Home Community News Keith Wallace, Candidate for Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judge questions Opponent’s Statements

Keith Wallace, Candidate for Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judge questions Opponent’s Statements


Keith Wallace

AUGUST 21, 2012

EVANSVILLE, IN – Keith Wallace, candidate for Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judge, today questioned his opponents’ recent statements as reported in an Evansville Courier and Press article regarding changes in the Vanderburgh Courts. “I do not want to allow my opponent to take credit for changes in Superior Court taking effect September 1st when she was the ONLY judge that voted against the changes,” Wallace said. “In the 6 plus years she has been supervisor of family court not one meaningful change has been made. During her tenure as supervisor of family court, Vanderburgh County was the only county of the 23 pilot counties in the project initiated by the Indiana Supreme Court that did not make one change in procedures consistent with the initiative. In addition, Vanderburgh County is the only county in Indiana with the system of rotating judges in and out of the different divisions on a monthly basis according to the State Court Administrator. While the recently announced change of having two judges sit in felony divisions is a step in the right direction, these changes do not address the continuing victimization of children in our local courts caused by the monthly rotation of judges in family court. Fortunately, many families never come to this court, but for families that do appear in family court, it is a travesty how the court operates. If people truly understood how the rotating of judges victimizes children, the public would demand a change. That is why I am running, to stop the rotation of judges in family court.”
Keith Wallace is running to sit full time in what is called Division IV or Family Court to protect children from the harm that comes to them resulting from the monthly rotation of judges. The current rotating family court system results in the parties feeling aggravated, bitter & angry because the parties leave feeling no one judge ever knew the whole story which is often true. When parents leave court with these feelings, their children suffer in a number of ways. In addition to the benefits children will receive when Vanderburgh County has a full time judge or judges sitting in family court, other benefits will include fewer domestic violence calls for police and sheriff deputies, less disruption in the classrooms for teachers and more efficient use of limited public financial resources—saving taxpayer’s money.

Keith is an Evansville native, has practiced law for almost 30 years and assisted with close to 5000 adoptions—domestic and international. He has served and volunteered for numerous local organizations and charities mostly related to children. He has received a number of awards including an “Angel in Adoption” by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.


  1. “it is a travesty how the court operates”
    “continuing victimization of children in our local courts”
    “benefits will include fewer domestic violence calls for police and sheriff deputies”

    Really? Really??

    • Yes. If you want to learn more you are welcome to call me at 463-2828.
      It is a travesty how Division IV, or family court as it is often called, operates when the fix is so simple. Kids are victimized when the system is set up for the benefit of adults & kids suffer because of it. If the system is changed the way I am advocating there will be fewer domestic violence calls because divorced parents will be held more accountable in family court.

  2. I met Mr. Wallace yesterday he is definitely getting my vote. Lloyd is running on her name only she has done nothing for this area since she was elected. When you study her record you can see she should not be re-elected.

  3. I have known Keith since we both started in the backfield at Harrison High School. He was also strong academically and frequently helped less gifted students during homeroom. Throughout his career, Keith has demonstrated solid leadership and would bring fairness and compassion to the bench.

    • Mr Wallace may have been a great soccer teammate and is a nice guy, but his statement accuses all Judges of not caring about kids. Don’t get that part.

      • My apologies if that is the way anyone interpreted my comments. We have many very good hardworking & caring judges. But, it requires all the judges to be hard working & caring to address all the demands of the local judiciary. My point is that my opponent has been the supervisory judge of Division IV for many years & under her “leadership” she has not taken any steps, some of which are very easy to implement to protect kids from being harmed or what I consider victimized by the current system.

  4. I will vote for Mr. Keith Wallace! He is a great man, a great father and husband! He will definitely be a great judge for the sake of children and families.

  5. I will vote for Keith Wallace. He is very devoted to the safety and well-being of the children. I strongly believe that he will make a change in the system that families and kids will benefit from.

  6. Mr. Wallace has integrity, love of family, an advocate for children, fair- minded in decisions, and overall just a good man

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