Todays “READERS POLL” question is” Do you agree with City Councilman Weaver comment that the terms of his protective order is a personal matter?

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  1. Terms of his protective order a personal matter? Maybe. But being charged with a crime is not, and when the matter goes to court (if it does) the terms will be made public.
    Of more concern to Evansville is his, the mayors, and the city councils current and past, spending Evansville into bankruptcy.

    • It’s our understanding that the protective order has been sealed by the Judge.


      • Right. Properly so, in my opinion, given the nature of evidence required to obtain a protective order. However, once the criminal charge is disposed of it seems to me the judge could order the protective order unsealed, or, order it to remain sealed. If he’s found guilty it should be unsealed.

    • “Dallas County Elections Administrator Toni Pippins-Poole said records showed that Ortega had voted a total of five times, most recently in the Republican primary runoff in May 2014”

      Congratulations! Proving once again that the right-wing Republicans are the party that has to resort to cheating to win.

      Drumpf still lost by 3 million votes to Hillary and stole the election. What a loser

      • A lot of dems probably voted in the republican primary to get what they considered a weaker candidate into the general, thinking it would be an easier beat for their party. Voting in a primary doesn’t define your politics.

  2. On the Jonathan Weaver matter, it has been alleged many times that Weaver is a wifebeater. It sounds like he has been married several times, so maybe the one who divorced him first was the one who was allegedly abused, vs. the more recent ex-wife who has the protective order ? I really don’t know. Maybe they were both abused.

    What I do know, is that if Mr. Weaver has any history or pattern of abuse against women, the records should NOT be sealed by the Court. Weaver is widely known to pursue women, a lot of women, and it would seem that by keeping such behavior sealed it puts other women, prospective partners of his, at much greater risk, in my opinion.

    • Questions for the legal eagles: Will the Weaver criminal trial be open to the public? Will he lose his elected job if he is found guilty by the jury? If so, who picks his replacement?

    • I been told that Councilman Weaver was married twice during his first term in office. Its now being alleged that Weaver was married prior to the first two marriages. So this means he has been married 3 times.

      I just heard that he may have just got married to his new baby momma.

      I wonder if he may had a similar problem with his first wife concerning possible alleged domestic abuse. This man apparently is a candidate for some anger management sessions.

  3. She was in our country illegally. She had been arrested and convicted of identity theft. She should have been deported earlier, but the Obama administration turned a blind eye to the law.


    What she failed to recognize is that the new American President said he would enforce the laws, as part of his oath of office, and he is acting as any RESPONSIBLE PRESIDENT should be acting! Barack Obama’s place in history is guaranteed as the WORST PRESIDENT ever to hold the office.

    • right on……………right on……………Press and the next terrorist attack happens and the consequences that follow will be without a doubt all the radical lefts fault…………President Trump Law $ Order………….Common Sence 2017 And Beyond………………Liberalism is without a doubt a Mental Disorder………………………………………………………………..

  4. Does anyone, besides me, find it odd that a manufacturer of condoms is buying a company that the primary product is infant formula?

    • The CEO is cross-eyed.

      Give him a break, he also owns an abortion clinic.


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