Gallup-Rasmussen Poll: August 25, 2012, Obama pulls into slight lead on strength of Rasmussen Poll


The Rasmussen Tracking poll today shows President Obama with a 47% – 45% lead over Mitt Romney while Gallup’s Tracking poll shows Romney and Obama tied at 46% each.

The average of these two polls is now showing the Romney/Ryan campaign with 45.5% and the Obama/Biden at 46.0 for the first lead of the ticket in a week.

The average approval rate for President Obama despite leading is still at negative 1 meaning that the 1% more of those polled disapprove than approve of the Presidents job performance. The average approval rating for the President was 47.5% and the average disapproval was 48.5%.


  1. Thanks for being fair and objective on your opinions concerning the above poll.

    Fair and balance is what I expect from you’all! Today i got it!

  2. There you go again picking that Rasmussen poll that is favorable to Obama. I bet those folks howling like dogs about Rasmussen are gonna keep their mouths shut now that it shows Obama up by 2.

  3. I am pro-choice because I have seen women who had illegal abortions or self induced abortions before it was legal. I think it is important for anyone who thinks as I do to understand that abortion means killing the fetus and the fetus is a human being. I was taught in Catholic school that the mother should be allowed to die rather than perform an abortion but that did not appeal to me at the age of 10. It seemed silly since the mother could have another child.

    On the other hand, I once operated on a baby girl who weighed 1 pound 10 ounces. She had duodenal atresia, a lethal anomaly if untreated, and she survived amazingly well. We had none of the infant respirators and other means of support of small preemies that exist now. She was in an incubator and had a feeding gastrostomy tube going up to the top of the incubator cover where the nurses would give her a few drops of dilute formula every hour or two. By the time she weighed 3 pounds, she was kicking herself around in the incubator. A year later some guys in Florida operated on a 2 pound baby and got world wide publicity. We just didn’t know what we had done. It was 1967.

    What can I conclude for this ? I dunno.

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