Readers Forum December 27, 2016



Todays “READERS POLL” question is: How do you rank the  City Councils job performance in 2016?

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FOOTNOTES: Todays “READERS POLL” question is :How do you rank the Vanderburgh City Councils job performance in 2016?

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  1. Like I said, this is not going away. You guys elected a reality TV star, so this is what you got…

    The Wall Street Journal today:
    “Donald Trump has a past that makes him a highly unusual and problematic partner for a U.S. president, The Wall Street Journal has found. Trump is linked with the Mkhedrioni, the now-outlawed Russian militia that thrived in the lawless early years of independence, according to Georgian media reports and two former members of the group. In recent weeks, the Trump organization has backed away from a partnership with links to an executive tied to the outlawed Georgian militia and a financial-crimes investigation, it has moved to extricate itself from problematic development contracts and settled several high-profile lawsuits.”

    • (…..this is another version of Joe saying “….will somebody put this fire out so I don’t have to talk about it.”)

      This is not going away Joe.

  2. Maybe the reason we got Trump is the Demo Party thanks to Schulz & Co. manipulated the super delegates against Bernie. Joe Biden said so superbly that the they did not listen to the working class voter .. people like those who worked at Alcoa, etc. Hell, Hilliary didn’t even campaign in WI and not until she realized that the Blue curtail was in jeopardy did she campaign in MI. As reported, Bill was so upset with Meeks, Podesta, and Hilliary that he threw his cell phone into the Arkansas River after a heated conversation with Hilliary. As such, we have Trump ..

  3. I realize that a lot of people are scared of change. On election day the media reported that Mrs Clinton had a large lead according to the polls. THEY WERE WRONG !!. Now my fellow citizens are wanting either safe places or to riot during his inauguration. We ,the voters, no matter what party, need to show the world that even though we have different beliefs we are Americans First. That no matter what we support and defend the constitution. We will get through the next 4 years (or 8 hrs) without overthrowing the government.

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