By Susan Stamper Brown

Global warming activists won’t be satisfied until the Earth freezes over and nothing survives.

They relentlessly use obnoxious pictures of polar bears floating on melting sea ice to guilt people into believing we’re to blame. They chose the wrong animal as their “poster child.” Polar bears aren’t cuddly little snowballs who sip on colas all day and use a hunting rifle to compassionately put their prey out of misery when it’s snack time. Instead, polar bears use ambush tactics and sharp claws and teeth to feast on cute little seals they sometimes eat alive while kicking and screaming. They also snack on whales activists claim they want to save.

Watching former Vice President Al Gore waddle his way around Trump Tower the other day reminded me about how long this guilting’s been going on. For decades now, we’ve been told that computer models predict that a catastrophic ice-free Arctic Ocean is around the bend. In 2009, Gore said some computer models suggest “there is a 75 percent chance that the entire North Polar ice cap during some of the summer months could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.”

Umm, didn’t happen. It seems the computer models were 75 percent incorrect. Maybe they were the same ones used to predict Brexit and the 2016 presidential election. Whatever the case, we’re told it’s “settled science.” I thought scientists were skeptics who settled on the idea that true science is never settled.

Sure, the U.S. ended November on a warm note, but the crazy-cold minus 40 degrees weather my state just sent south will surely make this month a December to remember. You’re welcome.

About now, a little global warming sounds nice as I dream of white sandy beaches, not the white Christmas outside my window.

Alarmists practically lose their minds when it warms in Alaska like it did this summer, but it wasn’t bikini weather, considering in June, the Coast Guard had to rescue some walrus hunters from their skiff stuck in sea ice. Thankfully, it warmed enough to make the early June king salmon run one of the best runs in years, which, in turn, helped the bears.

Researchers say the two very cold and wet years of 2008 through 2010 messed up salmon runs and berry season, causing a decline in Kodiak Brown bears. This year was better. The Juneau Empire reports the bear cub population increased because warmer temperatures gave bears the blessing of early and abundant salmon runs and berry crops.

The warmth helped our declining caribou population. Predation rates rise when caribou make it to spring looking like a bag of bones because their food source is scarce. Alarmists freak out over longer summers and shorter winters which give caribou extra time for easier eating. Biologists say the caribou they examined this fall looked fatter and healthier than previous years and calves were the heaviest they’ve been in the eight years they’ve been weighing them, which gives them a better chance of survival this winter, which is trending colder.

Oh, about those polar bears. An intriguing article, “The truth about polar bears,” in Canadian Geographic says there’s been a “slow but steady increase” in the polar bear population since the 1970s. It says some thriving polar bears “have experienced ice-free summers for thousands of years” while others deal with “pack ice so thick that it’s often impossible” to hunt seals, so warming “could potentially make hunting easier.” In Davis Strait, where sea ice is “declining dramatically,” the polar bear population “is an eye-popping 233 percent bigger” than 40 years ago.

So, what gives?

What if man has no control over what happens on the planet but the God who created it does? I believe he’s the one that causes occasional warming to help his animals survive. Maybe it’s time for alarmists to chill, stop guilting and trust God more.


    • God must really love poor ole Stamper then. She’s one his dumbest creations. These people can actually convince themselves of anything.

  1. Uh, you do realize that scientists are also telling us that we’re ( that’s the earth) at the end of the lastest major ice age and the warming occurring is,just the normal trend that occurs cyclically? Stick around long enounh and we’ll start cooling down and freezing over again.

    • 94% of scientist and 200 countries believe you have the proper moniker HotMama if you are unwilling to wise up.

      Rex Tillerson, (ever heard of him), believes climate change is manmade.

      Look it up.

      Believe me 100% and beyond….

      • Don’t worry, I do believe man is responsible for adding to the issue. Man is a contributor. And we should all be doing out part to protect this planet and it’s envirnonment; reducing pollution, switching to renewable energy sources, better planning of population growth, etc. But man is NOT the chief proponent. This planet will long be around after mankind has evaporated and then this orb will disappear like many others when our star morhs into a red dwarf.

      • 99% of scientists and every country in the world believed the world was flat….in 1450.

        Socrates, (ever heard of him), believed the world was flat.

        Look it up.

        My facts are provable, yours not so much. Believe me 100% and there’s nothing beyond….

        • Every one of the 3 facts I stated above fected are provable. Instead of resorting back to 1450, tell me which of the three isn’t.

          2012: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” – Trump

          Recently: “I think there is some connectivity” between humans and climate change. – Trump

          I doubt anyone would bicker with your second post HotMama, other than disaffected who seems stuck in 1450 that is.

          Hell even Trump moved on from there. Bigly….

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