CHANNEL 44 NEWS: Former Franklin Street Store’s Re-Zoning Request Denied


Former Franklin Street Store’s Re-Zoning Request Denied

 What was once a west side motorcycle shop is denied a re-zoning to become a bar and grill.

Thursday night, the Evansville-Vanderburgh County Board of Zoning Appeals said “No” to the petition for the old Bud’s Motorcycle Shop on West Franklin Street by a four-to-three vote.

The re-zoning request included reducing front yard green space along Franklin and Illinois Streets, a reduction of parking spaces and new access drives.

One board member who voted no said she had concerns about the two access drives bringing too much traffic to West Franklin.

It is not known what the owners of the property will do next, as they have already gone before the board five times.

The site has been vacant since 2007.


  1. I will never set foot in Pistons. Can anyone tell me what businesses the Commissioners are associated with so I can boycott them too?

  2. Growth is very good for our community. We need great business owners like this!!!!

  3. So they approve a Pizza Shop with ZERO parking, but not this. I wonder who the English’s have been bribing.

    I think it’s past time that the other businesses on West Franklin organize a boycott of Pistons.

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