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    • Democrats will say “we told you you needed single payer,” and republicans will say “yup, yup, yup.”

      How will a career politician undo the disaster which is Obamacare?

      • They can’t and they wont. Trusting the federal government to design and implement this correctly made as much sense as sending a 747 full of alcoholics to reform a distillery.

  1. With the ever growing danger of ISIS and Islamic terrorists, alternative universe resident Obama responds by issuing an Executive Order requiring that our National Security agencies immediately concentrate on fostering diversity and inclusion in their work forces. Unfortunately my fellow real Americans, you simply can not make this up.

    “President Obama declared Wednesday that the country’s national security workforce is less diverse than other areas of the federal government, and gave key agency leaders four months to report back to the White House on efforts to attract workers that better reflect the nation’s differences in gender, ethnicity and sexual identity….Obama also directed senior leaders and supervisors to “play an important role in fostering diversity and inclusion in the workforce they lead” by rewarding and recognizing efforts to promote diversity and inclusion. One of those efforts, Obama said, should include an expansion of training on “unconscious bias, inclusion and flexible work policies.” “Agencies shall … make implicit or unconscious bias training mandatory for senior leadership and management positions, as well as those responsible for outreach, recruitment, hiring, career development, promotion and security clearance adjudication,” the memo stated.


  2. I noticed yesterday the evansville redevelopment commission wants to transform the old YMCA building into apartments for low income and homeless people, they want to put in 45 two bedroom apartments and 20 one bedroom apartments at a cost of 13 million dollars ,,,lets just say 65 apartments to make it easier,,,,,sure looks like we’re getting hosed again, $13,000,000.00 divided by 65 apartments comes to $200,000.00 per apartment,,,,some cronies are sure making a killing off us taxpayers again ,

    • It’s Christmas everyday in room 302 of the Civic Center. Santa’s workshop with the help of Elf Kelley.

    • Some how I doubt that Tropicana would want that right next to its new land based casino. People would think twice about coming and going from that area if this project went to fruition. And since, as we all know, that money talks here in Evansville, and bull shit walks, I do not think this subsidized housing tenement will happen.

        • Laura, if you caught Hillary Clinton in the nursery of a local hospital twisting off the heads of new born babies, you would still vote for her. You need professional help.

          • No, I wouldn’t. Such a thing happening would give me the opportunity to vote for Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden (the real one), or Tim Kaine, and I would be pleased to do so.

          • PussyPress

            Telling Laura she needs “professional help” has to be, hands down, the most ignorant post you’ve ever written. There have been a lot of stupidity from you, but without a doubt, you stepped off the edge

            Considering your erotic fixation with Trump, you should be the last person to tell anyone they have a mental issue.

            Find a mirror, PussyPress, and see what needs “professional help”

          • How do you two feel about Hillary being put in charge of destroying the lives of all the women who went public with the facts of Bill Clinton sexually assaulting them? Are yoy down with that?

            All these ads that she puts out there about Donald Trump not respecting women, in her attempt to get more women to vote for her, when she is the one who protected her sexual predator husband by trying to destroy those women’s character!

            Is Hillary so damned stupid as to think that decent women can not see through her? It is easy for Hillary to do because she, and her husband, lack any moral character!

          • Here is a case in point where a father, Democratic State Senator Daylin Leach, and also the Chairman of the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee, uses his daughter to plant a question at a Hillary event.


            Another Hillary “stunt” to divert the attention of the treatment of women away from Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have destroyed women’s lives and paid a very large settlement to at least one of the victims, Paula Jones!

            The Clintons have no morals. They will use anyone, and then toss them away, to further their quest for money and power!

          • Proof that Chelsea is a true Clinton, from the secret private server the Clinton’s used for their criminal enterprise:

            Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to arrange Pentagon and State Department consulting contracts for her daughter’s friend, prompting concerns of federal ethics rules violations.

            Clinton in 2009 arranged meetings between Jacqueline Newmyer Deal, a friend of Chelsea Clinton and head of the defense consulting group Long Term Strategy Group, with Pentagon officials that involved contracting discussions, according to emails from Clinton’s private server made public recently by the State Department. Clinton also tried to help Deal win a contract for consulting work with the State Department’s director of policy planning, according to the emails.Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to arrange Pentagon and State Department consulting contracts for her daughter’s friend, prompting concerns of federal ethics rules violations. Deal is a close friend of Chelsea Clinton, who is vice chair of the Clinton Foundation. Emails between the two were included among the thousands recovered from a private email server used by the secretary of state between 2009 and 2013.


        • Julian, soon to be Julianna, Assange is still ducking one of his rape charges. It’s the one that the statute won’t run on until 2020. Ho ho ho. I think he’s holed up in some embassy or consulate, maybe in London, scared to death to come out and face the music.

    As usual my dense morning brain does not understand the poll question. The word effective can mean many different things to different people. If by effective you mean taking care of donors and cronies. It would be a tie between missy and the beave. If you mean getting federal dollars for the precincts you control Ms Robinson is the champ. If you mean making sure the services of a town our size requires are ran well it is none of the above. It seems a no brainer for the last but I have a coffee deficit so I could be wrong.

          • We obviously won’t know for a month or so. I was just reminding you that you hadn’t always trusted the LA Times poll, but both RCP and 538 figure in varying results. In both cases they see Clinton as the potential winner at this point.

    • If you are corrupt enough to subvert the United States Department of Justice and turn justice on its head, and if you are corrupt enough to dictate your own outcome of an FBI investigation, at the highest level within the FBI, then screwing with the polls is just mere child’s play.

      Hillary Clinton is WAY down in the number of people who will actually vote for her, compared to the number of people who will vote for Donald Trump in the coming election.

      There is a reason why the corrupt Clintons must maintain fictitiously high numbers in the polls. They could not use their bag of illegal tricks to steal this election if the polls were showing her numbers down where she actually is! The public would not buy a Hillary victory on election day if she were down by significant numbers going into election day.

      That is their game plan, the only one left to them since Hillary Clinton is so universally disliked. The Clintons have a plan in place to steal this election from Donald Trump, if they can. And from what we have seen with the Justice Department and the FBI being in the Clinton’s pocket, who would be there to represent the interests of Donald Trump and his voters if the Clintons put their plan into action?

      • I wouldn’t say that, but Russia, China, and North Korea would love it if Trump was elected.

  4. Can someone tell me what makes Justin Elpers effective? I am not knowledgeable about the gentleman. The majority seem to think he is effective.

    • all I know is he is the only one that proposed an amendment to the budget cutting 100% of penguin funding. We should give him our support on that.

    • You need to start calling this what it is: The Hillary Clinton-Nate Silver 666 poll.

      • Are you so demented as to believe someone who has built a fortune and an excellent reputation would trash it to shill for what you claim is a candidate who is going to lose “in a landslide”? Nate Silver is a young man with many election forecasts ahead of him, and is far too bright to destroy his own record. Btw, “538” refers to the number of electoral votes.

        • The Clintons are not great respecters of other people’s fortunes or reputations. The list of destroyed lives in their wake is gianormus! If they can wipe their ass with James Comey, Nate Silver would be nothing by comparison!

          • Nate would have to be complicit in such a thing, which is the whole point to what I said in the first place. He is NOT going to be part of his own undoing. Get it?

  5. So Tim Kaine lost the debate by telling the truth unstylishly and Reverend Pence won the debate by lying stylishly.

    This election in particular, that makes sense….

    • Pence is forever soiled by Trump, he will never shed the stench of bigotry that he is so famous for. His alliance of convenience with that bunch of crazies, the Trumps, has done him in. He is out today trying to clean up his public approval of his patron’s craziness. It won’t work, he’s been made.

      Barely made it out of Indiana before a humiliating electoral defeat. Another one now looms. With his background in far right talk radio, maybe Rump will have a spot for him on his new network. Now the rest of the country can see why Pence was so unpopular in Indiana. He is very little more than a garden variety bigoted liar.


      • I read that article this morning. I wondered how PAK, IE, Bidet, and the poster-of-many names would take that news.

      • I hadn’t read the article but I caught this little jewel that Stylish Mike uttered;

        “Hillary supported trade deals that put Americans in the back seat.”


        In 2005 Pence supported CAFTA, the Central America Free Trade Agreement. In one floor speech Pence quoted Benjamin Franklin: “No nation was ever ruined by trade.”

        In another speech, he urged his colleagues to approve CAFTA to “keep the dream of ever-expanding democracy and American ideals in our hemisphere alive”

        Hillary voted against CAFTA but Mouthy Mike voted for 11 trade deals in his 12 years of congress. In other words Reverend Pence never met a trade deal he didn’t like.

        I’ll post the link below. It’s a dandy after what he said. Believe me 100% and Beyond….


    GUILTY AS SIN (review)

    by: Edward Klein

    Top Customer Reviews
    5.0 out of 5 stars

    By atyose on October 4, 2016
    Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
    Please note that I have read this book in its entirety. This review is not in support of Hillary Clinton as a presidential nominee, but an evaluation of the book itself. I purchased this book as I wanted to understand the Hillary Clinton email scandal in more detail as well as any other revelations. I knew that Hillary was using her own personal email server at her home in Chappaqua, New York, but I did not really know all of the implications of what this meant. This book focuses on the email scandal, other past scandals as well as implications of political favors while she was Secretary of State.

    FBI director, James Comey stated Hillary was “extremely careless” in how she handled her emails while she was secretary of state. The FBI is worried that Clinton’s email may have been hacked which would compromise the security of the United States. However, he did not suggest the Attorney General bring any criminal charges against her. It appears that over 2000 of her emails on her private email server were classified with 22 of them being classified as special access programs. The author opined that Comey did not suggest indicting Hillary due the President’s, Attorney General’s, Democrats in Congress and the Liberal Media’s oppositions to an indictment. He speaks of ill will between the Obamas and the Clintons. However, he explains why Obama ended up not wanting Hillary to be indicted for the email scandal.

    The author speaks of Hillary’s temperament as being unbalanced. I felt he expressed this since Hillary’s claim is that Trump has a temperament unfit to be President. The author feels that Hillary lacks the temperament to be President more so than Trump. The author also feels that Hillary is covering up real health issues. However, he only supplies the facts as they were released to the public such as events of her fainting and her blood clots as well as a friend’s interview to support his claim.

    According to this book, what is interesting is that her lack of indictment for the email scandal does not mean Clinton is in the clear. The author reveals how FBI agents are still investigating her. The media is not publicizing this new investigation. They are looking at her relationship with foreign entities that made donations to the Clinton foundation in return for political favors. The FBI director believed that Hillary had dispensed favors to foreign governments and businessmen who contributed money to the Clinton Foundation. The FBI questioned a retired foreign services officer who worked closely with Clinton. He was questioned whether Hillary ever worked on the Clinton Foundation business while she was secretary of state. He responded that the occasions that she did so were too numerous to mention.

    I found the book interesting because I wonder what will happen if the investigation uncovers enough to bring charges against Hillary. If Hillary was found guilty of political favors while she was secretary of state, she could be charged under several different statutes. Among them: the federal official bribery and gratuity statute…; the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act…; and the federal program bribery statute. It is unsettling especially if it occurs before the election or if she is elected president.

  7. This is the legacy of the liberal democrat masters who have been running some of the most populated cities in the country for the last 40 years.


    Hillary Clinton’s policies and rhetoric have been part and parcel of the problem. She holds no solutions, only more of the same for these people. There is a candidate running who represents a change from the liberal democrat chains, that Candidate is Donald Trump.

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