It’s “Christmas in January” for Conservatives
Wayne Allyn Root for Downhill
I predicted Trump would be amazing as president. I predicted his energy and “CAN-DO†attitude would make things happen…fast! I predicted he’d turn around America’s decline…fast. I predicted he’d quickly erase Obama and everything he ever did as president…fast.
But this is ridiculous.
It’s like “Christmas in January” for conservatives. Every day is a new present under the tree…or two, or three, or a half dozen. Trump is Santa Claus…if Santa never slept and worked 365 days a year!
Donald Trump is the Harlem Globetrotters of politics. Trump vs the politicians of Washington DC isn’t even fair. It’s like the Harlem Globetrotters vs. the Washington Generals. Try as they may, the Generals can never win. The Globetrotters run circles around them. The Globetrotters bounce balls off their shoulders, heads, even butts, then shoot long jumpers that go…swoosh.
That’s President Donald Trump. It isn’t even a fair match. The Democrats have no clue what they are up against. Trump will out-smart them, out-hustle them, out-work them, out-maneuver them. Like the poor hapless Washington Generals, they’ve already lost and they don’t even know it.
By the way, it’s not their fault. Politicians just don’t have the brainpower of a brilliant businessman. Any businessman could run circles around any typical politician. But this isn’t just any businessman- it’s Donald J. Trump. He’s a billionaire businessman who outsmarted the biggest and toughest banks in the world when he was in a $4 billion hole.
And these aren’t just any politicians. These are pathetic liberal Democrats who know nothing about business, or negotiating, or competition. Trump vs Democrats is like Barney Fife vs. Godzilla.
Up until now, Ronald Reagan was my favorite president in modern history. But remarkably, Donald Trump has passed my hero Reagan in his first week on the job. If the first week is any indication of things to come, under President Trump every day will be “Christmas for conservatives.”
Trump makes Reagan look like he was standing in quicksand. Trump makes Reagan look like a slacker. Trump makes Reagan look like a liberal (almost). I’m only half-kidding.
It’s only been a week and already my wish list is in place.
Trump withdrew America from the TPP treaty that kills middle class American jobs. Remarkably, even liberal unions applauded.
Trump used Executive orders to give the go-ahead to the long-stalled Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines. America is open for business again (and high-paying middle class jobs).
Trump issued an Executive order starting the funding and construction of “THE WALL.†Liberals heads must be ready to explode.
He also announced the hiring of 10,000 new border agents.
He will soon announce a temporary ban on refugees from Syria and Middle Eastern war zones.
And a ban on visas from dangerous Muslim-majority countries with inadequate screening.
Trump also announced the end of “Sanctuary cities†and the defunding of federal funds for any city that chooses to continue breaking the law. Liberals claimed Trump could never succeed. Really?
Within 24 hours Miami surrendered and agreed to Trump’s terms. The dominoes are all falling.
Trump signed an Executive order freezing the hiring of non-essential federal employees.
Trump issued an Executive order to “ease the burden of Obamacare.†This is the beginning of the end for Obamacare.
Trump said out loud the words “radical Islamic terrorism.†He did it in his inaugural speech- which means Trump did in his first 15 minutes as president what Obama would not do in eight years.
Trump has announced plans to cut 75% of regulations…and “maybe more.†SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT! Pinch me, this must be a dream!
The Trump State Department will begin an immediate review of Obama’s final hour giveaway of $220 million to the Palestinian Authority.
The NY Times reports Trump is preparing Executive orders to drastically reduce funding and America’s involvement in the United Nations and international treaties. Conservatives like me have been waiting our whole lifetimes for this one.
Trump erased all mentions on the White House web site of “climate change.†This made me so happy I walked outside my front door and screamed “VICTORY.”
But Trump wasn’t done with the White House web site. Then he erased all Spanish language from the site. Our site. The site that belongs to the American taxpayer. The White House web site is now “English Only.” See what I mean about Christmas?
Trump has even announced a major investigation into voter fraud. Trump is the first Republican who understands the best defense is a good offense. He’s taking it to the Democrats. He’s putting them on the defensive. And he’s not going to let Democrats win future elections with voter fraud.
Lastly, corporations across the globe have all publicly announced they are bringing jobs and billions of dollars of investment monies back to America because of President Trump. Just in time too. On Friday Obama’s dismal 4th Quarter GDP results were announced. Obama’s economy managed to make even Herbert Hoover look good!
All of this happened in Trump’s first week. Can you imagine what Trump will do starting in his second week?
Can’t fix stupid
President Trump made chuckie shumer cry on camra……………….lollllllllllllllllllllll….great start to the second week of the Administration……..lloollllllllllllllll
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