IS IT TRUE as game experiences and first class treatment is concerned, we are certain that the Division 2 players and fans were treated to a weekend to remember?…the Ford Center really is a very nice facility and the crew that runs it work hard and does a good job?

IS IT TRUE the only real problem with the Ford Center is that it costs so much more to operate than was estimated by the political spin doctors of 2008 (people who built it) because it draws less people to most sporting events than a high school gym does?

IS IT TRUE that the tag line displayed at the Ford Center for the Great Lakes Valley Conference tournament read “The GLVC ranks among the nation’s best for academic success”?…that may very well be true because most of the students seem to have stayed home from the tournament to study?

IS IT TRUE that the Great Lakes Valley Conference basketball tournament is in the history books and the spin doctors are reaching deep into the public relations bag to claim great success from the sparsely attended event?…Evansville Sports Corp. Director Jason Sands called the weekend a success and even boasted that over 600 rooms were booked in Evansville due to the GLVC tournament?…that may be true if you include all three nights that teams were in town but several sessions didn’t even draw 600 attendees period?…that adding up out of town friends and family along with players coaches and cheerleaders it is possible that 600 room nights were rented?…that may sound like a lot but the reality is that is not even enough to fill up the new Doubletree Hotel if every person who came to town stayed there?

IS IT TRUE seeing the pictures of the inside of the Ford Center during the GVLC Tournament with so few people in it was really disheartening? …we are sure that Evansville Sports Corporation Director Jason Sands will spin this as if it was the NBA All Star game at Madison Square Garden? …”Spin Doctor” would have to be the middle name of anyone stuck with the job of making a crowd of 401 in an 11,000 seat arena sound like a big success?…Jason Sands may just have a future in politics with the way he’s able to spin things with the mainstream media folks?

IS IT TRUE that lack of big concession profits and after paying for the Ford Center crew, it is virtually impossible that the Ford Center made any money based on the information they released about they’re operating costs last month?

IS IT TRUE many people are now saying that the Ford Center would had been better off economically if the Mayor and his subordinates didn’t force the Evansville Icemen to leave town?

IS IT TRUE that well known Evansville businessman KC Chesser is starting a new bar and restaurant at Marina Pointe?  …this new bar and restaurant will be  called KC’s Marina Pointe?   ... this bar and restaurant will have two new upscale bars and a stage? …we wish KC Chesser only the best in his new business venture and know he will do well?

IS IT TRUE yesterday well known GOP party worker Jeremy Health submitted his name to the State GOP Secretary as well as the local GOP Secretary to enter his name to the run for Vanderburgh County Republican Chairman?  …we wish Jeremy the best of luck in his campaign?

FOOTNOTE: Todays ‘Readers Poll” question is: Do you agree with Evansville Sports Corporation Director Jason Sands that the 2017 Great Lakes Valley Conference basketball tournament was a success?


  1. The horrible attendance figures for the GLVC tournament (again) should be enough of a clue to the Evansville powers-that-be to stop hosting it for a few years. USI’s facilities are more than adequate for it and there would be a larger local fan turnout if played there.

    Even if it didn’t make it to Evansville again, how long do the taxpayers want to subsidize this sporting event? Is the GLVC guaranteed a certain amount of profit or are they guaranteed there will be no cost to them? It would be bad if the only reason it’s “awarded” to Evansville is because we’re the only place willing to entertain a financially deficit tournament.

    And how many of those 600 nights were booked into the new hotel within walking distance of the event? No story would be complete without that little gem of knowledge, would it?

  2. USI’s men’s and women’s basketball teams did not do the city any favors when they both laid an egg in their first games of the tournament. Playing here should have been an advantage for them.

    • Maybe the crowd size discouraged the teams. They play in front of more fans on campus.

  3. It is apparent the GLVC has been a losing gamble from the start. I find it hard to believe the Ohio Valley Conference is renting the Fraud Center next year. It will have more dismal attendance than the GLVC. When USI has both men and women’s teams in the tourney and they can’t draw 1,000 people, do you think a conference with no ties to Eville will fill anymore of the empty seats.

    • Possibly, as it is D1 basketball and a number of the teams are within 2 hrs of Evansville. That being said, the problem with the Ford Center is that it is not really a great venue and concession prices are outrageous. This is not Bridgestone Arena at Nashville or ScottTrade at St. Louis. It will not get better and by the time it is “paid” for it will be a dump, because of the cheap construction.

    • There are many Murray State graduates in the tri state. If the Racers do well expect 3,000+ attendees.

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