IS IT TRUE that Evansville went through a change over the past few years and there is both good and bad associated with the changes?…the changes associated with the national election of 2016 happened in Evansville in 2011?…the tipping point for Evansville came when the late great mayoral candidate Rick Davis wiped the good old boy network of the previous democrat leadership out of power?…many good old boys were shocked and amazed at how thin the ice that they were on actually was?…this purging do the old order was a good thing for the City Of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that downtown Evansville for the first time in many years has less buildings with “available” signs in the windows than there are actual businesses operating?…while the Ford Center has not seemed to have inspired any business growth, the plans to expand the Tropicana Casino to land combined with a Doubletree Hotel, new housing development and a IU Medical School seems to have inspired some economic activity?…growth has been a long time coming and many taxpayer dollars have been used to incentivize this small growth spurt but the jury is still out on whether or not this really sticks this time or not?…it would be quite positive if all of these small start ups thrive, but we shall see over the next several years if this is lasting or just another head fake like the ones from 2007-2008?

IS IT TRUE that the McCurdy Hotel is finally beginning to look like there may be a spark of life on the horizon?…after eight and a half years of false starts and delusional expectations the old girl looks to be on the verge of actually becoming an apartment building as was promised by the mayor of Evansville in the summer of 2008?…reality is finally beginning to show some kindness to downtown Evansville and the City County Observer is pleased to see this positive activity?

IS IT TRUE that 2017 is shaping up to be a very good year economically for the City of Evansville, the State of Indiana, and the United States of America?  …we hope that the many of millions of dollars that Mayor Winnecke have spent or committed to the overall economic development on Downtown, North Main Street and Haynes Corner Arts District will pay off in the long term?

IS IT TRUE we would like to congratulate the news team at Channel 44 News for scooping the so called established mainstream media by two breaking news stories concerning Councilman Weaver legal problems  and the Icemen move to Florida?  ..we highly recommend that you turn you dial to Channel 44 News for the latest breaking news without the political bias spin?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why former Evansville Mayor and Ivy Tech-Evansville Chancellor Jonathan Wienzapfel hasn’t demanded that the soon to built IU Medical School include Ivy Tech 1,500 Medical Tech schools in their plans?

IS IT TRUE in another bizarre show of idiocy, a group of people in Chicago who think they have concocted a solution that will be successful in getting President Trump to release his tax returns? …the solution that this esteemed group of citizens have come up with is to gather at the Trump Tower on the Chicago River and collectively moon the building? …for those of you who do not recognize the term “moon” that means they are planning on all showing their bare butts to the building at the same time?…it would have been truly entertaining to have been a fly on the wall when this plan was hatched?…someone had to seriously start the conversation on how to smoke our Trump’s tax returns by showing their butts?…our prediction since this is expected to be largely a group of women that teenage boys from miles around will go to Chicago to get a glimpse of nirvana and who knows, they may even grab a few?…in all seriousness, the left is loosing it’s collective mind and proving it more every day?…this mooning stunt has about the same chance of getting the President to release his tax returns as any of us has to fly to the moon tonight and bring home a couple of pounds of green cheese?…it is time for a national look in the mirror and maybe some time on a therapist’s couch?…the people showing their butts and parading around in costumes that look like body parts collectively think President Trump needs therapy?…a great person once said “physician heal yourself” and that is desperately needed in the butt flashing brigade?

FOOTNOTE NOTE: Todays ‘READERS POLL” question is  Are you please with the overall progress of Downtown, North Main Street and Haynes Corner Arts District Evansville?


  1. Perhaps they just want to show what got cleaned the last election or simply to display where America can see where their intelligence resides?

  2. Obama, still not done working with Soros trying to force socialism on the United States:

    When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

    In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.

    He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

  3. As for Chicago, they have been showing their ass for generations, as in the corrupt Daley dynasty. Considering the amount of bullets flying around Chicago nowadays they will be fortunate if someone doesn’t wind up with an additional hole punched in their rear.

  4. “Mooning” Trump Tower in Chicago is a perfect example of the collective mentality of the petulant children comprising today’s Democrat party.
    Trump’s tax return? Why should anyone care if he took advantage of tax laws passed by dems? Personally, I’d be more interested in seeing Meryl Streep’s tax return.

    • DC, thanks to Obama and his leftist soulmates, the Democratic Party is becoming irrelevant. Their true leftist/socialist agenda has been rejected by real Americans. Now the kooks and paid Soros agitators will be on display for all to see.

  5. the butt showing lolllllllllllll…………libs heads are exploding just look at donnie becker posting on this site same ol same ol for the last yr……………..on a serious note the butt showing could get very ugly since most libs cannot wipe their ass unless the government tells them to…………..

  6. Forgot this earlier, I never, ever thought the McCurdy would be rehabbed. It never would have happened with the old ERC that couldn’t run a lemonade stand in a heat wave. They were the geniuses that paid John Dunn’s group $600,000 for a small parking lot. The old ERC had more screw ups than a Tom Crean in-bounds play. Now the McCurdy is no longer the black-eye on the Riverfront. Kudos to those that made it happen. Job well done. The dubious black-eye on the Riverfront award now goes to the old River House, which looks like a flop house that even junkies and rats would avoid.

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