Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE FEBRUARY 8, 2017



IS IT TRUE that the Board of Commissioners of Vanderburgh County will be attending the City of Evansville/Vanderburgh County Computer Services annual meeting on February 16, 2017 in the Mayor’s Conference room?  …we highly recommend that members of the local mainstream make sure they attend this meeting?

IS IT TRUE that former Evansville Mayor Jonathan Wienzafpel was on local TV recently trying to take credit for all new commercial expansion of Downtown Evansville?  ,,..he was trying convince the viewers because the Ford Center was built under his watch it started major downtown commercial development to happened over the last served years?  ,,,,all we have to say about Mr. Wienzapfel claim is bull? ,,,the bottom line is that the Downtown Commercial Development is happening under the watch of Mayor Winnecke?

IS IT TRUE that the automotive supply plant behind the Eastland Mall known as SRG Industries and was formerly called Guardian Automotive has been acquired by a big international conglomerate that most people are familiar with?…Koch Industries of the famed Koch family that causes Democrats to set their hair on fire are the new owners of Guardian Industries?…that means that Evansville has a Koch Industries owned facility that employees about 700 people making plastic parts and doing electroplating right here in town?…Koch Industries very much like Guardian Industries has been built on the skill and will of a determined and honorable family?…with Guardian Industries it was the late great entrepreneur Bill Davidson who created a privately owned international industrial giant?…Koch Industries is of course run by Charles and David Koch each of whom has a net worth of $52 Billion?…we do not believe the Evansville Koch family that is also quite successful is related to Charles and David Koch?

IS IT TRUE that another Evansville employer is about to be acquired too?…Mead Johnson Nutrition is being courted by Reckitt Benckiser in an all cash deal of $90 per share or $16.7 Billion?…E. Meade Johnson immigrated to Evansville from New Jersey and started this company 102 years ago?…MJN has not been locally owned for some time and relocated it’s headquarters to Chicago roughly 8 years ago to take advantage of the flight availability at O’Hare and the City of Chicago’s attractiveness to professional employees?…in both of these cases, the companies will be in stronger financial situations which makes expansion opportunities more likely and downsizing less likely?

IS IT TRUE while higher education is on our minds, it is impossible to ignore the violence that occurred on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley last Wednesday night?…students gathered to protest a speech that was scheduled to be made by a provocative supporter of President Donald Trump?…it is most ironic that the same student body that fought hard for free speech in the late 1960s has established itself as a place where free speech is oppressed today?…the student protesters were joined by a group of violent thugs wearing black ninja costumes who proceeded to set fires and demolish three retail stores doing $100,000 of damage?…there is no information on whether the ninja clad thugs were students or not?

IS IT TRUE at last Monday night City Council meeting they voted 7-2 to give a preliminary tax abatement phase-in for 5 years to a Eastside Shopping Center?  …if approved this tax abatement means the Shopping Center would get a  property taxes phase-in of 20 percent every year for the next five year? …this tax phase-in may be worth around $80,000 dollars to the Developer?  … Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville has estimated that the economic impact/value of the newly renovated store will be $42 million dollars over the next 10 years?  …this sound similar to the prediction that Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville made during the $200,000 EARTHCARE deal several years ago? … …we found it extremely interesting that Developer of this project told members of Council that the store opening will go forward even if the council doesn’t approve abatement?  …all we can say is “forget the tax credit and go ahead and open the store””?

FOOTNOTE:  Todays ‘Readers Poll”  question is :Do you feel that the Evansville City Council should give a Developer of an existing Eastside Shopping Mall a $80,000 tax credit phase-in so he can renovate it?


  1. Politician Weinzapfel needs to greatly improve his mayoral legacy from Father of the Ford Center money pit and fiscal irresponsible trend-setter before he makes his next political venture. Sorry, Jon, it ain’t happening. You can wear camo, but you still smell the same and we’re not forgetting.

  2. Referring to what takes place in today’s universities as “higher education” is debatable. And it should be noted the President of the University Of California is left wing dem Janet Napolitano, who, as Obama’s Homeland Security Director, presided over Obama’s open border policy that flooded the U S with illegal aliens.
    It’s also interesting to note the speaker being prevented from speaking to the students is homosexual. Doesn’t that make the protesters/rioters homophobes?

    • Anti-free speech and diversity intolerant is the norm for today’s bastions of “higher” education. The old hippies from the radical sixties who are now Democrat politicians in D.C. are delighted their dreams of closed minded campuses are coming to fruition.

    • “I gotta use words when I talk to you” T.S. Eliot. Can we agree that [protesting] is not the same thing as [rioting]? Lets start correcting all the left’s misnomers and get back to the REAL meaning of words. It is high time to straighten out the language from its present twisted state.


    Definition of [ RIOT ]

    a : profligate behavior : debaucheryb : unrestrained revelryc : noise, uproar, or disturbance made by revelers

    a : public violence, tumult, or disorderb : a violent public disorder; specifically : a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intent

  4. In the video on this page the Evansville Courier&Press reporter states that there is “no recorded lease agreement” between the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party and Walker Building Management chairman Ben Kunkel


    This is the building that Kunkel purchased, for less than the price of dinner at your favorite local eatery, during the Weinzapfel administration. Another tenant who moved in the Walker building about that time was the Evansville Bar/attorney Association. I wonder if there is a recorded lease for the the space they occupy?

    I suppose if there are no lease agreements on file that perhaps someone thought the space was being provided gratis, though Lord knows why anyone would think that!

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