Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do you feel its time for Mayor Winnecke to make a public statement concerning the Zoning Appeals Board rejection of an upscale Restaurant-Bar on West Franklin Street?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “IU WOMEN’S-MENS SWIM AND DIVING TEAMS”.

Also take time to read “BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. everyone please be thankful for all our troops that can’t be with their families,keep them all in your prayers,may they all return home safely

  2. God bless Mr.Trump and keep him safe from the radical liberal lunatic fringe as we make America great again,as we make our Police safe again so they can do their job protecting America citizens,as we show Israel America is without a doubt once again their friend……….

    • God bless the Green party for raising the money for the recount and for the eventual downfall of Drumpf when that recount shows that Hillary wins the electoral college, proving what a dumbass you are and all of your right wing racist and Nazi friends. It will be a good day for America when the fascist like you get slammed

  3. We are getting close to showing Jim Taggart the door, and preparing to roll out the welcome mat for Hank Rearden. Wish I had tickets to the inauguration.

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