Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do you feel it was wise for the Mayor to replace the Evansville Icemen with the Evansville Thunderbolts?

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  1. “Stop the insanity! Days after Donald Trump stunned the world by winning the presidency, liberal America remains in the throes of a massive mental and emotional meltdown. Anti-Trump protests have spread to more cities and continue to turn violent. In Portland Thursday night, rioters stoned police and vandalized businesses and cars….This is just vicious stuff. But for pure pathos crossing into the absurd, we turn (as usual) to the college campus. Consider:

     The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)

     Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.

     Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)

    And they all should consider that their reaction to Trump’s win goes a long way towards explaining precisely why he did.


    • These are the same people who, from day one, were pounding Donald Trump over the head about accepting the out come of the election. It just shows what hypocrites they are.

      If the truth were known, I doubt very much that Hillary Clinton got the popular vote. If an investigation into democrat vote fraud were to take place I believe that an significant percentage of her votes would have to be thrown out.

      • Press:
        “A win…is a win.” Trump won the electoral college vote. He is President.

        Why does it bother you he lost the popular vote? It doesn’t matter. I mean conspiracy theories were a useful tool to “win the election”…..but man, stick a fork in it. Trump won.

  2. Why do we have so many Trump traumatized sissies at these liberal arts colleges? Prof. Fuerdi explains. The unapologetic engineering and science schools are still doing well, but they aren’t the largest stream of university education—or the subject of Furedi’s book.

    To a large degree, American universities today are semi-politicized and semi-religious summer camps for parking our children, many of whom are too emotionally weak and psychologically fragile to face reality at the tender age at which most people in the history of the world have been counted as adults.


  3. The protest have revealed the heart of the so called progressive movement. If this was the KKK the Sunday morning news would be filled with reports of how it represents Trump voters.

    • You can’t have it both ways Indiana Enoch:

      1. Saying the KKK represents the Trump movement……”That’s a bridge too far!!”
      2. But then, to turn around and say, “The Protesters are the heart of the entire progressive movement”…is not a bridge too far?

      Too thin I-E. Too thin.

      • Few more protesters than just a small group of KKK left overs that don’t represent Trump at all. But then I still remember our desperate exaggerations from as late as last week. But then it will be es enough for our new found ideology to disassociate themselves from this protesters. Of course the DNC is a dead party. Funny how you thought the GOP was dead. Well, I guess our version of it is. Maybe you like these protesters. It’s all you have left after our boasting.

  4. Obama could and should stop these riots. It would be the best thing he could do for his legacy.

    • ……you guys should still be on your “end of election vacation”…….why are you so worried about some silly rioters? Is there something the rioters are saying that is making you feel worried? They’re silly “too much time on their hands” rioters……that’s all……..Right?

    • Serious work to been done B4H. No time for a vacation. Say did you watch the 60 minutes interview tonight? Trump told anyone acting out on his account to stop it. Think Obama could do the same thing?

  5. On another note, I see that the Evansville Thunderbolts (new hockey team) have yet to win a game in ten tries. They are also averaging only 2,000 attendees per game in that palatial $127 M hockey rink on Main Street.

    How is it that they are supposed to be profitable with support like that and $11,000 per game rent?

  6. Obama always liked and encouraged riots. Riots and violence promote the socialist liberal agenda. After riots, looting and lawlessness, Obama and the race pimp Reverends would call for peace and social justice (loosely translated to mean more Federal and State tax dollars for programs to reward their protesters). When is the last time Conservatives rioted and looted?

    • Cliven Bundy.

      By the way Joe……Trump supporters are not Conservatives.
      What they are is not clear. Protest voters, I guess. They won, handily.
      But…..they’re not conservatives.

  7. Drain the swamp?
    Kick all of the establishment OUT?

    Oh. Never mind: “Reince Priebus (former Chairman of the Republican Party),
    Chief of Staff, Trump Administration.”

    I’m not complaining about it. But I am pointing out “all the RINO’s are liberals talk” is pure bullshit.

    • You have several months of manure to cover up and here you are spreading more. Did you watch 60 minutes tonight?

      • (….poor reply. Doesn’t address the point – AT ALL. But….let’s be clear, your guy won, and that gives you license to IGNORE THE SUBJECT every time you want to….and gloat for a bit. Winners get the spoils, I get it.)

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