Todays “READERS POLL” question is:  Should City Council approve an ordinance change that will allow a Deputy Mayor to be appointed acting Mayor in case something happens to the Mayor?

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  1. This City Council, if they pass this non-sense will have proven beyond any doubt that independence and objectivity is nonexistent. What was the first thing the Council Crowns did? Repealed the Separation of Funds ordinance ..and what did we see ..the hospitalization fund negative by $7.5 million ..mounting medical bills and other vendor bills ..a deputy mayor is NOT elected by the people ..they have Sinister Scheafer in mind ..remember the dude over at the Chamber of Commerce that attempted the clandestine operation to oust Matt the Director ..of course, we have his resignation from John Dobson’s “local Focus on the Family” when his then wife caught him cheating on her ..knowing he has small children in the mix ..like Weaver, what a roll model!!!

  2. City Council choosing a Deputy Mayor? NO!
    1. How about having the Mayor choose a running mate for the next election?
    2. Why do we need City Council to choose a Deputy Mayor? What’s been done in the past when the Mayor has stepped down? Evansville tax payers don’t need another salaried politician!

    If a Deputy Mayor is needed, the citizens should make that choice! Not the Royal Court of 1 MLK Jr Blvd Palace!

  3. the ruskies did it………………………………LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll…………

  4. Why doesn’t the Law & Order President Donald J. Trump not want to investigate whether Russia broke US laws and interfered with the US Election?

    It’s clear there is smoke, even fire as US Intelligence agencies all say the Russians did.

    Why doesn’t Trump want to investigate.

    (Oh…..if the Trump election fans are consistent in here:
    1. They will express some kind of smirk, or shock or disgust that I am even daring to ask the question.

    2. Will they offer an answer to the question?
    No. No, they will not try to defend Trump’s reluctance to investigate the Russian interference.)

    • “What Difference Does It Make!” if people on here care Becker?

      How many times do they have to prove to you they don’t?

      Trump holds their values and their values won.

      Getting elected is the easy part, governing is a MoFo.

      Get over it bro….

      • …..you are correct, of course, Reg.

        They sold their character and principles to win. I’m just pointing that out.

      • Well said ..many thought the election of Obama was the end and we are still here ..these things have a way of correction ..it’s back and forth ..democrat and then a republican ..Truman then Eisenhouer then Kennedy/Johnson then Nixon/Ford, so on and so forth ..American electorate is as fickled as it gets ..

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