IS IT TRUE August 16, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE August 16, 2012

IS IT TRUE buried in the meeting in which it was decided that Roberts Stadium had to be on the receiving end of the wrecking ball by May 1, 2013 was a couple of adjustments to the refurbishment efforts of the Gresham House?…that the CCO fully supports the refurbishment of the Gresham House to honor the first US serviceman killed in WWI?…when such things are done it is most favorable to return the homes to the most like they were at the time the honorable deed was done?…that in the case of the Gresham House the City of Evansville is discussing moving some of the “most valuable” antiques to the Evansville Museum?…this does violate the spirit of authenticity that should be driving the refurbishment of the Gresham House?…the reason behind such a move may be driven to keep the things of value from being stolen as the crime in Evansville has been rising and unoccupied homes are frequently targeted for theft of valuable things including air conditioner parts and aluminum siding?…it is a sad reflection on Evansville if the antiques in the Gresham House have to be moved to protect them from thieves?…that maybe this refurbishment needs one more change order for a security system to be installed?

IS IT TRUE that after yesterday’s announcement regarding the discovery of an original piece by Pablo Picasso in storage at the Evansville Museum we sort of wonder if the museum has what it takes to protect and display things of very high value?…it has been disclosed that the Evansville Museum has an original and unique piece of art by Picasso that was donated many years ago that has been in permanent storage and never displayed to the public?…some original Picasso pieces have brought over $100 Million at auction?…there is not yet an estimate on the Evansville Picasso but it will certainly be in the millions?…the current plans are to sell this piece of art to a museum that has “the wealth to display and preserve it correctly”?…that selling such a piece may be a gut reaction to a bean counter but to an appreciator of art this is enough to make one want to vomit?

IS IT TRUE that rare art has consistently been one of the highest appreciating investments even in a recession?…big museums like the Met, the Getty, or several others with jump at the chance to buy this at auction but also routinely enter into long term lease agreements for important pieces of art?…the cash stream from a lease on this Picasso could be bonded to complete the upgrades to the Evansville Museum while keeping the wealth of an original Picasso under local ownership?…seeing a Picasso with a plaque on it stating “owned by the Evansville Indiana Museum” may even promote some tourism to Evansville by people of means?…it seems that even our museum can’t seem to manage wealth so soon the proceeds from the sale of this appreciating asset will be traded for a depreciating asset?…the Museum had better keep its guard up if it gets its hands on $100 Million because local elected officials will be wearing the town out trying to find a way to get their hands on that money?

IS IT TRUE that Olympic champion and the world’s fastest man Usain Bolt was asked at the Olympics why he does not race in England more often?…Bolt candidly answered that he tax laws in England are why he will never ever race there?…the tax laws were lifted for the Olympics or many potential Olympians would have refused to compete?…that England taxes the worldwide earnings of athletes in a proportional manner if these athletes compete in England?…in the case of Mr. Bolt who gets paid appearance fees of $250,000 per race but has an endorsement contract worth $7 Million with Nike, running in England would make is Nike earnings subject to British taxes on roughly $1 Million that would cost him just over $500,000 in taxes to earn $250,000 that would in turn trigger another $125,000 in taxes?…that running one race in England would cost Bolt over $500,000 and that this idiotic tax policy costs the people of England the ability to see the fastest man on earth and costs the British government the taxes that could collect on gate receipts, concessions, and travel which would certainly exceed $500,000?…the British tax policies after 236 years are still designed in a way that the world’s best talent will not work there?…the United States, that was formed to escape the British government should take notice of what Britain’s insane tax policy has done for competition on their soil?


  1. What is up with the parse errors that grace the entire right side of my screen 50% of the time when I visit the CCO over the last few weeks? Do other people see these errors also?

  2. So many things to comment upon here…

    First on England’s taxes…yes and yes. I would likely be living and working there right now if not for their insane tax structure. A very large percentage of people there are on the dole, even moreso than in the US.

    A Picasso at the Evansville Museum?!?! What? …and they’re talking about SELLING it!? Holy God. I see the idiocy and shortsightedness doesn’t stop at Evansville politicians. Why on earth would you choose to sell on what might be a perpetual draw for both the Museum AND the City of Evansville? An original Picasso is going to appreciate in value all while attracting visitors. Any costs involved in securing the piece will be easily offset. One other drawback to selling that is not being discussed is how this will affect any future donations. Why would anyone bother to bequeath their priceless work of art to the Museum in the future if they have a reasonable belief that it will not be kept in Evansville to benefit the people you intended it to benefit in the first place? Madness all the way around on this one.

    On the Gresham House… Here is yet another example of a possible tourist draw that will need conservation efforts and will need to be able to stand on its own financially. Maybe a small antique shop in part of the house specializing in militaria would be appropriate and profitable and could help pay for restoration costs. Whatever is done, it should be done privately by someone who will appreciate the historic value of the home because public management would likely muck it up and in a few years’ time we’d end up with more holes in the roof.

  3. I couldn’t agree more with the editor on keeping the objects in the Gresham House and instead invest in a great security system.

    I also agree on your points regarding the Picasso discovery at the museum. Having worked with nonprofit boards for many of my years, it is -as you put it- the bean counters pushing the sell, sell, sell decision. Your loan/lease idea is great and indeed keeps ownership here. Plus, I add that the museum could very likely get a favorable loan against some of the Picasso’s value to help move expansion efforts forward a bit. Monies from loaning the Picasso out to other museum’s around the country could help repay that loan.

    What is wrong with the movers and shakers in this city? From the unique carousel that was across from Mesker amphitheater, to dozens of great historic buildings, and now this rare Picasso find, this city seems to think nothing of letting go all the things that would have (or should I say could have) been highlights of uniqueness for the city. We have certainly earned the nickname ‘Evanspatch’ time and time again.

    Also, the museum board is simply lazy if they can’t, at the very least, shake the proverbial money trees (and there are many of them) in the tri-state to raise enough money for some sort of short term local exhibit of the piece for the people of greater Evansville to have the opportunity to view it before it goes buh-bye forever. lt’s my nonprofit experience that about 20% of any board actually does the work of a board member and the rest serve on the board so they can simply brag to friends, etc, that they serve on the board of so-and-so.

    I have more to say but I need to stop and take some aspirin. This level of idiocy that crops up regularly in this city gives me a headache.

  4. If the city can’t afford to open the Gresham House to visitors (both local and out of town) for tours they ought to sell it to an individual to be used as a private residence. Leaving the home closed to the public is unacceptable.

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