US District Court Forbids use of Free Speech Zone on Cincinnati Campus


On Thursday August 23rd, 2012, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio delivered a message in support of freedom of speech, issuing a permanent injunction against the University of Cincinnati’s unconstitutional policy. Interestingly, this ruling came a single day after UC President Gregory H. Williams suddenly resigned, giving no explanation other than a reference to “personal reasons” for his abrupt departure.

UC was given notice that their policies had jumped the constitutional shark on many occasions. After all, The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) first warned UC about its policy being unconstitutional back in 2007. The now struck down policy had been in place for many years before that? Thursday’s injunction prevents UC from limiting student speech in outdoor areas unless the restriction is “narrowly tailored to serve a compelling University interest.”

Link to Federal Court Injunction:

Final Judgment of Permanent Injunction U of Cincinnati


  1. wow!

    Looks like CCO did it’s homework!

    Step back non-believers, CCO is for real!

  2. Looks like the nay sayers have been proven wrong again by CCO Editor, Wallace

    Great research CCO.

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