Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Should Indiana allow children with a form of epilepsy have access to CBD (Hemp OIL) legally?

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  1. Yes, we need to shift through the disinformation regarding cannabis. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantage. Let’s look at it this way; we medically treat with substances that are highly addictive. Why are withholding this substance?

  2. Instead of pointing out how the reality TV Trump President is already being investigated by his OWN Republican Congress (United States Senate Investigations, in process for God’s sake) for election collusion with Communist Russia, BEFORE he even takes office….

    ….I’m gonna give you guys a break today.

    Yep. I’m gonna give you some room to change the subject.
    Make sure all of your posts today include the words “Obama” and “Hillary.”

    Enjoy. Talk about old stuff all you want. Get pissy, and cry, and whine…cause I keep talking about stuff that’s actually happening today… Remember, key words, “Obama” and “Hillary.”

      • Amazing. Last Sunday evening when the Griants were playing the Packers the FBI releases 300 emails that Clinton sents from her insecure server to A private individual with arks on the emails stating TOP SECRET. And the FBI confirmed that Russia, China and Israel hack her. And Decker is soooo sad that she was not elected. Nitwittery!!!!

        • Decker may not like skanks that walk in on naked girls and have to pay $25 million walla to their fellow Americans because of fraud dic but obviously you do.

          Or maybe not.

          Will you admit who you voted for Arnald?….

          • I did not vote for either of those clowns. What choices . . an individual who intentionally gave away our top secrets in exchange for loot ..or a Game show host ..

          • Well I voted for Hillary because she lied 28% of the time compared to Trump’s 76%.

            But what you did is way more impressive.

            Sorry I challenged your judgment….

    • The other kids on the playground ignore him and so should we until he shows some maturity.

  3. Gloom, despair, and agony on me. Deep dark depression, excessive misery. If it wasn’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all. Gloom, despair, and agony on me.


    WARNING: Video not suitable for impressionable young children.

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