But Voters, As Always, Must Choose


But Voters, Ss Always, Must Choose

by Andrew Horning
Libertarian for 8th District US House of Representatives

Freedom, IN – Many feel that our “Major Party” choices on Election Day have been getting worse and worse, while the general condition of our society and individual lives seems to be devolving toward calamity. That’s true, of course. But we could fix it if only we’d acknowledge the problem, admit who freely chose this, and realize who’s got the power to turn this around. The fix itself is simple enough, and mostly written-down already.

The most important three steps are:

· Stand down our military-industrial complex and global imperialism.
· Monetary/banking reform.
· End the cronyism/corruption culture.

That’s in reverse order, unfortunately; because as congressmen I could address the first two listed only after voters take a stand against the recent (since the 1970’s), self-appointed and irretrievably corrupt, “Two Party System”…by electing me!

Only voters can topple the two-party-in-name-only, crony network, which has become little more than a front, distraction, protection and marketing group for the finance and militarism elites who run the world behind the Two Party Firewall.

So before we can nullify the unjust, profligate, unconstitutional judgments, agencies, laws and actions which produced the welfare cliff, the horrific cost of healthcare, oppressive lawless bureaucracy, and of course endless war and ever-more militarization, voters must first say something to the ruling elites that they’ve not heard in a hundred years:


The other 8th district candidates have no intention or ability to fix the mess they choose to represent. So, first, voters must vote against that corrupt monstrosity. Yes, it’s good to vote against what’s wrong. To say otherwise is a terrible misunderstanding of the whole point of elections; and that is for peaceful revolution. If they feel that they can vote for me, that’d be great. But first, voters must fire the Two Party System!

After voters fire that shot heard ‘round the world, we can talk about other reforms including:
· Term Limits
· Rule of Law
· End “earmarks” (pork)
· End special classes, special deals for special people – equality for all at long last
· Sunset provision/amendment to refine and reduce the number of laws so that our rules are:
o Few enough to actually know
o Simple enough to actually obey
o Important enough to enforce without exceptions or special classes

None of the preceding is ideological, untested or even new. Most of it is already law.
It’s all in voters’ power to set things right. But first, in order to use their power, they must understand that they’ve always had it, and used it to get to where we are today. And for that to happen, they need to be better informed of their choices, and how elections have been working up to now.

Liberty or Bust!
Andrew Horning
Libertarian for 8th District US House of Representatives
7851 Pleasant Hill Road, Freedom, IN 47431
(812) 585-0902 cell


  1. My vote will be included in your totals Horning.

    The thought of you wearing that McDonald’s outfit on the floor of the House is just too much not to take a chance on….

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