Vanderburgh County Commissioners February 7, 2017 Meeting Agenda



Vanderburgh County

Board of Commissioners

February 7, 2017

3:00 pm, Room 301

  • Call to Order
  • Attendance
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Action Items
    1. Continuation of Public Hearing and Final Reading of Vacation Ordinance CO. V-12-16-007: Vacation of 25’ Access Easement on Lot 22 of Wm. Wortman Subdivision, Section 2
    2. Resolution SB 470: Soil & Water Conservation District and Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society
  • Board Appointments 
    1. HVAC
    2. Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals
    3. Advisory Board on Disability Service
  • Department Head Reports
  • New Business
  • Old Business
    1. Commissioners WorkOne Job Fair on March 9, 2017 at Central Library from 5:30-7:30p pm
  • Public Comment
  • Consent Items
    1. Contracts, Agreements and Leases
      1. Superintendent of County Buildings: Old Courthouse Spring Craft Fair Lease Agreement with Kraftwerks, Inc.
      2. County Auditor:
        1. Kronos Renewal Maintenance Service Contract for Vanderburgh County
        2. Arbitrage Rebate Services Engagement Letter with Umbaugh & Associates
      3. Commissioners:
        1. Financial Consulting Engagement Letters with London Witte Group
        2. 2016 Old National Events Plaza Financial Review Contract with Harding Shymanski
      4. County Health Department:
        1. Alere North America Agreement for Afinion A1C Machine
        2. March of Dimes Grant Agreement
      5. Computer Services: Master Lease Agreement with AlphaLaser/United Leasing for the Coroner’s Office
    2. Approval of January 24, 2017 Meeting Minutes
    3. Employment Changes
    4. Road Race Request: 3rd Annual Walk to Remember for Logan’s Promise
    5. County Auditor: Approval of January 2017 Accounts Payable Voucher
    6. Soil & Water Conservation District: January 24th, 2017 Meeting Minutes
    7. Weights and Measures: Monthly Report
    8. County Engineer:
      1. Approval of Four Waiver of Mineral Interest Forms for Green River Road Phase 6
      2. Department Head Report
      3. Claims
    9. Surplus Requests:
      1. Sheriff’s Office: 2005 Crown Victoria for Disposal
      2. Assessor’s Office: 4 Desks
  1. Adjournment