submit formal bids of the job, their own estimate has ballooned to just under their closest competitor near the $1 MILLION mark.

    This was also the firm that got the contracts for tearing down the Main Street buildings in preparation for the Ford Center.

    Sounds like Klenke Co. got a nice windfall from all this Stadium business. If there is impropriety – and I suspect there probably is – this is where you’re likely to find it. One thing is for certain. The conclusion of the “Task Force” was predetermined, and the option of selling the Stadium has been avoided like the plague.

    • Klenck also got the contract to knock down the Executive Inn.

      In the coming week, I’ll request all the available Campaign finance reports for Mayor Winnecke and see what that reveals.

      I love research. It’s fun. 😉

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