According to the Washington Post Hillary Clinton: said  “Half of Trump supporters fit in ‘what I call the basket of deplorable.'”  “To just be grossly generalist, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorable,'”   Hillary Clinton said at this New York fundraiser on Sept. 9. : “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it.”  “And unfortunately, there are people like that, and he has lifted them up.”   She also added “Now, some of those folks—they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America.”

Clinton made these remarks the to applause and laughter from supporters at an “LGBT for Hillary” fundraiser Friday night in New York that also featured a performance by Barbra Streisand.

EDITOR FOOTNOTE:  In Tomorrows “READERS FORUM” we are going to ask what issues should the candidates for president be debating!

“IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Wednesday.


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  1. I remember after 9/11 looking at the sky and absent of all vapor trials and thinking just how fragile civilization is. I also remember the feeling of unity and determination among us and the compassion of other nations and how our churches were filled with those seeking God during this tragedy. But politics never wastes a tragedy.

  2. IDE, well said. May God bless America on the 15th anniversary of the death and destruction visited upon us by Muslim jihadists.

  3. Let us remember what President Bush said

    President Bush stated:

    “Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended,”

    That evening, President Bush stated:

    “Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. Pictures of planes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger.”

    President Bush continued:

    “America was targeted…because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world… I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve…

    I pray they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us spoken through the ages in Psalm 23:

    ‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me.'”

    • Article 18 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

      “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief.”

      This conflicted with Islamic Shariah law which imposes the death penalty for anyone leaving the Islamic religion.

      Many articles in the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights were rejected by the leaders of 57 Islamic countries, who formed their own group called the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, or OIC.

      In 1990, OIC passed the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, affirming Shariah law as supreme, with:

      -the death penalty for those leaving Islam;
      -punishing women who are victims of rape;
      -allowing men to be polygamous;
      -permitting wife beating; and
      -censoring speech insulting Islam.

      SO MUCH EVIL!!! May God Bless and comfort the families of those fallen Americans and let us not forget!!!

      • On Dec. 12, 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton began a 3 day closed door meeting with the OIC, promising to support their Istanbul Process to universally “criminalize” speech insulting Islam, effectively enforcing “dhimmi” status on non-Muslims worldwide.

        By definition, the Christian Gospel insults Islam. If someone in a Shariah controlled country proclaims Jesus Christ more than a prophet–but also the Son of God who died on the cross to pay for the sins of the world–it would mean the death penalty.

        In fact, all speech contrary to Islam insults Islam.

        At the end of the meeting, OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu stated:

        “The Istanbul Process initiated with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton…must be carried forward.”

        Clinton added:

        “We now need to move to implementation.”

        In the following months, Hillary Clinton’s State Department ignored repeated requests for security by Ambassador Chris Stevens in Libya.

        He was killed with several others in the Benghazi attack on SEPTEMBER 11, 2012.

        The night of the attack, Secretary Clinton’s State Department blamed a video, and the shortly after sent memos to YouTube and Google recommending they censor speech insulting Islam, consistent with promises made at the OIC Istanbul Process meeting.

        U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice added to this narrative, as did President Obama when he told the U.N. General Assembly, Sept. 25, 2012:

        “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

        The U.S. supported the Muslim Brotherhood’s ousting of Egypt’s President Mubarak.

        Then U.S. weapons were used to oust Libya’s President Gaddafi.

        Requests made by Judicial Watch through the Freedom of Information Act revealed emails of weapons being moved from Benghazi in a “Fast and Furious” gun-running style program to arm Muslim fighters in ousting Syria’s President Assad.

        This is part of a larger plan remove current leaders in order to reestablish an Islamic Caliphate.

        When Russia came to Assad’s defense, the Muslims armed and trained by the U.S. attacked into Syria and Iraq, calling themselves ISIS, and proceeded to torture, rape, behead and displace hundreds of thousands.

        ..and Trump said, “Obama and Clinton are the founders of SIS” ..maybe not intentionally but their apparent policies and actions have assisted in created this monster further dis-stabling the region.

        • In studying 9/11 I came across the following:

          SEPTEMBER 11, 1565: Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent dominated the Mediterranean, with intentions of not only invading Sicily, Sardinia, Majorca, and southern Spain, but Rome itself.
          The only thing standing in his way was the small rocky Island of Malta just south of Sicily, defended by the Knights of Malta.

          SEPTEMBER 11, 1683:
          Sultan Mehmed IV sent over 138,000 Muslim Ottoman Turks to surround Vienna, Austria, led by General Mustafa Pasha.
          For two months they starved the 11,000 Hapsburg-Austrian defenders.
          Sultan Mehmed IV sent the message to Austrian King, Leopold I:
          “Await us in your residence…so we can decapitate you.”

          Polish King Jan Sobieski gathered 81,000 Polish, Austrian and German troops and led a surprise attack on SEPTEMBER 11, 1683.

          They made one of the largest charges in history, 38,350 cavalry and dragoons. Soldiers had made wings for their backs which made a thunderous noise when they charged, causing the Turks to flee in confusion.

          As it appears, the Muslim must revere September 11th.

          • “the Muslim”
            (INSERT religion you don’t like name here _____________.)

            “Well Becker, I think we would all just be better off if the blacks, muslims, mexicans, jews and catholics would just leave. It was so nice around here before this riff-raff showed up.”

            Religious extremists attacked the US on 9/11. Sorry, ignorant savages don’t know that, and you are making that quite apparent SUNNYSIDEUP.

  4. I know more people who are going to vote for Trump than I do for Clinton.

    Some of my friends Hillary described yesterday have told me several different reasons they are for Trump. One said because he’s had it with n_____s and transgenders. Another that he was from Mississippi, (translated), he doesn’t vote for blacks or women either. I knew the latter by the way he treated his wife. Another one recently said because of Benghazi, if that makes any sense. Another because he hates Al Sharton with such a passion that he’s had it with the Democratic Party. And another said because illegals is the main thing killing this country.

    Some of my friends Hillary wasn’t talking about like 2 veterans I know are voting for Trump because their AR-15’s are their main concern and there is no doubt she is going to try to get them banned. One college educated friend said he was tired of these same old dynasties running the show and my big time lawyer friends just don’t like Hillary any more than I do but one is leaning towards her because he has a down syndrome child and the commercials with Trump wailing his arms pisses him off every time he sees it.

    A very intelligent person on this forum said our system is set up that no matter who wins, we will survive till the next election.

    I disagree with that. 12 minutes is the maximum amount of time in a real nuclear situation a president has to respond or not respond. Shrub was stunned into silence in the children’s classroom for 7 minutes when informed about 9-11.

    That left 5 minutes if it were a nuclear attack instead to make the ultimate decision.

    But who knows, no more than we actually know about Mop Head at this point, that may be his in-genius way of getting rid of the 12 million illegals once and for all….

    • And you somehow think HRC supports and democrats, the party which unanimously opposed civil rights, the party of KKK Byrd who Hillary said she admires, and the part which believes killing the unborn is a right does not have the same kind of people? HRC has the same haters and more following her.

      Yes, Bush should have jumped up and ran out of the classroom screaming that we were under attack. That would have been idiotic, What he did was show the restraint and calmness of a true leader. Thank God that Bush was president and not Gore, and we will be thankful Trump is president and not Hillary if there is a similar event. Hillary has already shown what she does in a crisis, sleeps.

      And as far as your forum friend that thinks four years of HRC will not harm us, that what every dope addict believes, a little can’t harm you. Hopefully we won’t find out how wrong that idea is. It’s not intelligent to think that you can sleep with bedbugs and not be infested by them.

      • My, such a deplorable response.

        Looking at your first paragraph, let’s see in the election if the black community is interested with your bringing up all the time of KKK Byrd or if you just happen to be the Lone Ranger riding the trail alone in your infatuation of him.

        But I must admit, there is a possibility that Trump’s one, “There’s my African American over there,” may tip the election to him so time will tell.

        Paragraph #2. If you believe George W Imbecile ended up being a better president than Gore would have been, then you’ll never hear me give you any credit for being intelligent again. Believe me. That has got to be the most ignorant statement I’ve heard a human being make. I even doubt if Mop Head would agree with that. Matter-of-fact, if it weren’t election season, he just wouldn’t.

        On Hillary sleeping in a crisis, you obviously need to listen to more reliable news and even though I doubt you can find or remember me calling anyone a liar on these threads say the last 5 years, I’m going to start calling you one if you keep making preacher like statements that just aren’t true.

        In fact, neither Clinton sleeps more than 4 hours a day. That’s why they get way more sex than you do which drives your jealously meter up to regurgitate untruths.

        Paragraph #3 – My forum friend who posted no matter who wins, our system will save us was Joe Wallace.

        And I doubt that even a dope addict would vote for Trump but we’ll see.

        In the meantime enoch, smoke a joint and have some sex. It’s as satisfying as listening to Mop Head lie 76% of the time.

        Believe me….

  5. I’m voting for Hillary but I’m worried about here supreme court appointments. But I’m more worried about Donald John Trump getting us in another war with our trade partners. I don’t trust Trump to handle the Presidency and I fear he will get us all killed.

    • Well.
      Of course Coyotehunter said this as precisely as needed.
      Dead on correct. 100%.

      There needs to be an adult in the room in this Election.
      The crying children in here clutching their Trump TV Dolls are baying like the infants they are.

    • Trump is not going to risk his investments in a war. The chances of that a extremely unlikely. However, we have already seen how a weak leader has lost battles we had already won and increased the nuclear threat from nations who do not fear him. Now imagine a leader who is not only weak but scandal ridden and inept. Her ineptness has lead to the death of Americans as SS, imagine her being president? Your fears are unsubstantiated except in the fear mongering of the media.

      • You’re talking about an egotistical hot head with no understanding of international law. Just the other night, he said that if the Iranians got in their “little boats” and circled “our beautiful ships, making ‘gestures'” under his administration, we would “blow them out of the water.” I guarantee we will be at war in no time if we have the great misfortune of him managing to get elected. You “deplorables” are fantasizing when you dream of the draft-dodging heel-spur sufferer being any kind of “strong man.” He is an international embarrassment.

        • I am talking about a man who has actually built something in his life and prevailed in difficult negations. We should blow Iran’s little boats out of the water if the surround our beautiful ships. Because He would they will not. Put “what’s in it for me” Hillary in power and we will have a nuclear Iran surrounding our ships. We “deplorables” are what is called realists. Hillary has already proven what she would do when our interest are under attack, but you think she has changed sometime shortly after she stole the DNC nomination. Yeah, that Hillary is the pride of America. Best woman for president that money can buy.

    • I posted a video a few days ago which postulated that HRC is suffering from symptoms of advanced Parkinson’s which is often brought on by highly emotional situations. Now another health event. But I would expect HRC to be concerned about the good of others and honest about a serious health condition.

      • It seems you’re a little off on your diagnosis, Dr. Deplorable. Her physician released a statement that she was diagnosed with pneumonia and put on antibiotics on Friday. Getting overheated and the antibiotics were a bad combination. Sorry to disappoint you, but she doesn’t appear to be terminally ill.
        Btw, severe allergies leading into pneumonia is not unusual. It has happened to me many times in my life and I’m still kicking.

        • I would never doubt the truth of anyone associated with HRC nurse Goodbody. Been a lot of allergies and pneumonia that going around lately…for Hillary. It causes odd reactions to stress, head nodding, falls, and freezes.

          There is nothing to gain nor would I wish that Hillary would have this horrible disease, but neither do I want her becoming president with a debilitating disease. If she would drop out, then Kaine would become the candidate. If she is elected, then Kaine will still likely become. .

          For those who might be interested in a plausible explanation of HRC’s health events.

  6. The Hildebeast had to take an early powder today at a 911 event, overheated 90 minutes in.

  7. It appears nobody around the vile trashy hillary gives a rats ass about her……..slick willy and the rest keep propping the sick bitch up……………that is without a doubt deplorable………….Karma…………

    • Yeah but let’s not worry about the Canadian based Clinton foundation. It’s all on the up and up. She said it was.

  8. hillary also threw a shoe during her blackout……….slick willy saved the day by calling a blacksmith…….

  9. To the core Indiana deplorable enoch………………………………

  10. Here we go again ..What does Dick Nixon and Hilliary have in common ..pathological liars .. The following is another whopper ..

    Hillary’s Latest Lie: Makes Up Story About College Bullying
    Published on on September 11, 2016
    On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton told another whopper about her background — a blatant lie designed to make her look more human and vulnerable.

    She related the story of taking the LSAT, the test to enter law school, and being harassed by men in the room also taking the test who claimed that she should not be taking their place in law school since they would lose their draft deferments.

    She claims that “one of [the men] even said: ‘If you take my spot, I’ll get drafted, and I’ll go to Vietnam, and I’ll die.’ And they weren’t kidding around. It was intense. It got very personal. But I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t afford to get distracted because I didn’t want to mess up the test. So I just kept looking down, hoping that the proctor would walk in the room.”

    Good story, but a made up yarn.

    Up until February 16, 1968, the young man in Hillary’s story would have had a case. Law students were exempt from the draft prior to that date. So any woman entering law school would, indeed, be taking the place of a man who could be drafted.

    BUT…the deferment for law school students (and most graduate students) ended in February, 1968. After that date, law school offered no protection at all from the draft.

    Hillary took the LSAT exam well after the deferment was, in fact, terminated. She graduated from Wellesley College in June of 1969, so she must have taken the LSAT earlier that year or late in 1968, after Johnson’s order ended law school deferments.

    So the young men who were taking the test would have found no protection from being law students. Hillary’s taking their place in school would have had no effect.

    Hillary lied.

    CQ Almanac reports that “the Johnson Administration [on] Feb. 16, 1968, abolished draft deferments for most male graduate students.”

    The 1968 ruling applied to all entering law school students. Students in medical, dental, or divinity schools continued to be draft exempt. There was a separate medical draft.

    In her memoir Living History she makes no mention of any incident while she took the test. She never mentioned this traumatic event, saying simply that she took the test for law school and was accepted by Harvard and Yale.

    Hillary’s speeches over the years are replete with fabricated or exaggerated stories about her past. She claimed to have been named after Sir Edmund Hillary who climbed Mt. Everest (but five years after Hillary’s birth). She said she “followed her heart” to move to Arkansas to practice law, but the fact is that she flunked the DC Bar and the Arkansas Bar was the only one she passed.

    Now, she is under pressure from her campaign staff to soften her image and humanize herself. So she did what she always does: She lies and makes up a story.
    View my most recent videos in case you missed them!
    The Impact Of Third Parties In Presidential Elections – Dick Morris TV: History Video!
    Hillary Lied About Classified Emails In NBC Debate – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
    The Ultimate Flaw In Hillary’s Campaign – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!
    Trump Excels In Commander-In-Chief Forum: Hillary Defensive – Dick Morris Reports!
    The Future Of The Clinton Foundation – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

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    Dick Morris is well known for his insightful and hard-hitting political commentary. With his wife, Eileen McGann, Dick has written 14 books, including 10 NY Times best-sellers. Together they pen almost daily columns for their website, the New York Post, Newsmax, the Hill Magazine and many other publications. Domestically, Morris has handled the winning campaigns of more than 30 Senators and Governors, including President Bill Clinton and Republican Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. Internationally, he has piloted the successful campaigns of the president or prime minister of Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Kenya, Hungary, Poland, Taiwan, and Japan.

    Morris’ and McGann’s latest book is Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hillary.

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