Dr. Bucshon Calls on Senate Democrats to Allow Vote on Gorsuch

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Eighth District Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. released the following statement after Senate Democrats established enough votes to filibuster – procedurally block – the President’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch:

“Judge Gorsuch is an impressive jurist who will undoubtedly uphold the rule of law. His record clearly demonstrates he understands his role on the court is not to legislate from the bench, but rather to apply the law as written by elected representatives of the people. There’s not a more qualified judge to replace the late Antonin Scalia,” said Bucshon. “Unfortunately, Senate Democrats today made clear their intent to block a vote on Judge Gorsuch. This obstruction flies in the face of the will of the American people. I call on Senate Democrats to put politics aside and allow a vote on this qualified nominee; and I support Leader McConnell’s intent to confirm Judge Gorsuch using all options available to the Senate if this political theater continues.” Â