IS IT TRUE when a business are having major budget shortfalls they make serious budget cuts?  …our City Council are experiencing major budget shortfalls challenges so they just give themselves a raise?

IS IT TRUE that 3rd Ward City Councilwoman Anna Hargis CPA recently contacted former City Councilman John Friend CPA to ask him to explain to her about a few item concerning the proposed 2017 budget?  …they talked about 30 minutes?  …we wonder why Ms. Hargis hasn’t contacted Mr. Friend since then?

IS IT TRUE at last nights City Council meeting we thought we heard Finance Chairman Dan McGinn  state that the budget problems were caused by the spending practices over the last 12 years?  …we wonder what former Mayor Winezapfel thinks about Mr. McGinn’s alleged remarks?

IS IT TRUE people are telling us every time Governor Pence goes out of State the Holcomb and Crouch ticket takes a 1 to 2 point lead?  …we hear that political insiders are hoping that during the next 50 plus days the Trump campaign will require Pence to campaign in other States?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the voters want to hear what Holcomb -Crouch political platform is all about?  …we already know what Governor Pence is all about?  …it’s time for Holcomb and Crouch take control of their campaign for the next 50 plus day if they expected to be elected?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the political message of U S Senatorial candidate Todd Young is getting the attention of the independents thinking voters?  …Representative Young political ads make reference to his military background and his opponent being a well paid lobbyist for the last several years are really getting the attention of the independent thinking voters?  …we predict that Mr.Young campaign has all the markings of a major political upset?

IS IT TRUE one of  last week our non-scientific but trendy “READERS POLL” question was “Who would you vote for If the election was held today for District 77 State Representative seat?” …197 CCO readers voted in  this  poll? …the results were:  Johnny Kincaid -98, Ryan Hatfield-80 and Don’t Know was 19?   …it looks like Ryan Hatfield, Candidate for State Representative District 77 endorsements from the Indiana State Teachers Association, Indiana Fraternal Order of Police, and the Indiana AFL-CIO meant very little to the CCO readers?

IS IT TRUE the results of another non-scientific but trendy “Readers Poll” concerning District 1 County Commissioner race are as follows: Sean Selby (R)-139,  Ben Shoulders (D)-121 and 45 Don’t Know At This Time….it looks like we have a political barn burner in the making?

IS IT TRUE we hear that the last two (2) Vanderburgh County Republican party Saturday breakfasts meetings  have been cancelled because of lack of interest?  … were told by a couple of political workers for candidates for Vanderburgh County offices that they boycotted these events because of the way the Mayor and his party Chairman are quietly supporting their Democratic opponents?

IS IT TRUE that last week CCO poster Joe Wallace said:  “I even have no problem with Hillary having the nuclear codes. She would forget them in a week and eliminate the threat of nuclear war.”?  …this was one funny post?

IS IT TRUE since Mark Owen give up the reins of being party Chairman of the Vanderburgh County Democratic party has only won a very few County elections?  …like Mr Owen or not we think history has proven that he has done one heck of a job as a Chairman of the Democratic party because during his tenure he only lost very few elections and always kept a good sum of money in the political party war chest?

IS IT TRUE that the current Democratic party Chairman Rob Faulkner has a reputation of doing very little to help his party candidates? …if you don’t believe this statement please ask former Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken?


The next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Friday.


Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County


  1. What about Mr. McGinn tasking Jeb of Warrick County to draw up a resolution to eliminate the homestead tax credit at 2% increments!

    • The Clinton Campaign released this statement:

      “As soon as she got into the vehicle, she was feeling fine. Her preference was to go to Chelsea’s. Based on an assessment of her condition and after having conferred with her physician, the staff and the Secret Service thought it was appropriate.”

      The New York Post is full of right wing radical Clinton/democrat haters. There statement and recount of the events are skewed by the hate towards Hillary and they are not true Journalist. They don’t report the facts but instead report what they think happened and that it not Journalism. That’s political blogging at it’s best.
      People that read the New York Post and believe this are just nothing more than conspiracy pushers.

      • I saw the statement. “As soon as she got into the vehicle she felt fine” seems to be a bit disingenuous. She darn near face planted into that van. If not for her secret service detail she would have fallen flat on her face. She may have felt better an hour later but not “as soon as she got into the vehicle”.

        • Joe: I have high blood pressure and have to take medicine to relax my blood vessels and lower my blood pressure. Some times when my Blood Pressure is low and I get up fast I almost faint. I’m fine after a few seconds. It takes me about 30 seconds to fully recover. If I get up slower and take my time I’m fine.

          The human body can recover very quickly once the stressor are relieved. You would be surprised how fast someone can recover just by getting off their feet and sitting down for a few seconds.

          You obviously don’t want to believe what she said and that’s fine. She won’t be getting your vote anyway. I believe her and think she made the right move.

          I don’t blame her for not going to the ER. It’s her body not mine or yours so she has to live with the decisions she makes.
          And the way Judicial Watch hovers over her and watches every move she does or doesn’t make would make anyone nervous. She’s been hounded by people like them ever since she married Bill and took up residence in the State Building in Arkansas. I don’t blame her for being a little gun shy of the GOP attack dogs. They are relentless.

          Did you know that when the Nurse takes your blood pressure she is suppose to wait 5 minutes after you sit down before she takes your blood pressure so that it can stabilize? They don’t always do that. One’s blood pressure can change significantly due to stress. Low blood pressure can also be caused by low fluid levels in the body or the lost of potassium and sodium in the blood stream. It’s called Volumetric Shock and it’s easily cured by giving an IV or drinking fluids and laying down with the feet raised. People in shock can come out of the shock condition quickly if they are treated properly. Sometimes all it takes if getting off your feet and having a glass of water and sitting down in the AC. Is that a Miracle? No, It’s just the way the human body is made.

      • The other day my older mother had a spell where she felt like she was going to pass out. She called me and I decided that protocol should be to call 911 and get the paramedics out to check her out. She later had a bowl movement and felt better. Turns out she was just constipated. She recently had part of her colon removed to prevent her from getting colon cancer in the future and she has to be careful as to what type of foods she eats. She’s lucky to still be alive. After the paramedics arrived they checked her out. I drove to her house and arrived right after the paramedics. I’m an x EMT and so I was able to communicate with the medics. Mom felt much better after they got there and I arrived. The paramedics and I both tried to talk her into going to the ER to get checked out. She refused and said she was felling better and didn’t want to go to the ER. The paramedics could not force her to go unless she passed out and then and only then could they transport her to the ER without her verbal permission. Mom has passed out before due to pain or discomfort. She knows her body better than most people. So she knew she was going to be fine. But I was worried as a son should be. I tried to talk her into going to the ER to get a check up. She almost relented. The medics were concerned that she may have a heart problem and expressed that they recommend that she go to the ER to get check out. I asked if they could run a portable EKG test and test her heart function on site. They said that they would do that and proceeded to check out her heart rhythm and electrical system. All check out fine for the most part. And since the EKG was normal and mom was feeling much better I decided to sign a form to release the paramedics so that they could return to duty. It turns out that mom was fine and there is nothing wrong with her heart at all. She was out cutting grass the next week. But she knew that it was a waste of time to go to the ER. She’s been in the ER at least 3 or 4 timers in the last 5 years for various falls and broken hips and colon surgery. She was in the ER last Easter Time for pain in her lower right side that turned out to be diverticulitis and an inflamed ascending colon. She was operated on Easter Sunday. She recovered from the operation. But like I said she had to watch what she eats.

        The moral of the story here is that not everyone has to go to the ER when they feel sick for a few minutes and then get better after the conditions change.

        I’ve seen young healthy people keel over in the heat while performing in hot costume at Mesker Theater during the Hot Summer Months. When the Air temperatures are in the upper 90’s with 60 to 70% humidity and the Ozone levels off the charts along with high sulfates levels it’s easy for healthy people to pass out due to too much overheating. These kids were fine after we cooled them off. They recovered just fine and didn’t require hospitalization.

        The same thing happened at the Drums on the Ohio one summer years ago. The performers from out of the country were not acclimated to the high ozone levels and bad air pollution that we have here in the Ohio Valley. They were from Scandinavia. Their band uniforms were made out of wool. And they were overcome with the high heat, humidity and air pollution. These were young people. I remember several of them falling down after their performance that evening. I remember Ann Komis, a young new reporter for Channel 7) wanting to get an interview after the kids collapsed. All we had to do was removed their thick hot wool coats and cool them down with some cold water and give oxygen to a few of them and they were revived quickly.

        This is the nature of heat exhaustion. They were still sweating and all they needed was to be cooled down and given lots of fluids to rehydrate their bodies and they were fine after that. I don’t recall taking any of them to the ER. Not everyone needs to go to the ER ever time they feel sick. Some are told to follow up with their family doctor where appropriate.

        We don’t go to the ER just because we have the flue or a cold. Most people with a cold get better on their own with proper rest and nutrition. Not all colds are caused by bacteria and antibiots don’t work if the cold is caused by a virus. And the only way to know if the cold is caused by a bacteria is to do testing. And it takes time for a bacteria culture to mature before one can get test results back to the doctor. So there may be a delay of a day or so before the Dr can read the test results and make a decision about treatments.

        So all you conspiracy nuts need to stand down and shut up about Hillary’s not going to the ER ever times she feels hot and such. She did the appropriate thing and is going to recover fully. Rest assured Hillary will be in the White House come Nov. She is one tough cookie. She has to be tough with all the BS thrown at her by the right wing radicals over the past 40 years.

        • I was not challenging her decision not to go to the ER. I was challenging the campaign’s statement about “feeling fine as soon as she got in the van”. I understand very well why she wanted nothing to do with the circus that an ER visit would have brought on.

          I had a concussion in middle school. It was a pretty bad one. During the following 48 years, I have had 3 pass out events. I did not feel good for about 5 minutes before. It is a strange feeling to know that is coming on. Then it happens and you feel nothing for a few minutes. Afterward in my case, I have been okay to resume my prior activities but felt exhausted. I have never had any memory problem associatd with either the concussion or the blackouts.

          • I’m glad that you are doing better and recovered from those concussions. I hit my head on the windshield when I had a car accident once many years ago. I hit the windshield with my head hard enough to break the glass. I had a sore neck for a few days but went on a fishing trip for the next week anyway. I was lucky that I didn’t break my neck that night. I didn’t have my seat belt on and the car pulled out right in front of me at the very last second. I felt helpless and could not stop. I remember hitting the passenger side of the other vehicle. No one was hurt thank god.

            Another time I was doing a trick dive on the 3 meter high dive and I misjudge the dive and open up out of a 2.5 summersault to early and hit my face on the surface of the lake. I almost black out. I went up on the beach and sat down with my friends. I was in 8th grade at the time and had just graduated from grammar school and went out to Kramers Lake with my girlfriend and some of her girlfriends. I remember feeling dizzy for a few hours after that. That was probably the worst hit I’ve ever taken in my life. I was spinning and falling when I hit my face on the water. Normally if you dive into the water properly it won’t hurt. But if you land on the surface of the water flat it will be like running into a brick wall. I ran into a brick wall that day. I’m sure that I had a concussion back then. I never went to the ER and they didn’t have MRI’s or CAT scans back in those days. That was back in 1959 IIRC.

            My Mom broke her hip in 2012 and had to have a hip operation to replace the top of her femur. Since then she has fallen three or four times. Two times she ended up in the ER. They did CAT scans on her and found noting wrong. No concussions they said. I guess they know what they are doing. She is fine and for her age is aware of all her surroundings. I know other people her age that are not so lucky. We live one day at a time. And we keep on going on.

        • I have had pneumonia many times as a result of respiratory allergies that went too far. I would not have gone to ER in her situation, and being aware that I had pneumonia. She was feeling better once she drank some water, so it was pretty clear that there was no real danger to her. I don’t know what antibiotics she’s on, but many of them tend to make someone who is taking them feel nauseous and dizzy, especially if they get too hot and/or are not getting extra fluids beyond their normal intake.

          • The problem is that when she almost feel down and got dizzy she didn’t know that she had walking pneumonia at that time. It was only after she was visited by her doctor and the doctor rans the test and found out that she had pneumonia. Sometimes It takes a few hours or even a couple of days to culture bacteria on a petri dish or in a broth before you know if bacteria are present. I studied microbiology as a veterinary medicine student in college and had to run bacterial tests in our microbiology lab. It takes time for the bacteria to grow and reproduce in sufficient quantiles before you can identify the type of bacteria that’s present. One has to run multiple tests to ID a gram positive vs gram negative bacteria. So when Hillary got into the car all she knew at that time was that she was over heated and felling weak and she felt better after sitting down in the AC of the car. She probably was given something to drink. She is under a lot of stress as well and going to her daughters would have a more calming effect on her. The bottom line is that she is better and most likely will continue to campaign again very soon.

          • If she didn’t know she had walking pneumonia but didn’t go to the ER but her daughter’s, then did Chelsea diagnose her?
            If you watched the video, and you have, her feet do not move when she attempts to walk.
            Hillary is trying to fool others and you are trying to fool yourself into believing that her series of health events is not indicative of a serious problem.
            But then Hillary wouldn’t lie.

      • That is a reasonable way of dealing with a little heat induced dizziness. Out of the heat into the cool vehicle, I’m sure she did feel better pretty quickly. At that point she already had a diagnosis of pneumonia so a trip to the ER wouldn’t have added much except fodder to sustain the Trumpettes, both overt & closeted, to continue entertaining their fantasies about her health.

        It is amusing to watch the Hillary Haters squirm as the election grows nearer. Many are now ersatz doctors, changing their diagnoses as informed by the latest YouTube video or tweet from the Beet’s campaign. YouTube Rubes waiting for a Beet Tweet, fine diagnosticians. Those stethoscopes they wear around their necks as they type their bad imaginings for the Clintons could turn into boas with a simple nod from Moses, at which point they would have to join the burlesque or cry for help.

    • I spoke with a medical professional yesterday about this issue. His opinion is that if she had sought care in the emergency room that the hospital would have admitted her for tests and to recover from whatever she has. It would also have created a battery of current tests with any diagnosis that is appropriate. The press would have been relentless in calling for the test results. That could be a campaign ending situation for her. She avoided that by refusing to go to the emergency room. She chose her campaign over her own health.

      • And that fits in precisely with the way Hillary Clinton operates. She will give you what she wants you to have, and what she does not want you to have……well here is a prime example:

        A Hillary Clinton administration would be indistinguishable from a monarchy with Hillary as queen. She is above the law and does not have to answer to the little people.

        • You said the same thing about Obama and that never proved true. You just don’t have the facts press. Which is why when you talk National Politics most all tune you out. I’m sorry to bust your bubble. But if you think that people read all you post in here you are sadly mistaken. I skip about 90% of what you post in here these days. Now if you want to talk about local politics then I’m all ears. I might learn something from you about local political stuff. But when it comes to the National Political Scene I tune you and every other right winger out. Posting links to right wing conspiracy web sites that were developed by right wing extremist is not going to convince many of your point of view. Sorry it just doesn’t work like that. I don’t fall for the IRS phone scam either. No matter how many times they call my phone and leave messages on the answering machine threating to take me off to jail for tax fraud. People are not fooled that easily.

          You can fool some of the people all the time and some people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time!

          • This is hilarious on here today watching all the Hillary supporters trying to defend her health. The next thing you know they will have her running in the New York Marathon and coming in second.

          • What really more funny is watching the Trump supporters trying to attack Hillary all the time. Actually it’s not very funny. It’s just plain sad.

      • Could or Would Joe. Probably or Definitely. Wishful thinking maybe? Yes a medical professional. Hell I could fall under that definition except I didn’t receive money as compensation for all the time I worked as a volunteer EMT for ten years or more. Yes it’s not a bad idea to go to the ER. But then again it’s not always necessary to go to the ER for a cold. Turns out that her allergies turned into a bacterial infection of her lungs. So hopefully the antibiotics along with some rest and fluids will get Hillary back on her feet and back in fighting mode quickly.

        I would think that Hillary knew she was feeling better after she got out of the heat, humidly and dirty air of NY city.

        The GOP would love to see Hillary die and many on the right have called for her to be hung or shot from what I’ve heard over the years. Donald Trump advisers were smarter than Donald Trump and must have advised him to stay off twitter when the news of Hillary’s illness first surfaced last week. That was one of the smartest things that the Donald has done in a long long long time. He kept his mouth shut. Other’s could learn a thing or two from him. He won’t keep his mouth shut long as we all know that on Sept 19th twitter will allow more than 140 characters on a tweet. What will Trumps handlers do then? 🙂

        • I wrote could and I stand by that choice. After all it is possible that the tests would have been favorable about her health.

          By the way, she left the event at 9:30 am. The temperature was in the low 70s and the humidity was 33%. This was not an overheating kind of day. It would have been a perfect day for the NYC Marathon.

          How many other people out of the thousands in attendance passed out? I am sure some reporters checked that out. If it was a widespread phenomena on that morning, it would have been reported.

          • She was wearing a dark outfit which collects heat and sunlight. I heard that some other members of Hillary campaign also were sick. Maybe there is something going around a bug of some kid?

          • Joe I use to work at Roberts Stadium with the Ambulance Crew. You would be surprised how many people are left in the stadium passed out that have to be taken to the ER for drug overdoses. The Evansville Press didn’t care and never reported about those people unless they died. And the ER people were not always pleased when we brought in the drug overdoes who were often combative and without health insurance to pay for their treatment.

            Anything is possible but not always PROBABLE. There is a huge difference. The glass is either half full or half empty to some people.

          • The tests were done by her personal physician and he is treating her for her medical condition and as far as we all know she is recovering. She will take a few days off according to her Husband and campaign people. She will be back on the campaign trail very soon. It’s very probably that she will make a full recovery and be our next President of the USA.

          • Joe

            I was an EMT for almost 20 years, and have been in the healthcare field for over 30 years. So my perspective is based on what I have personally seen and experienced.

            She had been standing, in a crowd of people, for 90 minutes. While the ambient temperature might have been as you say, she was standing in direct sunlight in dark clothing.

            On top of that, can you imagine the stress and body heat that would accumulate from wearing all the bullet-proof underclothing I am sure she wears?

            She was dressed in dark clothing and probably had the weight of her security attire (bulletproof clothing can easily add 30-40 pounds to a persons clothing) on her. When I was an EMT here in Evansville in the early 90’s we wore bullet proof vests, and they can cause you to sweat and build up heat very quickly. The weight is more than what people think.

            On top of that, my vest was not high-impact like I am guessing the Secret Service forces Hillary to wear. They probably have her in a top-line model to deflect higher velocity rounds as well as close-quarters (knife or stabbing) attack

            Being under the weather could easily have caused her to become overheated and/or light-headed, and adding the additional weight could have exacerbated the overheating.

            In terms of what we saw and what has been said by her doctor and other staff, the after-effects of overheating can vanish in a matter of minutes depending on how cool the van was she was placed in. As far as all the videos show, yes, she was a bit unsteady on her feet. However, a primary sign of heat related problems is dizziness and being light-headed.

            In conclusion, when you combine standing in direct sunlight for 90 minutes, the close-quarters of the crowd around her, wearing dark clothing in the direct sunlight with bullet proof security armor under that, and factoring in the potential for heat exhaustion (with being dizzy and light-headed) and her recent diagnosis from her personal doctor that she has pneumonia, and what her doctor has stated is more than just plausible, it is likely an accurate representation of the event.

        • Did she pass out? I haven’t seen that from any credible source. The campaign is saying she didn’t.

      • Sometimes is faster to go to the ER and not go to your family physician for regular people. I have to wait days or weeks before I can see a specialist. I know a retired Police Officer who has dizzy spells and can’t get into the neurologist in a timely manner. People have told him to go to the ER but he won’t do that. Good news is that he is seeing the specialist today.

        Normally it’s better to be safe than sorry. One word of advise to people who have good insurance and refuse to go to the ER when they call the medics to come see them. If you refuse to go to the ER the insurance company (Medicare and supplemental insurances) may refuse to pay the ambulance bill. And that bill can be significant. You may have to pay for that bill out of pocket. Be prepared to shell out over $1000 for an ambulance run to your home. And the ambulance company will hound you for years if you fail to pay them.

        • All true but none of that would have applied to a candidate for president who travels by motorcade.

          Two of my episodes were in Roberts. One was a Kansas concert in 79 and the other was Bad Company the same year. In both cases some friends fanned me and put water on my face. Neither was drug induced but in both cases I had been standing down near the stage and it was very hot.

          I can believe that there are lots of pass outs for various reasons after concerts that go unattended.

          As to the pass out question I agree that has not been confirmed. The video shows some odd stumbling sort of movement for a standing position followed by a near face plant into the van that was abated by the secret service. It has been reported that a shoe came off and was retrieved later. No pass out has been admitted.

          • It was reported here by Joe Biden, and likely true, that ‘she threw a shoe and Bill called a blacksmith’. I believe that happened pretty much as reported.

    • This Clinton copy cat corruption from the same Secretary of State John Kerry who said this summer that air conditioners and refrigerators are as big of a threat to life as the threat of terrorism posed by ISIS. I am not making this up. It shows how far from reality the Obama/Hillary/Kerry global warming leftists really are. Your air conditioner is as dangerous as ISIS? Really??

      • Hillary would probably put John Kerry in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency if she got elected.

        What a joke, can you visualize the White House and the Capital Office buildings going without air conditioning in a Hillary Clinton administration? These people really do believe that Americans are some type of idiot subspecies placed here for their entertainment.

    • How much did the Bush Cronies make off the Bush adm? Donald Rumsfeld made money off the FDA’s approval of his former companies Aspartame which is being avoided by some Major Companies these days because they found out that aspartame when heated turns into formaldehyde. And then there are major Bush Donors that are making a lot of money off the US Military. MRE are not cheap. Many of the things used by our military are made by people who were affiliated with the Bush Adm. They all make money off the Government. Trump is making Millions off his campaign these days. He is hiring himself and paying his own companies and affiliates with his campaign monies.

    • Pussified Press

      Oh Good Lord, the AAPS?????

      The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) group is a bunch of quacks. They formed in 1943 and has about 3,000 dues-paying members, so when you consider that there are almost 900,000 active physicians in America, they represent jack-squat. The American Medical Association, the nation’s largest physician group, reported almost 250,000 doctors.

      AAPS has taken on issues beyond traditional medical topics. More than a decade ago, the group unsuccessfully urged the United States Supreme Court to release post-mortem photographs of a former Clinton administration official, Vincent Foster, arguing that they were needed to make certain that Mr. Foster, whose death was attributed to suicide, had not been murdered.

      The AAPS spent decades trying to block the implementation of Medicare, and has publicized the discredited ideas that vaccines can cause autism and abortion increases the risk of breast cancer.

      Yet despite the lab coats and the official-sounding name, the docs of the AAPS are hardly part of mainstream medical society. Think Donald Trump with an MD. Some of its former leaders were John Birchers, and its political philosophy comes straight out of Ayn Rand. Its general counsel is Andrew Schlafly, son of the legendary conservative activist Phyllis.

      The AAPS statement of principles declares that it is “evil” and “immoral” for physicians to participate in Medicare and Medicaid, and its journal is a repository for quackery. Its website features claims that tobacco taxes harm public health and electronic medical records are a form of “data control” like that employed by the East German secret police. An article on the AAPS website speculated that Barack Obama may have won the presidency by hypnotizing voters, especially cohorts known to be susceptible to “neurolinguistic programming” which the writer specifically lists as “young people, educated people, and possibly Jews”

      The AAPS journal present a kind of alternate-universe scientific world, in which abortion causes breast cancer and vaccines cause autism, but HIV does not cause AIDS. Cutting carbon emissions represents a grave threat to global health (because environmental regulation would make people poorer and, consequently, sicker). In 2005, the journal erroneously claimed that illegal immigration had caused a leprosy epidemic in the US, a claim that was reported as fact in more mainstream outlets such as Lou Dobbs’ show.

      Much like its friends in the tea-party movement, AAPS sees threats to liberty lurking everywhere. The organization opposes some of the most accepted practices in health care, including mandatory vaccine regulations. Peer review, a long-standing hospital practice that helps doctors learn from and prevent errors, is viewed as the source of great injustice by AAPS, which fights attempts to micromanage doctors with such bureaucratic nuisances as medical evidence about what works and what doesn’t. Computers, too, are an ominous threat. The organization has resisted the use of electronic medical records—which, naturally, represents an attempt by the government to acquire masses of private information about American citizens. (AAPS’ executive director claims to keep all her patient notes in longhand.)

      Once in a while, an AAPS member has let slip that their opposition to health care reform doesn’t stem purely from medical concerns. In July, Florida neurosurgeon and AAPS member David McKalip circulated on a tea-party listserv a photo of Obama dressed in Papua New Guinean tribal garb with a bone through his nose, captioned “Obamacare: Coming soon to a clinic near you.” News of the photo, first reported by Talking Points Memo, forced McKalip to apologize publicly and step down as president-elect of the Pinellas County Medical Association. He claimed afterward that he would stay out of politics for a while, but a few weeks later, he spoke at a tea party in south Florida and, on October 16, appeared on the Glenn Beck show with another AAPS member for a special on health care reform.

      The tea-party movement has given AAPS—a fringe operation for most of its recent history—a much needed shot in the arm. News reports put the group’s membership at about 4,000 members and it had annual revenue of barely $760,000 in 2008, according to its tax filings. By comparison, the AMA has 236,000 members and revenue of $290 million. AAPS’s California chapter was apparently all but dormant until it was revived in time to kick off the Tea Party Express tour in San Diego last month.

  2. Here’s the way I see the “Basket of Deplorables” comment. I don’t believe it will cost Hillary a single vote. The only thing that can cost her votes is an apology for the phrase “Basket of Deplorables.” The people who are in Trump’s basket will stay there. Her supporters will say that she gave voice to their thoughts, much the way Trump’s deplorables think he is saying what they think when he calls Mexicans “rapists” and calls for the exclusion of Muslim immigrants. In other words, people are deeply divided and there is personal animosity between the sides. It’s a shame that the Birther/Bigot/ Tealiban/Deplorables are following Trump so blindly, and it is a shame that the Democratic party could not produce a less baggage-laden candidate. But it is what it is, and Trumpers are deplorable people.

    • Well, if the bigot Mike Pence stubbornly refuses to call David Duke deplorable, I will. 🔜 Bring on the references to Robert Byrd. The Rump campaign never misses a chance to toss a silent wink & nod to their (now 53.4%) deplorable base. They’ve done everything but make poor ole Pence wear the pointed hood.

    • This article has a different opinion on the aftermath of the “deplorables” comment. For me it is too early to tell but here is what I know. Nearly everyone who does not fit in that basket has some friends and relatives who do. You and I are no exception. She is already trying to walk it back but does not seem inclined to amend her percentage estimate down. It was not a slip of the tongue either. She was on Israeli TV earlier in the day saying the exact words. I think she honestly believes what she said. It will be interesting to watch it unfold. Here is the article that opines that this is a campaign killer.

  3. Is anybody else being greeted by the “Spam Stopper” whenever they post here, or is it just me? I have been blocked from posting anything from the best known odds-makers for the past three days, but I see PAK is still posting the trash polls he loves so much.

    • ELkaybee

      We checked you claims about your comments being blocked by the CCO with our IT guy. We have no problem with your comments being posted on our end.

      Please re-check your how you are sending your comments on your end.

      Thanks for reading and posting on the CCO. We enjoy reading your pointed and well researched comments.



      • I get that every now and then here. I ignore it and hit the back button then ‘post comment’ again and my comment is published. If I get the Bad Page again I just hit the back button again and it posts. Never had to go back over twice. I don’t think it’s anything too nefarious or it wouldn’t surrender to the old back button dodge.

      • I am sending comments the only way possible, by typing in a comment and hitting “Post Comment”. It is not possible to make the “Stop Spammer” program appear from anyplace but your end, and I encounter it with all of my posts. It will not allow any links from the most famous political odds-maker, whose name I will not use, because anything having to do with it is always blocked from this site. I know because I have tried several times over the past three days.

    • yes it being applied to me every time I post after the first few posts. I’ve been on many web sites at this time of the year that lean to the right. So I’m used to being banned or blocked if I stand up for the Democratic Candidates.

      Your email address is there all you have to do to add it is choose it from the pop down list. I post “Please” in the comments section and do the math and continue to post. But I wonder who else is being presented with the prove you are not a robot exam before their posts go though and are published in here.

      • I doubt the Trumpers are having any problems. There are only three legitimate pro-Trumpers here on any regular basis, and the others are all one person who I know isn’t having to deal with Spam Stopper.

        • I know solving the math problem might be a challenge for you , but if you type it into your browser bar Google will give you the answer.

          You are both good posters who add a little spice to the CCO forum, but neither one of you are so controversial or so profound and unanswerable that you are being blocked.

          It’s a typical spam blocker to stop bots. Hey! Maybe that’s it! You’r ea couple Hillary-bots and the blocker is mistaking you for spam-bots!

    • LKB, all posts regarding HRC on the CCO are autorouted to HRC’s basement server where they are checked for porn by Billy Boy before approval by the FBI…

      Seriously, we all get that spam blocker BS periodically. The Editor’s “IT” nerd needs to dig a little deeper.

      I just fill in my eMail address, type “Why again?” and do the math problem to prove I’m not a robot.

      Sometimes it happens repeatedly and sometimes no problems for days.

  4. Or, Hillary may be “flopping” like a sissy French soccer player. Translated, for LKB and Mr. Becker, that means she may be acting with her fainting, pneumonia, miracle cures, etc to draw attention away from her e-mail scandals, Clinton Foundation scandals, blood at Benghazi and her truly illuminating characterization of Trump supporters as “deplorables”. Not a good idea for a political elitist like Hillary to insult American workers. American workers support Trump. America workers are pulling the wagon, not getting a free ride in the wagon.

  5. It is difficult to watch video like this when you know that Hillary Clinton is running for the office of President of The UNited States:

    The more people who see this, the fewer votes she will get.

    • Press, the only one that didn’t take the Fifth today was a former Clinton aide that testified he had full access to Hillary’s server for years and he had zero, zippo, nada security clearance.

  6. I believe she was having withdrawals for a Rum&Coke and didn’t want to go to the emergency room because a Rum&Coke would cost way more there than at Chelsea’s.

    We all know how conservative Miss Hill is.

    Anyway that’s what I think….

  7. Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

    Trump should be taking advantage.

    He’s not…..Telling, very telling.

    More interested in starting Trump/Breitbart than being President.

    Sorry fellas. Your guy should be STOMPING HILlARY…..and he ain’t.

      • Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

        I guess you can’t read Press. Or, you are delusional.
        Your guy don’t wanna win….nothing has changed, and it SHOULD HAVE CHANGED by now.

    • Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

      Like I said. Grade school banter from you….not even CLOSE to the facts.
      But you’re always that way Press.
      Your guy don’t wanna win….nothing has changed, and it SHOULD HAVE CHANGED by now.

      • Barack Obama trying to breath some life into Hillary’s campaign by speaking down to black people. He has a history of speaking down to black people. What has 30 years of Hillary’s and his cookie cutter speeches to blacks done for the members in the audience.

        It has produced nothing but rhetoric, but it manages to keep them in office. Trump was exactly right when he asked black people “What do you have to lose in voting for Trump? The answer is a resounding “nothing to lose.”

        • Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

          It is working. You’re whining about it cause you don’t like it!
          And you can describe it in strange ways, mis-label what it is that Obama is doing
          …..but it is working.

    • It is comical, if pathetic, to hear Barack Obama put on his best ghetto jive voice to talk down to his black audience. He is going on about fantasies of things he think Trump MIGHT do that his audience might not like, and he is not smart enough to realize that he has already done those things himself.

      • Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

        It’s working. You don’t like it, of course. But it’s working.

        Look……all the comments here, they don’t mean anything.

        But what IS CLEAR:
        Trump DON’T WANNA WIN…..the race, it’s the same, same Clinton lead, same polls, same old snooze stuff from you, from Trump……nothing has changed Press.
        Cause Trump ISN’T TRYING TO WIN. The race is the same cause Trump doesn’t wanna win.

        • Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

          ….nothing has changed, and it SHOULD HAVE CHANGED by now.

  8. Candidate Todd Young:
    His ad is nothing but “Trump style” lies!

    *Bayh’s vote broke the tie on Obama Care. Really, unless his was worth “19” votes!!!!!!!

    *Bayh’s votes did not follow Indiana voters interest. Really, he won this state with a 64% & 62% in 96 & 02!

    Todd Young, from the same cut as Trump!

    • Good, What cloth is Bayh cut from?

      What address would you use to send Bayh a birthday card?

      I’m not voting for that carpet beggar and neither should you.

  9. “99% of the people who believed in the birther movement were racist.” – Colin Powell

    Agree – Regulator

    5.2% wage increase for middle class in 2015.

    Bah Humbug – LOL!


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