IS IT TRUE August 8, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE August 8, 2012

IS IT TRUE Donald Trump was on TV yesterday offering a solution to the demands of the Obama campaign for the release of more of Mitt Romney’s tax records?…what the Donald has previously stated that he would like for the American people to see are the college records and passport records of President Obama?…that these records are at this point sealed?…Trump has proposed that Mitt Romney release some more tax returns in exchange for the release of the college transcripts and applications of President Obama along with his passport records?…that until both of these candidates give up the forbidden goods pure speculation like the recent rumor mongering of Nevada Senator Harry Reid on the Senate floor and the senseless howling of the birthers will continue?…that birthers will be birthers and that flying saucers always seem to visit earth in trailer parks but for a sitting US Senator to pontificate and speculate like birthers and alien abductees is an insult to the American people?…that we hope that Mitt Romney and President Obama heed the Donald’s wishes and release the forbidden documents?

IS IT TRUE that five companies submitted their qualifications to the Evansville Department of Metropolitan Development to build a hotel in Downtown Evansville?…all five of these companies are from out of town?…the companies are Acquest Development of Buffalo, N.Y.; Corporex of Covington, Ky.; HCW of Branson, Mo.; Gatehouse Capital Corp. of Dallas; and Swerdling & Associates of Denver?…that the name of Corporex has shown up in the 4 year and counting downtown Convention Hotel saga before?…that Corporex was one of the development partners in the proposal submitted by Prime Lodging LLC last year when the Weinzapfel Administration dropped the ball on the hotel project?

IS IT TRUE the sparkling new YUM Center in Downtown Louisville has raided the reserve account established for repairs to pay the bond payments due from the stadium construction?…that YUM Center has only been open for 20 months and was on the verge of missing scheduled payments due to a shortfall of taxes earmarked to cover the bond payments?…the YUM Center is home to the Louisville Cardinals men’s and women’s basketball teams that are both ranked 2nd in the nation for attendance?…just those two teams drew well over a half a million fans last season and in only two seasons have drawn over 1 Million fans?…if the YUM Center is having trouble paying its bills with tenants like the UL Cardinals that the Evansville City Controller needs to start doing some analysis right now on what is expected in tax revenue slated to cover the Ford Center bonds in its second year of operation?…Louisville actually had $3 Million in a reserve account and we are quite interested to learn if Evansville has such a rainy day fund if the TIF collections don’t measure up to expectations?

IS IT TRUE that speaking of the Ford Center, we were really surprised to be directed to a youtube video of the Ford Center staff do the Mayor’s Chicken Fat exercise video inside of the Ford Center?…as amusing as this growing series of copycat videos can be one must wonder if these people have any real work to do?…this video cost some money to make and that it was filmed before a crowd of paying customers that appeared to number exactly ZERO?…this newest Chicken Fat video is a mockery of serious people that call Evansville home?…this video underscores just how much like Pleasure Island where Pinocchio and his delinquent friends went to be turned into a jackass that the leadership of Evansville has inspired others to be?

IS IT TRUE that there are already some folks speculating at who the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of SW Indiana may approach to fill the shoes of Matt Meadors when he heads down to Waco, TX?…that the CCO invites serious nominations in our comment section?…that we may not be able to find a company to develop and operate a downtown Convention Hotel in Evansville buy it is possible that a good candidate to replace Matt is already living here in River City?

IS IT TRUE elected officials met in a joint meeting to discussion common shared budget issues?…that all nine Evansville City Council attended this extremely important gathering and stayed the entire meeting?…that County Council members missing in action were , Jim Raben, Tom Shelter and Mike Goebel?…that the Ed Bassemier, Angela Koehler Lindsey, Stephanie Terry all left this important budgetary meeting early?…that the only County Council member left to conduct the people business was Pete Swaim? …it is important for the CCO to point out that the following County Council members up for re-election this upcoming November are; Mike Goebel, Ed Bassemier and Angela Koehler Lindsey?

IS IT TRUE that one of the key front men for Yes-Unification of of City-County government campaign is County Commissioner is Joe Kiefer?…that word on the political street is that Mr. Kiefer has hurt his chances of receiving a large complimentary vote in this coming November election? …that that political wisdom suggest that Mr. Kiefer had nothing to gain but everything to lose by taking sides on this extremely divisive issue?


  1. The Ford Center employee “Chicken Fat” video is stupid!

    The Ford Center employees need to spend more time and effort to attract quaility events to the Ford Center so us taxpayers can retire $129 million dollar bond note off in a reasonable time.

    Oh, I wonder if the firm that runs the Ford Center ever paid back to the city the $75,000 set up loan that the past Mayor fronted to them?

      • Then we should soon know if pride is something that can be taught to the portly population of Evansville.

        Mayor Winnecke in all honesty is doing a fantastic job of setting a good example for civic pride and healthy living. I hope it works but would not bet any money on positive long term results.

  2. Get ready Evansville taxpayers because the Ford Center is getting ready to have the same financial problems now being experienced by the YUM Center in Louisville.

    Employees doing useless and non productive things causes the businees to become less profitable!

    Now this issue speaks for itself and does not need a “Chicken Fat “video!

    The “Chicken Fat” video done by the Ford Center employees is not only shameful but stupid!

  3. Many of my friends living in the county and city of Evansville alike shall never support Joe Kiefer and Sheriff, Eric Willaims for any future elected offices because of their public stance for “Unification of Vanderburgh County”.

    What really makes us mad about Kiefer stance is he keep quiet until he found out that he would be unopposed. What a political scam artist!

  4. Many of my “No Unification” of Vanderburgh supporters are hoping that County Commissioner, Marsha Abell will come out in support of this issue. If she does,this means that the people of 4th ward in Evansville shall vote against this issue because of the way she has mistreated HRC Director, Diane Clements.

    Like it or not, the people of the 4th political ward and members of the gay and lesbian community love HRC Director, Diane Clements.

    • About as much as we like Connie Robinson. Diane Clements gets paid to do what she does so that puts questions on her credibility. The HRC is just one of the purposeless city/county jobs that needs to be eliminated. I seriously doubt the gay/lesbian/african american community voting preferrence includes a republican candidate, so Marsha is safe.

  5. Thanks God Marsha Abell’s political career will finally be over after this term.

    She has really proved to be a self serving and a two face politican.

    What really upsets me is that I heard she hired her step son to head a county funded agency. How’s that for political patronage?

    Bottom line, I’m sorry I supported her in the last election!

  6. Vote against Mike Goebel, Ed Bassemier and Angela Koehler Lindsey for re-election to the Vanderburgh County Council because they are not doing the people’s business when the miss or leave important budget meeting.

    • I agree with the vote against Goebel he is a self serving individual who only thinks of himself and runs on his name only not on his accomplishments as an elected official. If he doesn’t have time for the job why does he run? The answer is because he can. Ask yourself this question if you are a Democrat when was the last time you saw Mike Goebel helping another Democrat candidate in their bid for election even though many of them worked for him in his failed run for a state seat. The answer is never, because there is nothing in it for him. Enough said, vote for anyone but Goebel.

  7. Disagree. Mr. Lindsey has been doing a very good job. In fact Mr. McGinn and Mr. Lindsey have done a very good job for the taxpayers. I hope they keep this up.

  8. Yes indeed Al Lindsay is doing a great job ( much better then that BJ Mosby ) ever did ,they are not referring about mr Lindsay but some lady named Angela Koehler Lindsey , if I’m mistaken some one please correct me

  9. Oh, I got it. Angela Koehler Lindsey was the lady that openly cryed during Evansville City Council meetings.

    Don’t you just like stable and non-emotional leadership?

    I do and thats why I’m not voting for this Lindsey woman in November.

  10. Thanks for the national issues comments in Is It True. My cynical view is that President Obama applied as a foreign student, got into Columbia and Harvard because of foreign minority status and had mediocre grades at Occidental. I base that on his habit of embellishing everything and on his limited knowledge of things he should have learned in college. He would have been a perfect USI student.

    I also believe that Romney hire the right team to make sure he paid as little as possible when it comes to taxes for his entire life. Who the hell hasn’t avoided taxes within the law. Romney would have to be a fool to pay what he does not owe.

    Neither the President’s records nor Romney’s tax returns will change my decision on who to vote for. I will close my eyes, hold my nose and vote for Romney. Obama is way over his head. Romney may be too but this country needs a different course of action and to refocus on private sector success. The government is not the solution, but Obama thinks it is so lets put him on the speaking circuit so he can learn what being a 1%er is all about.

    • Taxes ARE what you owe. Getting out of them is called Tax EVASION. Hiring people to avoid paying taxes are the only long term jobs Romney has ever created

      • You are full of crap. Hiring an accountant or 10 to pay the least possible taxes within the laws is your right under the constitution. Evasion is for criminal activity like making cash money on the side and not turning it in like many loyal Democrats in Evansville do every day.

        Romney could create more real jobs this weekend than Obama could if he tried for 50 years.

        • Can’t believe that Vanderburgh County Commissioner Marsha Abell hired her own step son to be a Director of a County funded agency.

          Was this position ever advertised? Did her step son have the right education for this alledged non-political position? What is the starting salary for this position? When shall this county supported agency come before Marsha Abell, Melcher and Kiefer for budget review?

      • You obviously suffering from severe Income envy, with a huge dose of STUPIDITY to make such a statement like that. The IRS has rules and if you follow those rules you are entitled to save on any/all taxes. Quit being so envious of others success. Look at the record of Bain before opening your mouth(keyboard in this case) and removing any doubt of just how much of a fool you are.

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