The Folly and Shame of the Never Trumpers


The Folly and Shame of the Never Trumpers

By Richard Moss MD

Do we not grow weary of the sanctimonious ones? The Never Trumpers that endlessly hector and scold, and hold themselves up as paragons of moral virtue? They display their good taste by showing contempt for Trump and his supporters and accuse them of the most dastardly things. Some of them claim they will only vote down ballot, skipping the Presidential slot, or vote for Evan what’s his name (McMullin). Some will write in a candidate who will have no chance of winning. Other pious Republicans will even cast their vote for Hillary, the ultimate act of derision, conveying their moral seriousness, proper upbringing, and membership in certain elite circles.

Although they call themselves conservatives, Never Trumpers are willing to undo the candidacy of the one man who stands in the way of a hard-core radical leftist ascending to the Presidency who will build on the destructive legacy of President Barack Obama. Indeed, the Democrat candidate is arguably the most corrupt individual to ever seek the office. Hillary Clinton is a candidate with a truly pathetic public record, a career politician who knowingly compromised our nation’s security, broke our laws, and sold her office. Yet the Never Trumpers persist in undermining the one candidate who can stop her, which can only make us wonder not about Trump – but about them. However boorish or flawed Trump may seem, whatever he may or may not have said or done as a private citizen 15-20 years ago, it is a pale echo of Hillary’s misdeeds in a long and miserable public record.

As Secretary of State, Hillary sacrificed our consulate in Benghazi and knowingly lied about it, championed policies that helped create ISIS, and converted pro-Western Libya into an Islamic terrorist snake-pit. She backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (Mohammed Morsi), nearly sabotaging a critical alliance while discrediting a courageous Muslim reformer (al-Sisi). Hillary and Obama squandered our blood and treasure in Iraq and Afghanistan and have thrown both away to our enemies. They have surrendered the Middle East to Iran and its terrorist proxies, including Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen, and undermined our Sunni allies and Israel. The two have paved the way to a nuclear-armed Iran. Hillary’s signature “reset” policy with Russia appeased Vladimir Putin, helped restart the Cold War, and led to the annexation of the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. She has done nothing to counter Chinese aggression in the South China Sea or North Korean belligerence. She and Obama have courted hostile governments everywhere, in Iran, Turkey, and Cuba while criticizing long standing allies.

She supported Obamacare, which is in free fall. She backed Obama’s economic policies that have doubled the national debt, increased income inequality, and led to the worst economic “recovery” since World War II. She lied repeatedly in her various cover-up efforts, tarnishing the FBI, and colluding with Director James Comey, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the unethical Department of “Justice.” Like Obama, she is a consummate race-baiter and supported Black Lives Matter, the racist, anti-Semitic hate group that promotes cop killing. She and her husband have become filthy rich through sham speaking engagements, paid extortionate sums by questionable corporate and foreign interests seeking influence including Arab regimes that treat women as second-class citizens. Feminist icon that she is, she trashed the many women that came forward that her husband had sexually abused. She defended the rapist of a 12-year-old girl and laughed about it. Perhaps most tellingly, her greatest singular achievement, the reason she got to become a US Senator, Secretary of State, and possibly our next President, is that she happened to have married Bill Clinton. Some feminist.
But apart from her pitiful political record thus far, what exactly is the Hillary agenda for the country should she win the Presidency that Never Trumpers seem willing to gloss over or even endorse?

Hillary, to begin, will eviscerate the Bill of Rights beginning with the 1st Amendment including freedom of speech and religious liberty. Her Supreme Court picks will embrace the latest whims of social justice fascists that will label all opposing opinions as hate speech, thereby silencing dissent. The Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) under Hillary will impose the “Fairness Doctrine” thereby crushing Talk Radio. Church based institutions will be forced to pay for abortions including partial birth abortions and abortifacients and preside over gay or transgender weddings. Her Supreme Court picks will abolish the 2nd Amendment by reversing prior decisions like Heller. She will begin an Australian style gun confiscation program and go after gun manufacturers through litigation making it impossible for them to stay in business. Due process (5th and 6th amendments) will become a distant memory with more Title IX based witch-hunts and kangaroo courts, for example, to “adjudicate” white males, accused of rape in our colleges.

Hillary will embrace amnesty and open borders and will welcome 650 million Latin Americans, among many others, to come to America replete with work, welfare, healthcare, and citizenship. She will raise taxes 1.4 trillion. She will add new budget busting entitlements including free college and family leave. HillaryCare preceded the collapsing Obamacare, and so she will “save” it with a Soviet style single payer system. She will end voter photo ID, thereby increasing voter fraud as more and more our elections will be decided by those not entitled to vote. Hillary will continue to gut the military. She will fund sanctuary cities and import more Syrian Muslim refugees, many of whom are sympathetic to ISIS. She will grow the administrative state, the EPA, and the entire federal bureaucracy, with their industry crushing regulations and mandates.
Hillary will continue Obama’s war on our police and criminal justice systems, smearing them as racist, creating upheaval in our cities with more violence, racial conflict and perhaps even a race war. We will see a breakdown of law and order, and the balkanization of the nation into competing racial and ethnic tribes.
Through the courts and the bureaucracy she will impose her pagan Marxism on the country, the destruction of our historic traditions and values. In their place will come the latest social justice or radical feminist fads codified by the nine unelected lawyers in black robes that sit on the Supreme Court. New “minorities” will appear everywhere, each demanding special rights and protections from “racist” America, leading to a majority grievance-victim culture in which nearly everyone is a victim.

She will build and expand on the Obama legacy of lawlessness, the growth of government, and the dismantling of our national culture and identity. She will throw open our borders to the third world and grant amnesty to those already here. Hillary will preside over the expansion of the administrative state and pack the courts with other like-minded leftists who possess the same disregard for federalism, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that she has. She will continue the policies of Obama, replace the hated white majority, and transform the nation at every level, culturally, demographically, and politically.

I wonder why Never Trumpers have a difficult time with this decision? Would the self-righteous Republicans prefer a destructive Hillary Presidency and the demise of the nation rather than support Trump? Many of us did not like Trump. We did not support his tactics, his recent conversion to conservatism, his lack of knowledge of the issues, yet now recognize that he is all we have left to thwart Hillary and her hard left agenda.
Which candidate is more likely to damage the country? Who is more likely to undermine the Republic, the Constitution, and our free market economic system? Who will appoint radical leftists as judges, continue the wrecking and social engineering of our military, and declare war on freedom of speech, religious liberty, and our second amendment? Who will grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and open the door to millions more, an influx that will overwhelm the nation and transform it into one big permanent blue state with millions of new welfare recipients and Democrat voters?

The Holier than thou Never Trump crowd, so called conservatives, cannot abide supporting Trump, or even keep from insulting him and his many followers in the most vicious ways, are complicit in a possible Hillary presidency that will bring the nation to its knees. Although an imperfect candidate, Trump is the only one that can prevent a likely 16-year Obama-Clinton continuum that will alter the nation irreversibly. The moral and principled choice is to stop Clinton by embracing Trump. By failing to do so, Republican Never Trumpers betray the nation and the conservative movement they claim to be a part of, and place themselves alongside the vile left who actively seek to destroy the country.

Brief Bio: Richard Moss MD is a practicing Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon, author, and columnist who resides in Jasper IN. He recently lost his bid for the Republican nomination for Congress in Indiana’s 8th district. Find more of his essays and blog posts at Also find him on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram


  1. Amazing that a Doctor is willing to just flat out lie like in this letter.

    Wonder if he knows he’s lying, or was just drank too much of the Kool-Aid for his own good.

  2. He’s a full mooner. Never thought I’d say it but maybe we are fortunate having Bucshon as the 8th District Rep. Not much truth in his screed. The crazy off-the-edge stuff simply didn’t leave room for much truth. Even if he’d have been inclined to add a little just for fake even-handedness it wouldn’t have looked right surrounded by all the lies.

  3. Well – I don’t believe he is making it up!! I hope she is NOT elected!! but is she is elected I hope she is not capable of doing all that he says!! But I do believe she would like to !! Of course she sees it differently – but in the end this will be the results!! Wake up America – look at what is happening in the Europe – with the refugees – Her ideas are crazy – maybe it is part of having Huma as a close friend and advisor!! I have no Idea !! But it is NUTS!!

  4. Bravo Dr. Moss!
    Thank you for calling out the cowardly RINOS.
    They don’t care about the future of our great democracy.
    The leader of these self righteous pseudo republicans, the apostate Kasich voted for McCain!
    God help us!
    I hate to curse but he is the biggest PRICK that calls himself a Republican. NOT!
    Please vote for Trump a true American, And not a phony.

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