IS IT TRUE we are completely stunned with the results of our most recent “READERS POLL”?   …the poll question was “Do you support members of our local law enforcement”?  …1,054 CCO readers voted on this poll question?  …1,013voted “YES” and a mere 41 people voted “NO”? …we are very appreciative to learn that around 96% of the CCO readers are extremely supportive of our “First Responders”?

IS IT TRUE tomorrow evening the top leadership position of the local FOP will be changing?  … we expect an extremely close vote for President? …D J Thompson and Chuck Knoll are the announced candidates for FOP President and either one would do an outstanding job in this position?

IS IT TRUE we are told that the unexpected financial shortfall for City of Evansville Employees Healthcare fund for November 15, 2016 to December 31, 2016 may be around 1 1/2 million dollars?

IS IT TRUE we wonder how will the City of Evansville get the additional money to pay the many millions of dollars stilled owed to City employee Healthcare Fund for 2016?

IS IT TRUE where will the City of Evansville get the money to make up the Riverboat Fund and the Water and Sewer Utilities Department advaancements used to pay medical bills for 2016?

IS IT TRUE we are told that 2017 budget year will be a financial disaster for the City of Evansville? …get ready for cross the board tax hikes this coming year?

IS IT TRUE we were told that the real reason why the city didn’t convince the 2017 Jehovah Witness National Convention to stay at the new Downtown Hotel was because of economics?  …we heard that the Hotel marketing people attempted to get around $155 to $175 per room from people attending this Convention in which the church leadership quickly rejected?  ,,,it looks like Vanderburgh County Convention and Visitors Chief Bob Warren better start sharping his pencil if he wants to make the new downtown hotel competitive?

IS IT TRUE we are told that a couple of individuals are concerned about the poor attendence at the Evansville Thunderbolt Hockey home games?  …we hear they may requests the owner of the Evansville Thunderbolts and Venuworks to present them with a detailed statements concerning how much they are paying the city to lease the Ford Center?

IS IT TRUE  local attorney Scott Danks continues to be the front runner to be elected the next Chairman of the Vanderburgh County Democratic party?  …if he decides to run and wins he shall make one “heck’ of a party Chairman?

FOOTNOTE:  Todays “READERS POLL” question is :How do you rank the Vanderburgh County Commission job performance in 2016?


  1. It would be interesting to know the reasons why 41 people don’t support our local law enforcement members.

    • You can find 41 people who won’t support Mother Theresa efforts to take in orphans.

      • disaffected, as usual, makes pithy worthless comments he hopes makes him look wise
        It always fails, cause he’s a mile wide and an inch deep.
        Thanks Joe.

  2. Editor, is the expected financial shortfall on medical claims, $ 1.5 Million, the amount on top of what was still left (around $ 4.2 Million) ? So, will the pile of bills be $ 5.7 Million tall at 12-31 ?

    • Line

      The answer is yes! The new figure is $5.7 at the end of the year.

      I wonder how the City will come with the additional money to pay off the $5.7 for 2016.

      The City better get ready for another major financial shortfall of many more million of dollars of Health claims for 2017.

      When in the world will our city officials realize they are in a major financial free fall.


  3. The $100 per night resistance level for downtown hotel rooms was pointed out in the CCO 6 years ago. The economic reality has not changed since then. Thinking that adding 240 rooms will have any impact on retaining a 7,000 person convention is silly. It is the little conventions like the quilters that the hotel may help attract.

  4. City lacks reserves for self insurance

    In the Sunday, 12/11/2016 C&P, the City administration defended its practice of using self-insurance for medical claims, citing a separate insurance policy which limits exposure on a single claim to $ 500,000. In a previous article, the City indicated it was “having a bad year” regarding claims, citing $ 7,000,000 incurred by 16 people. That works out to $ 437,000 per person. The City got what was expected given a too high $ 500,000 cap. Only a company with ample cash reserves can set a specific stop loss attachment point that high. Likewise, numerous articles have addressed the “deficit” of unpaid medical bills. The City apparently does not carry an aggregate stop loss insurance policy, which would have capped its overall cost of all medical claims, and may have prevented the unpaid bills. Only an entity with deep cash reserves can afford to not have aggregate stop loss on a self-insured plan. Indeed, the present situation of millions in unpaid claims is proof that the overall expense must have some upper cap if deep cash reserves are not available.

    • I thought the bean counter in the controller’s office was supposed to be on top of all of this. How long is this nonsense going to be allowed to go on?

  5. If the results of your law enforcement poll aren’t skewed due to the fact that they were taken from an unrepresentative sample of the citizens of Evansville, or that people can vote more than once, or better yet, because they weren’t take from a sample of a more rational, less redneck, less ignorant sample of the national population, then why has the Police chief stated he is going to fire these officers ?

    Furthermore, explain to me why a police officer sticks his hands into a man’s pocket, and then claims that the man ‘stuck him’ and deems it reasonable to beat the hell out him while he is in handcuffs ? And don’t say Healy clearly stated he did not have a syringe in his pocket because I have seen the video There is no way that the majority of U.S. citizens would not look at that video and not be appalled…….but they’re not a bunch of ignorant, Evansville rednecks.

    The fact that you block the comments from so many opposing viewpoints makes a huge statement about how biased and unfair this website has become. The fact that you will not print this comment shows what a biased bunch of weirdo-cowards you are.

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