IS IT TRUE July 3, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE July 3, 2012

IS IT TRUE several members of the MOLE NATION are now telling the City County Observer that Vanderburgh County Democrat Party Chairman Jack McNeely is lobbying hard for the Evansville City Council to approve full funding for the Johnson Controls deal?…old ways really do seem to die hard for an old UNION BOSS who just can’t seem to grasp the breadth of his new job as Democrat Party Chairman?…the only reason for anyone to be lobbying so hard before this deal has been VETTED is self interest?…the self interest in this case is not profits for Johnson Controls or inside deals for consultants and attorneys?…this time the former UNION BOSS is lobbying for jobs for the brotherhood to do work that has not yet been proven to be beneficial to the people of Evansville?…that this deal like all deals should be VETTED completely and upon full transparent and honest approval let out for bids?…that it is insider dealing in closed door meetings and political arm twisting that has lead to a prolonged economic malaise in Evansville and even the country?…that McNeely’s tactics are part of the problem?

IS IT TRUE that attraction projects to get new factories into cities and regions can take years to bear fruit and that for the City of Mobile, Alabama one of those efforts had a major announcement yesterday?…that the European aerospace giant Airbus will be making jetliners in Mobile and will be employing 1,000 people in the plant?…that in the second paragraph of the announcement the words “RIGHT TO WORK” were placed prominently as one of the reasons for the decision to choose Mobile?…the Europe based plants were also called out for being “HEAVILY UNIONIZED”?…that even a company that was formed in a largely socialistic cross-borders agency is learning the lessons of free markets and migrating their workforce to right to work parts of the United States?…despite the right to work status of Alabama these 1,000 jobs will pay very well and demand high skills and a good work ethic?…that Boeing just last year put in a new jetliner facility in the right to work state of South Carolina?…the CCO hopes to see factories like these to start factories in Indiana which saw the same light that Airbus saw in 2012?…that in some ways the future is beginning to look a bit brighter for Hoosiers?

IS IT TRUE that in the field of manufacturing an official government report came out yesterday that shows the US manufacturing sector shrunk in June for the first time since July 2009?…the index is now below 50 for the first time in over three years which is an indicator of contraction as opposed to expanding?…that an index of 50 means staying the same?…the other industrialized nations including Germany, Spain, China, and the UK worse than ours and range from 41 to 48 as opposed to the USA’s 49?…this is not positive news for the economy and it in all likelihood an indicator that Friday’s jobs report will not be favorable?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO staff along with the rest of the our readers have awakened this morning to an unwelcome 25 cent per gallon increase in the price of gasoline?…this is just in time to have our pockets picked on any 4th of July travel that has already been planned?…that this is a suspicious move that is just enough to put a cool pile of money into the oil company (or local dealerships) coffers without breaking any of us but it is certainly infuriating?


  1. Isn’t true that being both the head of a union and a party reeks of a conflict of interest? If Chairman Wayne Parkes was also head of say the Chamber of Commerce wouldnt people be concerned? Is this one of those sneagal kinda things?

    • Is it true that you will not be able to name the union that Jack McNeely is the head of?

      • Your correct. I ere. Central Labor Building Trades Council would be more correct.

        • I am confused. Why did the CCO use the term “old UNION BOSS” for Jack? Is Jack atill a union boss?

  2. The gang of cronies are hard it! They intend to make as much money for themselves as possible off the citizens of Evansville. The smell from our local polititians just seems to be getting worse and worse!!!!

    • CCO may have just uncovered the reason Toyota built in Gibson Co, AK Steel built in Spencer Co and why Warrick Co is home to so many former Vanderburgh Co Business owners…. Cronie Jack-leg Politics …. all to the tune of a beer can full of rocks….

  3. Is it true that it’s not a surprise to any of us what McNeely is doing and his new position being a conflict of interst????? And YES, I am a Democrat and also FULLY SUPPORT UNIONS…. Again, what an embarrassment to the Democratic party!

    • Is it true that we can clearly see that you are a Democrat by your liberal use of UPPER CASE LETTERS and question marks???????

  4. Is it true that the wholesale price of gasoline only went up 7 cents between 8:30 a.m. Monday and 8:30 a.m. this morning, yet the retail price jumped over 20 cents?

    • JULY 4,2012: paid 2.96.9 for a gallon of gas in Tunica, Ms. 2.97.9 in Union City, Tn. Please explain the difference.

  5. What would had the past Demo Party Chairman, Mark Owens done about this project?

    Answer, kepted his mouth shut and let the elected officials decide what to do about this project!

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