IS IT TRUE August 22, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE August 22, 2012

IS IT TRUE that we hear VenuWorks has called a news conference to announce a major sporting event coming to Evansville this coming year?…that we also hear that the Ford Center leadership wonders why the CCO don’t announce upcoming events to be held at the Ford Center?…that we can’t announce any pending events at the Ford Center if we don’t receive any press releases on upcoming events?…the CCO has asked the folks at VenuWorks repeatedly to be included on press releases?…that one would think that the Weinzapfel Administration was in charge of VenuWorks by the way the CCO is intentionally kept out of the loop with their news?

IS IT TRUE that the FOP endorsements for County Offices to be voted on this coming November election has caused major political discussion among partisans?…that the big losers in the FOP endorsements are County Recorder, Z Tuley and the County Coroner Annie Groves?…one possible reason why Tuley and Groves didn’t get the FOP endorsements is because it is also obvious that the individuals running against Groves and Tuley are extremely qualified for the positions they are running for?…that the FOP selection of Judge Superior Court, Brett Niemeier and Judge Superior Court, Mary Margaret Lloyd was not surprising because the cops work with them daily. …that the FOP endorsements of all three Democratic County Councilmen Ed Bassemier, Mike Goebel and Stanley Wheeler was extremely surprising?…that that the decision by the FOP not endorsing candidates for County Clerk, County Treasurer, Surveyor and 1st District County Commissioner was extremely puzzling?

IS IT TRUE that several of our readers have expressed an explanation about what is the mission of the newly located Academy of Innovative Studies at the old North High School campus?…the former home of North High School has been sitting empty for some time and that many will not remember that the campus also includes a fairly new state of the art performance center that rivals nearly any venue in town other than The Centre?

IS IT TRUE that the White House and President Obama have been quite denigrating of the private equity business and even gone so far as to call his opponent Mitt Romney a “VULTURE” for having spent much of his career in the private equity business?…that the simplistic way that the President has described the private equity business is a misrepresentation of the highest order?…that the best way for private equity business to make large returns on their investments is to save companies that are headed for bankruptcy then grow them before selling them to other investors?…there is an oil refinery in Pennsylvania that is in serious need of some private equity for its very survival right now?…if this refinery shuts down it will certainly spike gas prices this fall right before the election tossing one more brick on the President’s load of economic failures to explain away?…that the Carlyle Group (private equity) has been wooed by the White House and the Democrat Governor of Pennsylvania to RESCUE this refinery?…that this PRIVATE EQUITY INVESTOR has struck a deal to make an investment in the refinery and save nearly 1,000 union jobs and avoid a gas price spike right before the election?…the official announcement will conveniently be coming to your local NBC affiliate during the week of the Democrat National Convention?…that perhaps if the President keeps his job he can thank the VULTURES AT CARLYLE FOR DOING WHAT THEY DO BEST AT A TIME THAT IT WAS NEEDED?…that maybe the next book to come out of the White House should be called “IT TAKES A VULTURE”?

IS IT TRUE that Republican candidate for President Mitt Romney has asked that fool from Missouri Todd Akin who has squandered a 10+ point lead with a statement on the crime of rape that is unfit to come from the mouth of a United States Congressman?…Romney is right to call for Akin to step down?…that more politicians should exercise zero tolerance for people of their own party who make insane statements like this?…that the worst thing that a partisan of any type can do to undermine good government is to cover the tracks for malfeasance, ignorance, and even criminality of their own party members?…Todd Akin should be given the Penn State award for his attitude, his ignorance, and his selfish willingness to risk a Senate seat that may tip the balance of the United States Senate?


  1. Wow. STINGING REBUKE of Groves in the press release for coroner. Just wow. Have the police ever had so much venom for a candidate before? Anybody?

  2. Word is that both Groves and Tuleys poll numbers are surprizing low.

    The Republicans are going after them full force because they stronly feel that the GOP can win these seats.

  3. Editor, your failed to mention ONHS has the only classic hoosier gym here, designed I think maybe by the same firm that designed Roberts Stadium. I think it hold 5k people. Hate to see that go to waste too!

  4. I agree that private equity has it’s place in a free market society and plays a vital role; however, the editor’s characterization of The Carlyle Group is a bit generous. The Carlyle Group is a Washington D.C.-based equity firm. It employs former government officials and uses favors and insider politics to get a leg up and profiteer from government contracts, and in this way, it’s more accurate to call this firm a crony corporation than a truly “private equity” firm. The deal Obama struck was likely some sort of payback for services rendered and not a legitimate use of “private equity”. What you said makes for a great talking point, but it’s not exactly the truth.

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