Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Was State Representative Hollie Sullivan out of bounds when she quietly filed a resolution to increase the local income tax without City Council knowledge?

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  1. Before hiking the gas tax the legislature should provide a full accounting for all funds generated by the tax in the last 10 years. Specifically, how much was spent on non-highway projects. Want a bike trail, pay for it with a bike tax. Maybe more importantly, how much went into the general fund? A shortage of funds due to misuse of those funds is not reason to raise taxes.

    • Stop trying to make our legislature do what they’re supposed to do. If you start bringing duty and truth into the mix, we’ll lose 62.5% of our elected government representatives and bureaucrats.

      Wait a minute! Your plan is great!

  2. While the mainstream media whines about the vetting of “refugees” from the ISIS friendly countries, there is a major story that will really offend the leftists, socialists, Obama and Hillary types: Trump is going to help the forgotten persecuted middle-east refugees of the real religion of peace: CHRISTIANS

    “In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network recorded on Thursday, but set to air in full on Sunday, President Trump said Christian refugees have been “horribly treated” and “we are going to help them.” …“Do you know if you were a Christian in Syria it was impossible – or at least very, very tough – to get in to the United States?” he asked. “If you were a Muslim, you could come in. But if you were Christian, it was almost impossible.”…“And the reason that was so unfair, is that everybody was persecuted in all fairness, they were chopping off the heads of everybody, but more so the Christians. I thought it was very, very unfair,” Trump continued. “So we are going to help them.”


    Trump helping Christians, that what a real American President does. Kudos to our President.

    • CNN (Fake News), the talking dead, are having an absolute hissy fit over this reasonable act by President Trump.

    • Explain to me what in the world is going on here Joe.

      Trump signed an EO yesterday banning anyone from 7 countries from entering the U.S. but left out the countries the 9-11 highjackers were from.

      Pence said, “Calls to ban Muslims from entering this country is offensive and unconstitutional.”

      And if national security was the reason behind Trump’s EO, why didn’t he ban New Jersey also since he claimed there were thousands upon thousands of people there cheering the buildings collapsing on 9-11.

      Either answer my question Joe or I’ll find out myself in the National Enquirer….

      • easy answer debbie/reg……….the saudis have a data base of their people the rest do not………………………..the 9-11 highjackers should never have been here let alone taking flying lessons that they only wanted to learn to fly and not how to land…….this all took place while accused rapist little willy was getting blow jobs by a intern………..Law And Order 2017 And Beyond………..President Trump working for the working hard playing hard real Americans the MIDDLE CLASS…………….

        • I figured Joe would send me this link explaining it tommy but I’ll take your word for it instead;


          I always thought the one thing you and I had in common was the out of control national debt but when Trump’s plan added $11.7 trillion to it in ten years and you didn’t seem to care, I guess you became too complicated for me to figure out.

          Anyway, since you posted this on forums constantly for the last 8 years, it now has become my turn since your creepies instead of mine hold all of the cards now;


          In following your lead, I’ll post it with impunity….

          • yep reg I’m with you love that debt clock…………me you and President Trump will without a doubt get this thing under control……………….



    Project Description:
    The Classroom Renovation/Expansion project proposes repurposing 26,000 gross square feet of space on the third floor of the Health Professions Center at the University of Southern Indiana that will be vacated when the Indiana University School of Medicine-Evansville moves to the new downtown Evansville facility planned by the City of Evansville. The project also encloses four corner balconies adjoining the existing space, to add another 4,000 gross square feet to the floor. The proposed use of the space is to expand nursing and health science related offerings of the University, which are operating at capacity, and to support and expand other academic programs. Estimated Request: $8,000,000 – State Funding – State Bonding Authorization Project A.S.F.: 22,200 Anticipated Date of Completion: August 2018 Estimated Change in Annual Operating Budget: $31,800


    Expansion of the BSN program at USI is needed to meet both market and enrollment demand. The vacated medical school space is located on the third floor of the same building in which the College of Nursing and Health Professions is located. Renovation of the space in this facility is uniquely well suited to meet this need.


    Number one capital request for 2015-2017 biennium

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    So this is what passes for strategic thinking nowadays: You have an existing first class facility of 26,000 square feet on a university campus at your disposal that is currently being used as a medical school, and that space can be added to if the need exists.

    So then it is obvious the thing to do is to request $7.3 Million from the State of Indiana to move that school to downtown Evansville, and then request another $8. Million from the State to “refurbish” the 26,000 square foot space you just vacated at the university.

    Nothing of a political nature going on here. Move along, move along.

    • That is $15.3 Million in tax dollars that the University of Southern Indiana has eaten up just to promote downtown Evansville. This does not include the bonds that will be issued by the City of Evansville for the Same project, nor does it include the taxpayer money that Indiana University has pledged to the project.

  4. Early in the IU Med School discussion it came to light that State Law required any new IU Med School in Southern Indiana be located on campus at USI. Shoulders said not to worry. Becker took care of that little glitch?
    Result: taxpayers on the hook for $60,000,000 + interest, plus another $15,300,000 to move and improve. Money is no object to politicians when it isn’t theirs.

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