IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation is now the proud owner of a golf course?…the large block of acreage on the Northside where people play one of the sports of kings was picked up by the EVSC for the handsome sum of $3.5 Million? …golf is a declining sport when it comes to mass participation and it is no wonder that the Brinker family who owned the course were open to letting it go?…we wonder why the EVSC could not find a piece of land that was undeveloped, so they could get a better price?

IS IT TRUE everyone is aware that the population is moving out if the City of Evansville and into the unincorporated area on the North and West side?…at this point there is a new North High School, a new McCutcheonville Elementary and this land is slated for a new Junior High, none of which would have been necessary if the City of Evansville had not been allowed to degrade to the point of no return?…we predict the Northside schools will continue to dominate the academic performance rankings along with the Signature School and area Catholic schools?…we wonder why the City of Evansville based schools and especially those on the South and Southeast sides have been allowed to degrade to the point that the kids are performing at a failing grade level?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #3 tells the CCO that a couple of City of Evansville officials and some close surrogates may be getting sued by a couple of soon to be plaintiffs? …its been alleged that the first lawsuit will be about price gouging, a claim of retaliatory acts, defamation of his character and tortious interference with a contractural business relationship? …Mole #3 also alleges that the other lawsuit in the works will be about a wrongful termination and defamation of character?  …that both lawsuits damage claims may be well into six figures?  …we hope that the City of Evansville and their surrogates have good errors and omissions insurance to pay for the above threaten lawsuits?

IS IT TRUE a reader asked us yesterday what the sponsorship value that Old National Bank eventually paid for the naming rights the building formerly known as The Centre? …we do not recall ever learning what the amount turned out to be after the value of $4 Million was allegedly reneged on because public held companies can’t overpay for things like naming rights?  …what we are sure of is that there was plenty of egg on plenty of faces when that sweetheart deal fell apart?

IS IT TRUE in a recent media interview ECHO Executive Director Stephanie TenBarge declared she’s planning to paint a cool “Mural” on the side of the 27 one bedroom apartment for the homeless?  …in our opinion putting a painted “Mural” on the side of apartment building for the homeless is a total waste of our hard earned tax dollars?  …that ECHO Housing Board of Directors should be ashamed of allowing ECHO Executive Director Stephanie TenBarge to go forward with this wasteful “Mural”  project?

FOOTNOTE: Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do you feel that it’s time for the State and Federal authorities do a comprehensive audit of the financial activities of the Evansville ECHO Housing?


  1. We The People need to realize it’s not real money they are wasting ” It Taxpayers Money ”
    the people wasting our money need to go , if it was money that actually came out of their own pockets it would be spent more wisely

      Well, we know that Jeff Sessions didn’t use taxpayer funds to travel to the Cleveland RNC to meet with Communist Russia’s Ambassador in his suite. Nope. Session went on Trump Campaign travel funds.

      The Wall Street Journal reports this is plain English words this morning:
      HEADLINE: “Jeff Sessions Used Political Funds for Republican Convention Expenses”
      Records show attorney general used campaign account for travel expenses to Cleveland, where he met Russian envoy. The Trump administration says Attorney General Jeff Sessions was acting as a then-U.S. senator when he talked to Russia’s ambassador at an event during last year’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland. But Mr. Sessions paid for convention travel expenses out of Trump political funds. And Sessions spoke about Donald Trump’s campaign at the event, according to a person at the event and campaign-finance records.

      So much for the idea that it was just “a US Senator’s meeting.”
      WSJ: Sessions’ trip was paid for by Campaign Funds. This was a meeting with a Trump campaign member.

      They continue to lie about “no meetings with Russian officials with the Trump campaign.” Why?

        • WAIT A MINUTE.

          REPUBLICANS…..also think Sessions should recuse himself from “investigations of the Trump administration and the Trump Campaign” colluding with Communist Russia:
          1. Republican GOP House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy
          2. Republican US Senator Lyndsey Graham
          3. Republican House Member Darrell Issa
          4. Republican Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz
          5. Republican US Senator Rob Portman
          6. Republican House Member Raul Labrador
          7. Republican House Member Barbara Comstock
          8.Republican House Member Brian Mast
          9.Republican House Member Mike Coffman
          10. Republican House Member Martha McSally
          11. Republican House Member Ryan Costello
          12. Republican House Member Carlos Cubello
          13. Republican House Member Frank LoBiando
          14. Republican US Senator Susan Collins
          15. Republican US Senator Dean Heller

        • But Joe, you are IGNORING the point the Wall Street Journal was making. (Yeah, I noticed that.)

          The WSJ wrote this story…..BECAUSE……Those who claim Sessions was not working as part of the Trump campaign when he met with Communist Russia’s top man in the US…….. HAVE A REAL PROBLEM discounting the fact that the Trump Campaign PAID for Sessions to be there. (Well, and uh, it was a Trump campaign event for God’s sake.)

      • The intellectually challenged democrats rose to the occasion and swallowed the bait again. Leek enough “information” ;^) to get them to call for an investigation of whether there was anything illegal happening between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. Demand that Jeff Sessions not be the one to investigate the issue.

        Well AG Sessions has stepped aside and a special prosecutor will be appointed to look into whether there was anything illegal going on between, in Session’s own words: “the presidential campaigns and the Russian government”.

        That is “campaigns”…..plural. So now Mrs. Clinton’s campaign will go under the microscope concerning her dealings with the Russians. That, my friends, is a far more target rich environment than the Trump investigation, which by the way the MSM has been carrying out for well over two years now and have come up with nothing of substance, else they would have plastered it all over the place. I think Schumer might be a double agent for the republicans.

        • ……that’s a LOT of Republicans who think Sessions should recuse himself there Press. This is only getting worse. I know you are dug in……AND HAVE NO CHOICE but to cravenly claim this is some liberal plot.

          But it is THE REPUBLICAN PARTY who will take down Trump. You gotta call the GOP liberals and dems now too…..Press.

          Boy…..look again. That sure is A LOT OF REPUBLICANS!!!

      • Well I am rather pleased that he conducted government business on Trump’s dime rather than Trump’s business on the government dime. Of course if he had you would be soiling your depends over that.

        Just what did the WSJ say they talked about, grandchildren? Oh wait that was Bill and Loretta.

        They should do the same thing to Sessions as that did Lynch. That’s only fair.

  2. This EVSC golf course purchase is the ultimate slap in the face to taxpayers. If this can not be stopped, then the cronies have total control of everything here and you might as well pack your bags and flee this place.

    What the hell does the EVSC think their raison d’être is? The school corporation is putting the interests of the students and their taxpaying parents secondary to the interests of a bunch of greedy local businessmen. Purchasing ground now that you do not need in order to build more bricks and mortar buildings in the future that you wont need. For crying out loud, the EVSC just built a new high school and middle school in the area, and are starting construction on a new elementary school in the area! That is not a plan for educating students, it is called spiking a future project when you have no idea whether it will ever be needed.

    Where was the public discussion on this initiative? Why did the property in question change ownership immediately prior to the EVSC purchase? And the biggest why of all: why are the people of this community so willing to roll over for these kind of highly questionable backroom deals? What the hell is going on people?

  3. I put nail polish on my pig. Now I get steak instead of bacon. I painting a mural of a cornfield on the barn to increase my yield.

  4. It is obvious without a doubt President Trump will give the liberal brain dead just enough rope to hang themselves…….anti American barry hussein and his shadow government will be destroyed…………

    • So Trump has taken credit for good things that have happened in the last month since his inhogeration and has been more than willing to throw “anyone” under the bus for any negative results in the last month BUT – all you and I need to concentrate on tommy is this;

      When do you believe it will start reversing like it didn’t when we had a Republican Congress, Senate and Presidency from 2000 thru 2006 just like now?

      I figure when my unborn sister gives birth to twin sasquatches it may happen.

      What’s your predict bro?….

      • It will start reversing when we start weaning people off of the government teat. Which runs counter to what the democrats do every time they are in office. When there are more people riding in the wagon than there are people pulling the wagon, the wagon stops moving!

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