EVSC Names September Cause for Applause Recipient  


Judy Nall, EVSC receptionist, was awarded the EVSC’s Cause for Applause award for September. The award seeks to recognize individuals who go above and beyond their normal job responsibilities.

Nall has worked in the EVSC for 21 years in a number of positions, most recently, serving as EVSC receptionist. Each day, Judy handles hundreds of calls, either transferring them or answering questions. Judy also checks in numerous visitors to the EVSC Administration Building each day. According to those who nominated her, Judy always does this with a smile.

“Judy is the face of the EVSC as she is the first person visitors see when they walk in the door,” wrote Kathy Sliment, EVSC coworker. “Her job appears to be not too complicated – answer phones, greet and check in customers, assist employees – BUT don’t be fooled. Any of those tasks, one at a time, would be manageable but Judy does them all at once, like a great juggler, with grace under fire and a smile.”

EVSC Senior Chief of District Operations Rick Cameron agrees. “Judy always does her job with great customer service and a definite smile.” Cameron also says Nall goes above and beyond by helping out in other ways such as helping keep the EVSC’s courtyard clean and weed free. “Judy is a great example of going above and beyond to make EVSC and our community a better place.”

Nall will retire in October.

Anyone can nominate an employee of the EVSC for the award. Deadline for nominations is the third Friday of each month. To nominate an EVSC employee, go to www.evscschools.com and click on About Us and see Cause for Applause under Community. Paper forms are available at the schools for those without access to the Internet.