H.R. 459 Passes House with More Than Two Thirds Majority! 327 – 98. This bill which was sponsored by Congressman Ron Paul had 271 co-sponsors but was able to attract a substantial number of the democrat members of the house to support it. The Senate will be the next stopping place for the bill that is not expected to be allowed the courtesy of a vote by Senator Harry Reid of Nevada who worked hand in hand with Representative Nancy Pelosi to pass Obamacare in a highly partisan vote.
This is the single most important issue in the country right now. It goes to the heart of everything that’s wrong with our current system. A partial audit included in the last Dodd-Frank Bill (watered down as it was) nonetheless revealed a STAGGERING $13 TRILLION was “loaned” to foreign central banks during the height of the economic crisis. That was about the same size as our entire National Debt at the time!
What the Federal Reserve does is no less than print our nation’s money and through purchasing Government Bonds, “loans” that money they print out of thin air back to our government AT INTEREST! Guess who pays the interest… That’s right, people like you and me. Also, guess who gets the shaft when the endless money printing (inflation) leads to massive price increases for things like food and gasoline… That’s right, WE do!
Guess how the government is able to exceed its budget year upon year, giving bailouts and favors to cronies while giving the average person the shaft? That’s right, the Federal Reserve enables it all. Without the Federal Reserve, government would have to go to the free market to borrow money instead of its ‘lender of last resort’, that would raise interest rates and stop the spending.
For all of these reasons and more, the Federal Reserve is an immoral institution that has been the CAUSE, not the cure, or every economic crisis for the last 100 years.
Please contact your Senators and demand they bring Ron Paul’s bill to a vote in the Senate.
If you’d like to learn more about how the Federal Reserve works, there are lots of great videos online, but here’s a good one to start with: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-466210540567002553
It is the Federal Reserve that enables the welfare state that the United States has become. Nearly half of the people in the United States are on some kind of welfare, whether it is food stamps, AFWDC, public housing, etc. Half of the men and women in the United States don’t pay income tax. This entitlement system was created to build a perpetual dependency class that will beg for scraps from the Federal Government at the behest of the Democratic Party. Obama and the Democratic Party have dismantled Bill Clinton’s welfare reform program, and as a result the United States government is slowly slipping and sliding into bankruptcy. The moral of this story is clear: If you don’t want the U.S. to go bankrupt, demand a second round of welfare reform, or live through a rerun of 1920s German hyper-inflation.
Pay the piper now, or pay him later. He can wait.
“Half of the men and women in the United States don’t pay income tax.”
Ron Paul’s comical response to that once was, “Well, that means we’re half way there!”
The Federal Income Tax should be abolished along with the Fed. It’s no coincidence that along with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, we also got the 16th Amendment. The bankers needed these measures to fund their upcoming “Great War” and rob the wealth of the American people and the people of Europe.
It’s no coincidence that from the time we went back on the Gold Standard in 1879 up until the creation of the Fed and income tax in 1913, America experienced an explosion of sustained growth.
Contact Dan Coats: http://www.coats.senate.gov/contact/
Contact Dick Lugar: http://lugar.senate.gov/contact/offices/
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