IS IT TRUE June 26, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE June 26, 2012

IS IT TRUE that something most unusual happened at last night’s meeting of the Evansville City Council?…this one was so unexpected and unorthodox that it sort of left the members of the council and the gallery speechless?…that City Councilwoman Stephanie Riley who put in over 100 hours of personal time doing the research that eventually helped Mayor Lloyd Winnecke face the reality that the Earthcare deal needed to be ended did not show up to cast a vote on her own resolution to effectively de-fund the loan that was previously passed by a razor thin one vote margin?…that not only did Councilwoman Riley not make it to the meeting to cast a vote which sometimes happens to all members of the Council, but this time City Council President Connie Robinson played the role of emissary for Councilwoman Riley?…that on the WORD (not a letter or official notice of withdrawal) of President Robinson that Councilwoman Riley wanted to withdraw the resolution that she worked so hard on Riley’s resolution was withdrawn on a 5 – 3 vote along the same lines that the loan approval was passed?…that rescinding a resolution on the WORD of a Councilwoman as opposed to on the WORD of the person who sponsored the resolution or any written document of any kind is a new “BUBBAVILLE” low for this elected body?…that if we as a people are going to allow one member of the council to speak for another and then proceed to vote on a resolution based on hearsay alone then we have sunk to a low that the Soviet Politburo never even sunk to?

IS IT TRUE that in spite of the racist rants of a member of the audience designed to denigrate Councilwoman Riley’s work to expose what a real vetting process would have exposed in the first place that City Councilman Dan McGinn stood up in support of Councilwoman Riley’s work?…that he was joined by Councilman Al Lindsey who still is not convinced that the Evansville City Council should be playing banker and by Councilman John Friend, CPA who has consistently opposed the Earthcare deal on its failure to make a coherent and consistent case for the business as an investment?

IS IT TRUE that the antics of “The Five” of the City Council who have once again pulled a Neville Chamberlain imitation of APPEASEMENT OVER THOUGHT when it comes to allocating the money of the people of Evansville?…that in the long run since Mayor Winnecke has seen the light and has committed to not go forward with the Earthcare deal that last night’s DANCE OF THE DUMMIES will have little impact on the overall outcome?…that is unless President Robinson shows up and SAYS that Mayor Winnecke wants to go forward after all and she can get the right people to believe her?

IS IT TRUE that the Earthcare deal is still on life support and is not contractually dead yet because no releases or rescissions have been signed by Mayor Winnecke and the management of Earthcare?…Earthcare is still holding onto $184,000 of the $200,000 that the City of Evansville advanced them before VETTING the deal?…this FUBAR will be over when it is over on paper and not one hour before as there are plenty of loopholes in the contract signed by both parties to merit some settlement?…that 2012 looks to be shaping up to be christened as “WORD OF MOUTH YEAR” in the City of Evansville to commemorate the sloppiness in deal making and voting by our elected city government?

IS IT TRUE that the things that elected officials are allowed to get by with in Evansville, Indiana without any accountability is simply mind boggling?


  1. Mrs. Brinkerhoff-Riley, we know you read the CCO. It would be great for you to confirm that it was your intention/desire to rescind the ordinance and to explain why.

    • We have the hundreds of pages of research that she did as do the members of the Council, Mayor Winnecke, and the Courier Press. Her 100 hours of work is legitimate. We do not speak for Councilwoman Riley but it may just be that the votes needed to rescind the loan were just not there and that rather than see the resolution defeated by the same 5 who approved the loan, she chose to withdraw the resolution. If “The 5” were still in lockstep support for Earthcare then withdrawal would have been the most logical choice.

      • That makes no sense. Wouldn’t she want her name at least put on the correct side of the issue even just for the sake of later being able to say “I f*cking told you so”?

      • When the enemy turns your left flank, the prudent decision is to retreat and regroup. Ask General Lee.

  2. We the people had your back Stephanie. What happened?

    Someone needs to call the state police.

    • Enoch your name should be Eunich. Call the state police for what? This has to rank as the most asinine comment on the CCO in its history AND THAT IS SAYING A LOT!

      • “This has to rank as the most asinine comment on the CCO in its history AND THAT IS SAYING A LOT!”

        I agree.

  3. Of course the real story here is what prompted Councilwoman Brinkerhoff-Riley to reverse her thinking on this issue. Until she comes forward and explains her new position it is useless to speculate on the issue.

    The truth is out there, and I can guarantee you that it will eventually be made public.


  4. The city of Stockton California built a new arena in 2005 for $60+ Million ($80+ in 2012 dollars).

    The city of Stockton California today is on the verge of bankruptcy.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    The city of Evansville Indiana built a new arena (oct.2009-nov.2011) for $127.5 Million ($132. Million in 2012 dollars)

    The city of Evansville is on the ……………..

    * * * * * *

    Stockton, CA 2010 population: 291,707

    Evansville, IN 2010 population: 117,429

    Its coming folks, and it is not going to be pretty.


    • Stockton has over twice the population of Evansville, and their arena cost less that half of what Evansville paid for the Ford Center. The percentage of people living below the poverty line is virtually the same in both cities (19+%).

      “Stockton, California, facing a $26 million deficit, laid out a bankruptcy contingency plan that includes skipping $10.2 million in debt service in the fiscal year that starts next month.” (more)…..


  5. For the past several months Dan McGinn, John Friend and Al Lindsey have been the only voices on the City Council that appear to understand they work for the taxpayers and not the other way around. Taxpayer kudos to those 3 for doing their elected job. With the rest on the Demo members of the City Council, only Ms. Brinkerhoff-Riley looked like she had promise to break away from the Demo Central Committee mind control and work for the taxpayers. Unfortunately that appears over for reasons unknown.

  6. Unable to be in audience at city council last night I had to watch on computer ,,,, with current agendas and business in the city it struck me odd that council president Robinson was joking and laughing about everything ” I myself didn’t see anything funny about all this waste of money

  7. Is it true that the Vanderburgh County Republicans are in caucus right now to fill vacancies on their local ballot and that the local Democrat Party may miss its opportunity to do the same?

  8. Glad the Republicans are running a strong candidate against that Z Tuley (County Recorder) lady.

    She is really unprofessional, rude and self serving.

    Many of my friend and I didn’t like the way she did Rick Davis during his run for the office of Mayor.

    It’s time for her to go!

    • The Republicans did have a caucus tonight and elected Cliff Holm to run against Z Tuley for Recorder. Cliff is a strong candidate and will make a great Recorder. Cliff will consider it a fulltime job unlike “Z’ who takes every summer off. Yes–“Z” needs an extended vacation.

  9. Man, what a wacky town!

    Has anyone checked on this lady to see if she is OK?

    Not saying we’re like Chicago but…

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