Todays READERS POLL question is: Do you agree with Dan McGinn, Mayor Winnecke and City Council that they should reduce the Homestead Property Tax Credit from 8 percent to 6 percent for 2017?

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  1. I had a dream. Yep, a real live dream last night, and it wasn’t induced by some over-the-counter sleep aid or recreational pharmaceutical (I don’t do that stuff).
    I dreamed that Johnson realised he was Don Quoxite tilting at windmills. And he dropped out of the presidential race.
    I dreamed that Trump admitted that he was a egomanic narcissist meglomaniac running for President as a joke and didn’t think he would ever be nominated. And he did not have the capability to lead a major nation on a worldwide stage. And he dropped out of the presidential race.
    I dreamed that the RNC realised they had screwed up and didn’t understand the frustration of the American public, didn’t give Trump any respect, and didn’t believe he had the chance of an ice cube in hell to win the Republican nomination until it was too late. And the RNC viwed to vet their potential candidates thoroughly and to pay attention to the needs and desires of the American public.
    I dreamed that Hillary Clinton admitted that she was a power mad, morally corrupt, pathological liar with serious health issues. And she dropped out of the Presidential race.
    I dreamed that the DNC admitted they had lost touch with the American working class public and had foisted a series of candidates who lacked integrity upon their fellow citizens.
    And then I dreamed that the RNC and the DNC both true, viable candidates to replace Trump and Clinton who were respected on a national and worldwide basis and were willing to wage a Presidential campaign based upon real issues rather than personal attacks.

    Well, a guy can dream can’t he?

    • Maybe just maybe what Chief Justice James Kent wrote years ago is true:

      Chief Justice James Kent wrote in People v. Ruggles, 1811:

      “In the case of Rex v. Woolston…the court said…whatever strikes at the root of Christianity, tends manifestly to the dissolution of civil government.

      The same doctrine was laid down in the late case of The King v. Williams…

      The authorities show that blasphemy against God, and contumelious reproaches and profane ridicule of Christ or the Holy Scriptures … are offenses punishable at common law …

      because it tends to corrupt the morals of the people, and to destroy good order … They are treated as affecting the essential interests of civil society …

      • Ruffus B/SB/Dead/BA, etc: You and all of your alter-egos appear to have a penchant for finding and posting obscure quotes, but I wonder if you realize that this particular quote appears to be something of an endorsement for a state religion. Do you really believe that?

        • Historically, many of our founders’ writings including Washington whole heartedly believed that government should stay out of the churches but the churches (the people therein) should not stay out of the government by the people. Obviously, Chief Justice Kent convictions aligned with those beliefs. Apparently you must not be well read.

          ps ..Chief Justice Kent was revered as must as Justice John Jay

  2. I had a dream last night too. I dreamed that George Bush (41) came out and told the press that he was going to vote for Hillary Clinton. I also had another dream that Colin Powel thought that Donald J Trump was not fit for office.

    • Trump said: “I would probably vote for Hillary too if I were George Bush.” We know the Bushs are pissed that Donald Trump stomped the crap out of the establishment’s favorite candidate, the politically correct Jeb Bush, and that cost the establishment donors millions in wasted dollars. The truth is that the voters are looking for more than “Hillary Lite” this year, and Jeb didn’t fit the bill.

      • Oh but it’s not just Bush that’s going to vote for Hillary. Millions of other good people are going to vote for Hillary and not Trump. Which is why she is 5 points ahead in the polls that really matter. And it’s why she is going to be the President while Trump is still explaining to the IRS why he took money out of his charities and bought a picture/painting of himself which was illegal to do. He has so many investigations going on now that he will never get elected. The Dems control the White house and the Attorney General at the Justice Dept still.

        BTW Press when are your GOP Senators going to do their job and hold hearings on the Presidents Nominee for the US Supreme Court so that the Supreme court can get back to work doing business? There are so many things that Trump is doing wrong these days. Calling for the secrete service agents guarding Hillary to disarm themselves. Does he want Hillary to get shot or killed now? Is that how he thinks he can win the Presidency? Trump is a fool and I can’t see why anyone would back such a fool like him. He can’t be trusted. He lies every day and makes up things as he goes along. He is living in a fantasy world. He would bankrupt the US Government just as he did his own businesses more than 4 times. What have we got to lose? Everything man. Everything would be lost if Trump gets elected and sits in the White House. That would be a disaster of humongous proportions

  3. I dreamed the voters started voting for the good of their progeny, country, state they live in, and locality where they live instead of themselves.

    Would that be dreaming or fantasizing?

    • What are you babbling about? I think it is reasonable to say that voting for the good of one’s descendants and surroundings and “voting for oneself” are one-and- the- same. It is simply that liberals, conservatives, and alt-righters disagree on what is best for them.

    • Stupid is is what stupid does ..remember Bill’s question, what is the definition of is is?

    • ARTICLE:

      “But here on Como Street in Struthers, where CBS News spent a recent weekend knocking on every door on the block, Skook was in the minority. All around her, the community was ditching their Democratic roots and flocking to Trump.”

    • See pg 11 of the 2015 Mesker Music Trust tax return. In an ironic twist, it donated $5,650 to the City of Evansville Parks Dep’t for “Program Support”.

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