IS IT TRUE that once upon a time an author by the name of Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book about the point where something is bound to happen?…that Gladwell named his book “The Tipping Point” using one of the many names given to point of no return scenarios?…that 2016 seems to have been a “Tipping Point” year for the United States of America, and that the event that is the signature of the “Tipping Point” came in the early morning of November 9, 2016 when it became apparent that New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump had been elected by the people of this great country to be the next President of the United States of America?…we predict that this election was not only the most revealing political event of 2016 but also of the last 100 years or more?

IS IT TRUE  there was no one thing that led to the election of a political novice like Mr. trump to the presidency?…the singular things that influenced the “Tipping Point” included NAFTA, the stock market crash of 2000, the rise of terrorism within our borders, the housing crisis, ObamaCare, a rising murder rate in America’s large cities, civil disorder, and of course a slowly falling lifestyle among grass roots middle class Americans?…the Russians and the FBI both of which have been the target of blame based pointing for Hillary Clinton’s improbable loss really had little to do with the outcome of the election?…there will be a time in 2017 when her supporters come to grip with the reality that is was life in these United States and not a babbling hoard,of Russian hackers that provided the fodder needed by a very astute man named Donald Trump to mobilize the discontent of the new century to win a term in the White House?

IS IT TRUE whether we like or dislike Mr. Trump that he will soon be President Trump with all of the power and responsibility reserved for that office alone?…as with all of our Presidents, when they do a good job, the American people are better off?…the time is now to face that reality and to encourage our new president to make things happen that will benefit us all?…tipping points are sometimes beneficial and sometimes lead chaos like we have seen in Venezuela during 2016?…we hope to see a better America in 2020 from both an economic and freedom perspective?


  1. Editor, can you write a more idiotic column?

    This idea, PREPOSTEROUSLY promoted by Trump fans (and it appears that the CCO Editor is a fan of the reality TV Star too)…..that the United States intelligence agencies defending the United States against RUSSIA, are all throwback to the election Hillary Clinton supporters…..IS FREAKIN’ IDIOTIC.

    Editor (and Breitbart reading Trump fans) would have you believe these agencies battling hacking efforts in the United States by Communist Russia….are NOT PATRIOTS doing their job, but instead Hillary supporters?:
    a..The US National Security Agency (the NSA)
    b. The US Central Intelligence Agency (the CIA)
    c. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (the FBI)

    That dog don’t hunt. You look stupid. Time to stop being so insecure about Trump beating the worst US Presidential candidate in history, Hillary Clinton……..AND BE AN AMERICAN.

    Oh, I’m wrong? The NSA, the CIA and the FBI really are feckless political hacks for Hillary?

    Wrong. This is the WALL STREET JOURNAL…’s front page:

    WSJ, Friday, December 30:
    US Congressional leaders from Mr. Trump’s own Republican Party endorsed the sanctions imposed by Mr. Obama, and two influential GOP senators, John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, say they will push for even harsher measures. Lawmakers seem determined to hold hearings to investigate Russian hacking, potentially tipping U.S. public opinion more decisively against a Russian leadership that Mr. Trump is courting.”

    Conservative Wall Street Journal and the Republican Party……not exactly Hillary supporters folks.
    You look weak, stupid and insecure posting this puke.

  2. The Russians did not defeat Hillary Clinton at the polls, Hillary Clinton is solely responsible for her own defeat. But the DNC and Barack Obama felt it incumbent upon them to do something to mitigate the damage to their defeated party, in an effort to stay viable for future elections.

    That is what this flurry of closings of Russian diplomatic facilities, and the expulsion of the Russians who worked there, is all about. If President Obama was aware of this alleged Russian meddling, then why didn’t he do something about it before the actual election instead of waiting until 3 weeks before he leaves office?

    This is a desperate move on the part of the DNC and President Obama. It is designed to leave an unproven allegation about the election for the history books so they can point to it in the future as fact. They are willing to risk further damaging U.S. and Russian relations at a time when the people of this country want IMPROVED relations with Russia.

    I guess this incident is a fitting final moment for this terrible president who has acted more like a dictator than a president for the entire 8 years he has been in office. I am so looking forward to 2017!

    • Oh Pressanykey:
      ,… forgot to point out that the Republican Congressional leaders, the NSA, the CIA and the FBI have all come to the same conclusion about Communist Russian hacking.

      So Press (and feckless disaffected, who is afraid to even acknowledge the problem, JoeBiden too)…..why would you do something so IDIOTIC as call the US American Intelligence community Hillary supporters?
      Here is why:
      1. EMBARRASSMENT that Communist Russia was out to help Trump. It’s embarrassing as hell. “Russia helped.” That’s like the mark of Cain for a President. It’s embarrassing.
      2. FEAR that some of Trump’s minions (like Trump political hack Roger Stone) are gonna be found to have engaged with Russian operatives in some way. FEAR that might be discovered….Maybe Trump wasn’t personally involved, but don’t think for a second such a thing will be dismissed.

      It’s early. This is not going away. Those REPUBLICAN Senators? They are intelligence veterans. They’ve seen the files. The Intelligence community is sharing it ALL with them.

      But you guys keep wanting to talk about Hillary Clinton when the election has been over for months. You keep bringing Hillary up……cause you are EMBARRASSED and AFRAID of what might be coming.

      This is simple. You hope this goes away, you are afraid to talk about it…but it AIN’T GOING AWAY.

  3. I might add…………not a peep about barry soetoro obama using a pseudonym to contact hills secret server…………..if the ruskies did anything the snot nose punk soetoro and the sick bitch clinton should be in jail and the key thrown away………………………………..

  4. I cannot wait to watch Trump fall flat on his face. He won’t make it 4 years.

    His voters will be the ones to suffer under his rule, but they will have their heads so far up his *** they won’t realize it.

    • ….there are several of those in here.

      You know why I like Al Sharpie? Ole Al don’t give a hoot. He’s not a pretender like Pressanykey, and ESPECIALLY the totally fake DISAFFECTED (who bragged in here he didn’t vote for Trump, then the next day attacks those who didn’t vote for him either. Worm.).

      Al just cops to it. He doesn’t like ANY people of color, and thinks the vote should be taken back away from women. Al is real. Good for him. (An ass, but hey, he’s real.)

      • tommy is more than real Becker. In all the years we’ve competed on these forums, he’s never wavered from his core beliefs. Never. I totally disagree with his beliefs but then what the Hell, am I so arrogant to expect him to succumb to mine?

        al sharpie and his gang won hands down this time Becker and in 8 years if we are losing 700,000 jobs a month they will fight tooth and nail to keep someone like Obama from presiding over 15 million being created the next 8 years.

        Russia – If Lindsey Graham is to believed, 99 US Senators out of a hundred are in favor of multiple investigations about the Trump-Putin election love affair.

        Personally I don’t believe Putin had anything to do with it. My hunch is Rosie O’Donnell is behind all of this hoopla but this link seems rather legit so I think I’ll show it;

        Notice it’s not a RT or Russia Today link I used to see on here from “real Americans” folks?

        Take Notice….

  5. sounds like fedup is about to be unfed when his free stuff is cut off…………hint get a job………..

  6. Good editorial. Looks like Obama decided to reboot the cold war. He is about to be taught a lesson by Putin. Thank God Trump is in the green room and about to step on stage.

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