Attorney General applauds Surgeon General’s Landmark Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Health


“How we respond to this crisis is a test for America” 

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – In a new, landmark Surgeon General’s report released today, alcohol and drug misuse and severe substance use disorders, commonly called addiction, are found to be one of America’s most pressing public health concerns. Nearly 21 million Americans – more than the number of people who have all cancers combined – suffer from substance use disorders.

“In the time since we launched the Indiana Prescription Drug Task Force in 2012, it has become alarmingly clear working with all the stakeholders in this battle, that addiction is a freight train that we must slow down,” Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller said. “This first of its kind report, is important for us as a nation to continue to find ways to work together to stop drug trafficking and to find treatment options for those who fall to addiction.”

Today’s report, Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health, marks the first time a U.S. Surgeon General has dedicated a report to substance misuse and related disorders.

For the full report and executive summary, visit

Earlier this month the Centers for Disease Control announced that they are removing Pain as the 5th vital sign in treating patients. Zoeller and the Task Force have been advocating for this change in an effort to adjust treatment of pain that reduces the risk of addiction.

At 4 PM EST, Director of National Drug Control Policy, Michael Botticelli will react to the Surgeon General’s report in a video feed found here.