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  1. More evidence that Donald Trump is a reality-TV star President, a performance artist who will say anything simply to get applause….even lies, as long as the WWF Trump fans slap their leg and let out a guffaw:

    WSJ Today (again I know, sorry guys, this is the bona-fide conservative, Republican news source) :
    “ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS, President Trump has said that his executive order would require that the Keystone Pipeline must use U.S. steel “or we’re not building one.””
    — The Trump administration said today an executive order approving two pipeline projects and mandating the use of American-made steel won’t apply to the construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, despite prior statements by President Donald Trump that it would.”

    • Hell that’s nothing. Barack Obama said that it wouldn’t be built, but it is being built now, isn’t it? Progress, its a beautiful thing.

        Well, let’s be clear. My single intent in posting this morning’s WSJ article about how Trump lied to and exploited the steelworker community when he promised the Keystone pipeline wouldn’t be built unless it was with “American Steel”….was to get YOU to acknowledge “that you don’t care, that creating American jobs is, and never was, the reason you voted for Trump.” You CLAIMED that was the reason Trump got your support. But, of course, that was never true.

        You validated that this morning.

        Trump’s WWF rabid ‘alt-right’ fans….voted for Trump as White Nationalists. That is their agenda. So, you’re right, you don’t care about creating American Steel jobs. That was an important thing to point out today.

        • You starting a sentence with “lets be clear” is hilarious. Like you were so “clear” about the election? Oh, and BTW, I do like the white race. I happen to be a member of it. You know, the race of people who founded this country. That last guy didn’t advance the ball very much now did he? He will be lucky to escape prison time after being exposed for trying to rig the election by wiretapping Donald Trump.

          • Pressanykey:
            Well now.
            That took, what?…less than Trump’s first 100 days in office?
            To show that your real motivations with Trump are racist Pressanykey?
            You copped to it so fast. Mark the day: March 5, 2017.

  2. The beginning of the end of Barack Obama:

    Now ask yourself if former president Obama would have ever entertained the notion of spying on Hillary Clinton’s campaign. To what end? To expose how he, Obama, was back channeling email to Hillary that he thought she could use in her campaign, including anything he might possibly glean from his wiretap of Trump?

  3. If I were Donald Trump I would send the Secret Service and the FBI over to Obama’s residence and arrest him on the spot for interfering with an election, if not for treason itself!

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