IS IT TRUE that hearts were on fire in downtown Evansville on this Valentine’s Day inspired by the opening of the new Hilton Doubletree Inn?…this hotel has been a long time coming and today was a day for the beautiful people to give each other congratulatory hugs and sip martinis together?…it has only been 9 years since former Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel proclaimed that a JW Marriot would be built with no public incentive by one of his buddies from Indianapolis?…it has only been 8 years since the wheels came off off that bus?…another suitor came forward and didn’t deliver in 2011, followed by yet another wannabe hotelier the following year that got off of the hook?…finally at long last with a larger than expected handout for a shorter than expected hotel, the keys are finally turning?…we are curious to see if prosperity spreads like a bad cold now that there is another hotel in downtown Evansville?
IS IT TRUEĂ‚Â yesterday it was stated during a Channel 25 TV news story that the per night rooms rates will be between $130 to $250 per room? Ă‚Â …we hope that Hilton Doubletree Inn Developer and CEO will have a lot of wiggle room concerning room rates so they can be competitive with other well established local MotelsĂ‚Â and Hotels?
IS IT TRUE we are puzzled why the Director of Gage wasn’t present at the new Hilton Doubletree Inn ribbon cutting event? Ă‚Â …we were just told that the most recent Director of Gage is no longer employed by them? …if this information is correct we wonder why he is no longer employed by Gage? …we hope our information is incorrect because we heard that he was doing and outstanding job as Director of Gage?
IS IT TRUEĂ‚Â when it comes to telling people things were going to Happen and then pulling the old bait and switch, the last two mayors of Evansville are masters of the art?…former Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel was famous for promising things would happen without a public handout and then seeing his promises vanish into thin air? …Weinzapfel saw both the 4 Star downtown hotel and the McCurdy Hotel vaporize before his very eyes?…Weinzapfel had big dreams that just never happened?…the one dream that happens picks the taxpayers pockets every year for $8Million in bond payments for the Ford Center?
IS IT TRUE that Mayor Winnecke on the other hand has seemly made a political career out of making capital projects happen by paying twice as many taxpayer dollars for half of the projects he has promised (new Downtown Doubletree Hotel and the IU Medical school)?…that is from the bait and switch playbook too but at least the people of Evansville see something for their money?…the common theme is that public project always comes up short when this individual is in charge in spending our hard earned tax dollars?
IS IT TRUE we wonder when Evansville Mayor Winnecke and Ivy Tech-Evansville Chancellor Jonathan Wienzapfel are going to publiclyĂ‚Â demand that soon to be built IU Medical School will include Ivy Tech 1,500 Medical Tech schools in their plans? Ă‚Â …that the taxpayers Evansville pledged $57 million dollars to insure that the new Downtown IU Medical School will house programs from the IU School of Medicine and the IU School of Dentistry, as well as Ivy Tech Community College, Ă‚Â the University of Southern Indiana and the University of Evansville? Ă‚Â …could this be called a breach of contract and also a breach of the public trust?
IS IT TRUE we hear that deficit amount transferred from the 2016 Employee Healthcare program couldĂ‚Â be several millions of dollars? …it’s been alleged that that the City Controlled during the last week of February quietly transferred around $4 million dollars in the City Employee Healthcare account to pay off some of the Ă‚Â past due medical bills? Ă‚Â …we wonder where he got the $4 million dollars to pay down the past due medical bills?…we are now hearing that the as of today total deficit for 2017 Employee Healthcare program could be between $4 to $6 million of dollars? Ă‚Â Ă‚Â …we are also hearing that around 150 city Ă‚Â employees have been sued because of non payment of healthcare bills?…we wonder where the City of Evansville are going to find the money to bring the Employee Healthcare program payment current?
IS IT TRUE thatĂ‚Â DMD purchased two lots located behind Gelhausen Paint on West Iowa street for the grand total $63,000.00 in exchange for letting the public park there on the finished paved parking lot during the week? …that DMD recently finished one lot into a first class paved public lot really used by the general public? Ă‚Â …the other lot had a dilapidated house on it and Ă‚Â was razed buy the City? Ă‚Â …we were to told the total investment for this project for purchasing two lots with one dilapidated home, razing home and turn one lot into first class paved public lot has costs the taxpayers well over additional $100,000?
$63,000 for a parking lot off W. Iowa street?? That is nearly as dumb as the old ERC paying John Dunn’s business $600,000 for a small parking lot next to the McCurdy. Geezzz.
This a pre-emtive post to the forthcoming Don4Hillary Becker rant about Trump and the Ruskies.
Amid the controversy surrounding White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s alleged conversations with Russia, it may be instrumental to recall that representatives for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign were accused of meeting with Hamas and Iran.
Super, look forward to this on March 8:
The organizers of the Women’s March on Washington are taking the next step by planning a “general strike” during which they will block roads, abstain from domestic care, and strike against educational institutions on March 8.
Eight feminists, including activists Angela Davis, Rasmea Yousef Odeh, and Nancy Fraser, called last week for a “next step” two weeks after the Women’s March on Jan. 21, which was in part a protest against President Donald Trump one day after his inauguration.
(…..Oh, JOEBIDEN!! You do need to be so WORRIED you have to post pre-emptively. It IS THAT BAD. Worst start EVER for any President. The new President’s Honeymoon……..has been 100% replaced by…..US Congressional investigations of the President…….why?……because it’s been found out Trump is Communist Russia Putin’s poodle.)
Joe. The same fake news insurgents who took out real American Michael Flynn had absolutely no problem with four years of Susan Rice as Barack Hussein Obama’s National Security Adviser. Sickening.
“real American”
You will be getting a visit soon. Marijuana is not legal in Indiana, and we can see you have been toking……
DannCoulter talks like a knuckle dragging neanderthal thug. OF COURSE, any Trump failure, ineptitude and slob-work “is fake news” in Dann’s world.
What do expect? Low-intellect Minions say what the are told to say. They eat manure after being told it’s red meat.
You’re a joke, Sir.
February 14, 2017 8:50 PM
House votes to block money to ‘sanctuary campuses’
By KIM CHANDLER Associated Press
Where’s my 6:30 post ?
Don’t know repost
“deficit from employee healthcare from last year $2,000,000. For 2017 could be $4,000,000-$6,000,000”.
Next paragraph: “DMD purchases lot for $63,000 and repaves it for $100,000”. How??
Thanks for the additional information. We re-read the IS IT TRUE you pointed out on “DMD Purchases Lot” and made the following correction which i feel well make more sense.
Thanks for reading the CCO and you input.
Just re-read the IIT post concerning “deficit from employee healthcare” .
Your comments are well taken. We added more information that should explain this issue a little better.
Thanks for reading the CCO and you valuable input.
Editor. Thanks.
You speak the. Absolute Truth. Taxpayer money was not needed for the hotel if the city would have considered other builders. What a joke. Sad. Sad. IU medical center-We need Ivy Tech but not on our dime. Just think what the city leadership could do if it favored the citizens instead of their buddies.
Does anyone know the exact terms of the ONB Investment ? The C & P reported about a week ago that it was $ 10 Million, yet all of the articles since then that talk about the financing of the $ 61 Million deal don’t mention an amount of ONB investment.
Also, does ONB have the ability to cash out/get its money back ?
Hope Chris is still with GAGE. He is quality we have not seen since Joe Wallace.
Thank you Enoch. I know Kris and agree that he is a good man. He is no longer at GAGE. I do not know any details but I was told a couple of weeks ago that he was gone. The website has a name that I do not recognize as the interim CEO.
Mr.Trump……Mr Netanyahu……..America and Israel friends again…………….Thank God Anti American anti Israel barry hussein is gone……….barry and his muslim brotherhood giving iran the nuclear bomb is part of the hard clean up ahead…………..along with the Syria and Libya mess barry hussein and clinton left…………………God bless President Trump………………..
(…..uh, let’s be clear. Al Sharpie “don’t wunna, no, no, never, never, ain’t GUNNA talk about Trump’s campaign staff working with COMMUNIST RUSSIA state operatives.”
Al hopes we don’t notice, BUT, we do notice that “this old bony dog wants to talk about Israel.”)
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