IS IT TRUE August 2, 2012 Part 2


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE August 2, 2012 PART 2

IS IT TRUE that our “Civic Center Moles” have just informed us that part of the proposed Johnson Controls project to include WI-FI may have been taken from the contract?… if this information is correct we must thank Mayor Winnecke and 5th Ward City Councilman and Budget Chairman, John Friend, CPA for encouraging Johnson Controls to dropped this part from the proposed contract crafted by the past Mayor and past President of the Evansville Utilities Board, Steve Titzer?…if this “MOLE” tip is correct the Mayor and City Councilman, Friend can be credited with saving the taxpayers of Evansville about $12 to $15 million of dollars?

IS IT TRUE that the Chairman of Vanderburgh County Republican party shall announce at a news conference tomorrow that he has selected a candidate to run for County Coroner?…that the Republican Party candidate for Coroner of Vanderburgh County shall be extremely qualified to become the next Coroner of this County since he once worked in this department?…we should all get ready to observe one he– of race to see whom the voters will select as the next Coroner of this County?

IS IT TRUE more people visit AZA accredited Zoos and Aquariums in the U.S. than attend ALL Major League Sports combined?… 175 million visitors last year went to Zoos and Aquariums?…you can verify this at ( …if you type in “annual attendance” at the top you will be directed to lots of statistics?…cities start Zoos to attract tourists and that the Evansville Zoo has plenty of room to continue improving ?…Amazonia alone boosted annual attendance by over 50,000 per year?…that perhaps Mr. Bob Warren who once stated emphatically that “Evansville has many treasures and needs to market itself better” should concentrate more of his efforts on improving and maintaining what we have as opposed to getting sucked into the “gotta build something” vortex?…that we have several reports of Mr. Warren’s arm being twisted by local BUILDAHOLICS to build 8 ball fields at an exorbitant cost?…at over $1.5 Million per little league field the cost control is only slightly more earth based than the $245,000 apartments at the abandoned Safe House?…that for years Evansville has been using public works projects to overspend and it is time for the GSA type of behavior to stop?

IS IT TRUE that a decent number of our readers yesterday emailed to let us know that the Courier editor did not mean for the comparison between Fox and the CCO to be flattering?…we knew that but were flattered anyway because Fox is a financially successful company and is just as honest as any of the other channels on cable?…that is not meant to flatter any of them?…it was even suggested that the NBC stations were the only honest ones?…that we wonder if this is the same NBC that just this morning is in hot water for editing out a major mistake by a Russian gymnast and continued to pump people to stay up and watch after the outcome was obvious to people in the arena?…we wonder if this is the same NBC that edited out the opening ceremony tribute to the Israeli athletes who were murdered by terrorists?…we wonder if this is the same NBC that is owned by GE whose CEO sits on President Obama’s Jobs Council yet outsourced more American jobs in the last 4 years than he has created here in his entire tenure?…given the recent history of intentionally distorted programming to control the message by NBC we are okay with the Fox comparison?…when we reflected a bit on what we really do, we think that other than having lots of viewers the comparison was not very accurate either?…there was probably a message in that comparison anyway?

IS IT TRUE that what we really want to be is the voice of common sense for real people?


  1. If the CCO was really like Fox News, I would not be constantly on the site. I think with a few exceptions, the CCO has been really successful at being the voice for common sense.

  2. I heard instead of using the Johnson Controls WI-FI, the city is going going to contract IBM to put in a Token Ring network thoughout the entire city. Ha!

    • LOL….that would make perfect sense Pappa, going from state of the art tech to ’80s technology where packets travel around in circles looking for a home…but hey! it cost more then ethernet so it must be better, remember the city lost their premier IT guy recently, the new person must be a big blue supporter or still buys into old adage of “no one ever got fired for buying IBM” 🙂


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