EFD Combat Challenge Team Sets More Records


Most people spend their weekends relaxing, spending time with their family
or working around the house. For EFD’s Combat Challenge team that would
probably seem boring. Why else would someone strap on 45 lbs. of
tireñghting gear, breath from an air tank and run up 5 flights of stairs
carrying an additional 42 lbs. of tire hose. That’s what a typical weekend is
for George Madison, Adam Brock, Marc Schiele and Joey Jones as they
compete in the Firefighter Combat Challenge. This past weekend “the boys”
went to Lexington Kentucky and competed in 4 categories, medaling in all.

Adam Brock took 1St place in the Open Male Individual event and set an
Indiana state record with a time of 1:30.95 minutes. Adam and teammate
George Madison then won the Tandem Event. Adam and George then added
Marc Schiele to the mix setting another State record and taking a 2nd in the
Individual/Team Event with a 5:15.21. Last but not least Team Captain Joey
Jones joined the trio for the Relay. The fearsome foursome lost in the semi-
finals due to penalties, but placed 3rd overall and broke their own State
record along the way by posting a 1:18.50 in the NCAA-style eliminations.

The Team’s next adventure will probably be the World Championships at
Myrtle Beach this November to compete against the best of the best.

Congratulations to Adam, George, Joey and Marc for a job well done I!