Gallup-Rasmussen Poll: August 27, 2012, Obama Widens Lead in Rasmussen Poll, Slips in others


The Rasmussen Tracking poll today shows President Obama with a 47% – 44% lead over Mitt Romney while Gallup’s Tracking poll shows Romney leading at 47% -46% each.

The average of these two polls is now showing the Romney/Ryan campaign with 45.5% and the Obama/Biden at 46.5% for the second lead of the ticket in a week.

The average approval rate for President Obama despite leading is at negative 0.5% meaning that the 1% more of those polled disapprove than approve of the Presidents job performance. The average approval rating for the President was 47.5% and the average disapproval was 48.0%.

In a surprise poll ABC now has the Romney Ryan ticket leading by 1%.


  1. Sigh. Tell all of the story, not just what you like.

    ABC News/Wash Post 46-47 Romney +1
    Rasmussen Tracking 47-44 Obama +3
    CNN/Opinion Research 49-47 Obama +2
    Gallup Tracking 46-47 Romney +1

    So of all the polls ending yesterday and released today, that means that Obama leads Romney by 1.7

    Not as unbiased

    • Actually the average for the 4 you just posted would be 0.75% as opposed to 1.7%. It is truly difficult to be biased in the pure science of mathematics but you seem to have mastered it.

  2. Oops. Had a number pad malfunction. While I have no problem admitting an error (I was rounding by a tenth), you seem to have a need to feel superior in pointing out mistakes. Do you feel better?

    While we are doing some math, we should do have some fun.

    Since 05/01/2012, there have been 65 major polls released on the Presidential race. The median for those polls show Obama with a 2 point lead (47-45) over Romney

    During the same polling Obama has been in the lead by as much as 53, yet Romney never leads by more than 47

    Your “favorites” show some interesting “facts”

    Gallup has performed 8 polls, and has Obama ahead in 4, Romney ahead in 3, and a tie in 1

    Rasmussen has performed 9 polls, and has Romney ahead in 5, Obama ahead in 1, and a dead tie in 3

    I find it of interest you never mention your BFF Fox. Maybe it is because in the 6 polls they have performed Obama leads in 4, Romeny in only 1, and a single tie. What is FASCINATING is that in terms of percentage points Obama leads Romney in as much as 9 points in one of the polls, with a median of 45-40 in favor of Obama.

    Care to do any more math, Mr. Wizard?

    • “A need to feel superior in pointing out mistakes.” Uh…I believe you were the first one to point.

    • Wow you have an arrogant attitude! I thought people were allowed to express themselves civilly, get a life turkey, the thought of Romney winning sounds like you would have a conniption fit or sadly worse.

    • This is meant for ccojoker
      Wow you have an arrogant attitude! I thought people were allowed to express themselves civilly, get a life turkey, the thought of Romney winning sounds like you would have a conniption fit or sadly worse.

  3. The only poll that matters is the one on election day, unless the New Black Panther Party suppresses votes for Romney.

  4. CCOJOKER why don’t you please get off the CCO Editors back.

    Your really starting to make a fool oh youself.

    If you don’t like the CCO then just don’t read it!

  5. I agree with you like it or not!

    It’s time that the CCOJOKER stop his campaign to discredit the CCO Editor!

  6. I too agree that the CCOJOKER should stop his personal remarks about the CCO.

    IT”S obvious that the CCOJOKER is an extremely intelligent but he needs to stay on subject and get off the CCO editors a–!

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