Mayor Winnecke’s Weekend Schedule: Exercise, Cooking Classes, & and a Play are on the Agenda


Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke

News Advisory
Mayor Winnecke’s Weekend Schedule
Saturday, August 18, 2012:

Mayor Lloyd Winnecke will participate in the monthly Fitness in the Park health event tomorrow at Garvin Park from 8 to 10 a.m. Scheduled activities include Zumba for beginners, advanced Zumba, Yoga, a walk along the Pigeon Creek Greenway, a FitKids program, healthy cooking demonstrations and information booths. The next Fitness in the Park will be on Saturday, September 15, at Howell Park from 8 to 10 a.m. In addition to fitness activities, John Scott Foster will conduct Howell Wetland tours. Howell Park is located on the City’s Westside at 1101 S. Barker Ave.

Saturday evening, Mayor Winnecke will tour the Reitz Home Museum for the 20th Annual Mystery Event. This year’s theme is Murder on Slaughter Avenue. Mayor Winnecke and First Lady Carol McClintock will be on the first tour that begins at 5:30 p.m. Guests will be shuttled between Casio Aztar and the Reitz Home Museum. The night’s activities will include a cocktail buffet, plus dinner and dancing at Casino Aztar.


  1. Are you kidding me?

    This isn’t a joke is it?

    If this is for real I must say this is silly!

      • His so called day off sounds jam packed.

        I don’t really care what he is doing. But, if you are going to put out a public notice please include the websites for each event so the public could possibly check it out and maybe attend too.

        I applaud him for trying to live a healthy life as it is not the easy life choice.

  2. Folks at the Civic Center are really getting a laugh out of this.

    They are still can’t believe the Mayors “Go Chicken Fat” video.

    Oh well, at least we have a Mayor that don’t care about making a fool of him self!

    • ” Mayor Winnecke and First Lady Carol McClintock will be on the first tour that begins at 5:30 p.m. Guests will be shuttled between Casio Aztar and the Reitz Home Museum. The night’s activities will include a cocktail buffet, plus dinner and dancing at Casino Aztar.”

      I have a feeling it is going to be a long four years.


  3. Considering its the weekend and kinda his day off get off his case. At least he’s doing something unlike most of us on here who do nothing but b*tch and moan about everything

    • He is Mayor 24/7. He knew that when he campaigned for the job. I had high hopes, but Wennecke is appearing to be the latest installment from the GOB network. We are more than his trash-pickers who need to dance off some chicken fat.

  4. I agree with you notademo. If it is his day off, why is telling what he is doing this weekend? Maybe he is telling us that he doesn’t have a day off and want to prove something to us?

    My point is we cares what he does on his days off.

  5. Ah don’t make fun of our poor little mayor. One of his subordinates wrote this in order to get one of those $10,000 raises after being on the job for only 8 months. They gotta have something to do to make their boss look good!

  6. Let me make sure I’ve got this right…

    1. We can’t build the ball fields project next to the third oldest active ballpark in the U.S AND Don Mattingly’s youth baseball field.

    2. We can’t complete the 2002 master plan for Garvin Park even though it was done by a mayor who was good enough to be picked to be city controller by the current mayor.

    3. We can’t invest in the neighborhoods immediately around Bosse Field that would connect ballpark to arena even though the EPA is sticking a ton of money into housing projects in nearby Jacobsville.

    4. We can’t open up the Gresham House to tourists. Instead we will just give whatever we can find to the museum who won’t even keep a painting and see if the veterans will take the rest of the building off of our hands.


    We can all dance like chickens with yoga training in this same area?

    Our city gov’t is good at rubber stamping things. They need to apply the FAIL rubber stamp to this idea.

  7. Tra-la-la-la-la,just tiptoe thru the tulips,—Fantasy is alive and well in the Center of the Universe for all the “Rulers of Evansville”, AKA ” The lowest bred Aristocracy of any city in the USA”. My how they like to play “Pretend”!

  8. The more I read this kind of stuff about the Mayor, I realize that my vote for Davis was correct!

    Does the Mayor think this is Hollywood instead of Evansville?

    What an Idiot!

    • We lampoon Winnecke for his fitness inititives but Davis if I recall was the one who proposed “Running with the Mayor” weekly jogs with community groups. This is just the same stuff ANY pol would do to keep their name out in the media on positive stories. Cut the guys some slack, both Davis and Winnecke promised to make fitness and obesity a focus. We are a fat city, stop typing and go for a jog!

      • ” We are a fat city, stop typing and go for a jog!” (NotADemo)

        * * * * * * *

        This is why Spencer Tunick avoids Evansville like the plague. I mean, can you IMAGINE what that photo would look like?


  9. * * * * * * * * * * * Mesker Amphitheater * * * * * * * * * * *

    What a novel idea: host outdoor concerts at Mesker Amphitheater.

    Look, lets shoot straight with the public here for a change.

    The zoo is not financially self sustaining. Amazonia was costly to do and costly to maintain and once the newness wore off attendance came down from its peak.

    Whether this move was in the planning at an earlier date and Mesker was allowed to get rundown to make this “merger” look more attractive, we may never know.

    Since both facilities are under the Parks Department the ultimate benefit to the taxpayer would be the same if Mesker was a stand alone facility operating efficiently and hosting entertainment.

    So why does the Zoo want to absorb Mesker Amphitheater? That one is easy, the zoo wishes to bring in additional revenue to help mitigate its annual shortfalls.

    The whole issue revolves around the fact that Amazonia has not been the success the planners thought it would be.

    If combining these two facilities increases revenue, and is the only way to get this city to again statr hosting events at Mesker, then I am for it, but do not try to sell us a bill of goods about where this is coming from.


    • “Like” Speak the truth and it will set you free. Tell lies and you will continue to tell lies.

      I know I would have rather heard the former mayor say….we are building the ford center and demolishing robert’s to bring some possible value to our downtown and I don’t care what anyone thinks….instead we had a song and dance that sounded like dying cats and a samba dance with two left feet. It was the way it was sold to the public that ticked everyone off. We all knew it was time to move on from robert’s.

      I personally cannot wait for USI to build an arena for their basketball team and possible start a football program in the not so distant future, all on campus.

  10. Aug 17, 7:12 PM EDT

    Moody’s: More Calif. cities at risk of bankruptcy

    Associated Press

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — One of the nation’s top credit rating agencies said Friday that it expects more municipal bankruptcies and defaults in California, the nation’s largest issuer of municipal bonds.

    Moody’s Investors Service said in a report that the growing fiscal distress in many California cities was putting bondholders at risk.

    The service announced that it will undertake a wide-ranging review of municipal finances in the nation’s most populous state because of what it sees as a growing threat of insolvency. . . . . . . (more)


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