IS IT TRUE the sale of the Evansville Thunderbolts has taken another step forward with the help of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?…the commissioners approved the license agreement with the Ford Center to be transferred over to Venue Works?…this is quite interesting since thus far such deals have been parked with a conveniently crafted company called VW Sports, LLC?…the amended agreement is for the remaining four years, of the five-year agreement that was signed last year with VWSports LLC?  …it has also been reported that Mike Hall “gave” his 10% share of ownership of the Thunderbolts to VenueWorks?…that pretty much establishes the value of the Evansville Thunderbolts at ZERO or less, as an astute businessman like Mr. hall would not “give” away something that had value or potential to ever have value?…the last refuge of cash to keep the delusion of hockey in Ford Center is now the taxpayers of Evansville?…this whole sneaky events of activities should at least merit a forensic audit?

IS IT TRUE we have been told that the FBI investigates graft and corruption in local government and in-state and local police departments? …the FBI uses applicable federal laws to investigate violations by public officials in federal, state, and local governments?… a public official is any person elected, appointed, employed, or otherwise having a duty to maintain honest and faithful public service?…most violations occur when the official solicits, accepts, receives, or agrees to receive something of value in return for influence in the performance of an official act?…the categories of public corruption investigated by the FBI include legislative, judicial, regulatory, contractual, and law enforcement?

IS IT TRUE that it has been suggested that the University Of Evansville Purple Aces have their eye on hiring Tom Crean to coach the men’s basketball team starting in the 2018-2019 season?…the person who made this suggestion is knowledgable in sports and has opined privately to the CCO that Coach Marty Simmons May be promoted to management after next season to make room for Coach Crean?…the real question is how UE would ever come up with enough of a salary to interest a person who has been knocking down multiple millions of dollars per year for as long as he can remember?…it is doubtful that the total revenue for the Aces has even equalled Coach Crean’s compensation at Indiana University?

IS IT TRUE another brick and mortar retailer has filed for bankruptcy?…this time it is the low cost shoe store chain known as Payless?…Payless has been one of the go to places for people of modest means to buy shoes for their growing children?…it is highly probable that the customers of Payless have gone online for their shoe needs?…it is not a good time to own a mall?

IS IT TRUE yesterday Pressanykey posted the following  comment that we felt it was worth repeating?  …Pressanykey said; “The Ford Center is a classic case for study, as all these projects take the same path and only the sticker price ever changes. Who lost and is still losing on the Ford Center project? The taxpayers. Who gained on the project? Well since local approval was needed to do the project, a certain amount of the local establishment had to be in line for a payday or the project would never get off the ground. Consulting firms, architects, engineers, attorneys, banks, bond specialists, underwriters, construction firms, insurers, real estate firms………did I leave some out?   …Mix in $127. million price tag, with an additional $100. million in interest, and you have just forged the chains that will bind your grandchildren in tax slavery for a good portion of their life, and for WHAT? We already had an arena with much better parking and ingress and egress, and we could have upgraded that facility for a fraction of what was spent on the Ford Center. In my mind, the Ford Center will always be the poster child for demonstrating the power of the local establishment over the finances of Evansville’s citizens”.

FOOTNOTES: Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do feel that the taxpayers of Evansville should cover the financial losses generated by the Thunderbolts

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  1. Spot on comment by Press yesterday that certainly deserved to be reprinted. Does anyone really believe the C&P article today that the Zoo raised $3 million in “private” donations for a carousal project (fancy merry-go-round project)?

    A $3 million merry-go-round project? Really, as Mesker Amphitheater is closed and rotting away next door.

    • Three million dollars for a carousel for a zoo that is perpetually operating in the red. Hundreds of thousands of dollars to prop up a hockey team in an attempt to prop up an arena that is bleeding a million dollars annually. Ditto for the auditorium that goes by the name of The Old National Bank Events Plaza. Who is making the payments in order to keep the doors ope on all of these public entertainment facilities? You are with your taxes.

      If you wade your way through the 220 pages of the Regional Cities Plan for the “Great Southwest Indiana Region” I don’t thing you will find where any of that money is targeted to help make the payments on the above mentioned facilities. Instead what you WILL find are multiple plans where, for a modest amount of seed money, they expect the taxpayers to raise/leverage the additional money needed to do any of the projects outlined in the report.

      If you can not make the payments on what you currently have, without raising taxes and fees, do you think it is a good idea to saddle taxpayers with additional debt on new projects? I suggest that at the next city council meeting the taxpayers hand out Santa Claus outfits to the council members.

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