McCurdy Renovation Began Today: Power of Publication in Action


First I went to the McCurdy and talked to guy working on the McCurdy. He was joking saying he was the first person to begin the renovations. He was just working on the awnings but said that in about 2 weeks there are going to be about 20 people arriving on the site to begin renovations. He said his grandfather worked on the building back in 1917 when it was first built. He said
they are going to put condos/lofts in there with a grand ballroom at the bottom.

Pictures of Work Getting Done


  1. Finally some improvements! If you are serious about renovation, at least secure the building. Windows still need to be closed and graffiti removed. The historic neigthborhood associations are all very concerned about this beautiful landmark. However, it is not within the boundaries of the Historic Preservatin Area. The Preservation Commission does have the power to place a temporary protective order if the building is ever in danger of demolition. Hopefully, the Kunkel Group will move forward with their plans and secure the future of one of our most historic treasures.

  2. This is good news.

    I hope the tax situation is worked out and this is made into something profitable for the developers.

    To the Editor: who are you crediting for the photos and article? Also, who took the other photos in your previous posts?

      • CCO, Kudos for publishing the pictures of the death by neglect of the McCurdy historic hotel. The CCO has done more for Evansville in its short time than the public will ever know. Thank you for your civic service.

  3. Bull historically yours. When the press exposes wrong and the people unite around the issue then public pressure prevails!

    Thanks CCO for putting the pressure on the new owners and the lazy codes enforcements people to start correcting the problems at the McCurdy.

    Once again, why didn’t the Evansville Courier and Press join the CCO in exposing this issue? Oh. I bet they were to busy helping the Mayor write copy for his new “Chicken Fat Video”!

  4. The article says “He said they are going to put condos/lofts in there with a grand ballroom at the bottom.”

    I have been in the hotel. They have a grand ballroom on the top floor. The only problem with that is the elevators.

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