Registration is open for The Art and Science of Autism Spectrum conference in mid-October. Parents, caregivers, and professionals are encouraged to attend. Presented by St. Mary’s Center for Children, the conference will be held October 14, from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the Manor Auditorium on St. Mary’s Medical Center campus in Evansville. A continental breakfast and lunch is provided with each registration.

The conference features dynamic speakers in the field of autism studies. Michelle Garcia Winner, Dr. Mark Osteen, and the mother/daughter trio of Caroline Paleski, Elizabeth Schmidt-Nellis and Lori Schmidt bring their perspective though engaging sessions during the day.

Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC-SLP, presents “Face-to-Face Communication’s Four Steps: Teaching Social Thinking and Related Social Skills.” Michelle Garcia Winner is the founder of Social Thinking® which specializes in developing treatment strategies for helping persons with social emotional learning challenges. She runs and works in her small clinic, has authored numerous books and speaks internationally. She was awarded a Congressional Certificate of Special Recognition in 2008.