Let us know today how you would like to start your New Year.

Todays “READERS POLL” question is: How do you rate the 2016 performance of the Vanderburgh County Council ?

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City County Observer has been serving our community for 16 years.

FOOTNOTES: Todays “READERS POLL” question is :How do you rate the 2016 performance of the Vanderburgh County Council ?



  1. Obama, Hillary and Mr. Becker have convinced themselves that Trump won because of Ruskie hacks of the DNC. In reality, here is why Trump won: American jobs.

    “Ford Motor Company on Tuesday announced plans to cancel the building of a $1.3 billion plant in Mexico and instead invest $700 million in a Michigan assembly plant, directly tying the decision to “pro-growth policies” championed by President-elect Donald Trump.”


    • Hey Joe ..If old Hilliary would have followed her husband’s lead and focused on the economy and less on transgender bathrooms and used the term, “it’s the economy stupid” well she even with her baggage may have been elected.

      Ha! You are so scared Communist Russia hacked to help Trump you STILL have to talk about Hillary? Ain’t the election over? For months now?
      You OUGHTA be embarrassed Joe. More than that, you OUGHTA be afraid UN Intelligence Officials (and their GOP Congressional funders) fighting back the Ruskies are also seeing Roger Stone and his other Trump cronies knew about it.
      Trump won. He’s the President. (…w/ grave problems and enemies who are very, very close to him, a/k/a the Republican Congress.

      Do you job, boys. Communist Russia tried to help Trump.
      Maybe it worked. Maybe it didn’t. Maybe he won on his own.
      Does that really matter? No Sir. It does not.
      What matters is “Communist Russia tried to help Trump.” NO-ONE is walking away from THAT shiny object.

    • Figured I might as well get with the program Joe and start reading your news sources the next 4 years but have to ask, why haven’t you posted this short article?


      By the way bro, I ordered one of the hats with the truck on it in the upper right hand corner.

      Got to support what’s popular now-a-days don’t cha know.

      Anybody heard from tommy?….

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