IS IT TRUE this afternoon the Evansville City Council will begin to review the 2017 proposed?  …get ready for the political games to begin?

IS IT TRUE the City of Evansville is going to experience major problems concerning the 2017 budget?   …it looks like former Councilman and Finance Chairman John Friend, CPA productions concerning the 2017 is spot on?

IS IT TRUE the word at the Civic Center is that the City employees are getting ready to experience big increase in their Health Insurance deductibles costs?

IS IT TRUE we hear that City employees should expect higher deductibles costs that  will increase the employees out of pocket health coverage costs for 2017?

IS IT TRUE  during the preliminary  2017 budget review by the Administration it was discover that the new premium for Employee Health Insurance would  had to be increased by a large amount per month ?   …the City decided to increase the deductibles costs paid by the employees in order to reduce the projected monthly premium  costs for 2017?

IS IT TRUE when former Mayor Frank McDonald Jr left office he had $58 million dollars in the General Fund?

IS IT TRUE when former Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel left office he had $4 million dollars in the General Fund?

IS IT TRUE when former Mayor Russ lloyd Jr left office he has $232,000 in the General Fund?

IS IT TRUE at the end of 2015 Mayor Winnecke had $207,000 in the General Fund?

IS IT TRUE at the beginning of 2016 Mayor Winnecke got a $12.5 million dollar advancement from Tropicana to help ends meet? …the City put $6.5 million in the General Fund to help shore up deficit balances?  …we have no idea what the city did with the remaining balance of this cash advancement?

IS IT TRUE that today is the last day for our current “Readers Poll”?  …it looks like City Councilman Dan McGinn is being crushed by the people voting on this 10 day “Readers Poll” question?  …so far the results of our poll question concerning the Homestead Tax Credit Resolution sponsored by Councilman Dan McGinn are: YES-79, NO-739 and NO IDEA--99?

FOOTNOTE: “IS IT TRUE” will be posted next Thursday?

Todays READERS POLL question is: Do you support Councilman Dan McGinn’s Homestead Tax Credit resolution that reduces the percentages of our tax credits?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “ AUGUST BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. To “understand” the current republican presidential candidate, we need to think back to our childhood days on Saturday morning when we watch our beloved “Daffy Duck”!

    • This article might also shed some light on why Trump ‘thinks’ the way he does. Helps clarify why the pro-Russian plank was slipped into the Republican platform by Manafort or maybe by the loon himself. This morning the Stewed Tangerine is threatening to revoke the credentials for the New York Times (‘a dying paper, worst ever…’) to cover his fests. Must have hit a nerve. Right now Nate Silver gives The Beast a 99.2% chance of winning Trump’s home state of New York’s 29 electoral votes and the Tangerine a massive 0.8% chance. I guess that’s what he means when he yells ‘we’re doing great in New York’. The odds are good but the goods are odd.
      The financial legerdemain will eventually be unable to cloak the city’s true financial state. It is uncertain which will collapse first, the front end of the back room finances — crafted to lull the public, or the new hotel. They are both toxic and were foisted on us, if they go down at nearly the same time the fetid cloud will hover for decades.

    • Three Stooges and Elmer Fud come to mind also. Then the “Joker” from the Batman movies. And the man who was locked in the basement in the movie Goonies. The Org. Hopefully after the elections of 2016 are over we will all wake up and never see Donald Trump out in public ever again. The guy is a dangerous lunatic.

      It’s all the Media’s Fault. They put those words in his mouth. Now that’s being untruthful and lying.

      Lying Dangerous Donald Trump is coming to Evansville, IN today. God helps us.

      • The joke was that Trump was the Driver of the Clown Car Primaries.

        It was true.

        Trump looks disheveled. He looks uncertain, depleted and like a loser. He’s weak. He’s down in the polls. He looks stupid in front of his fans. And his response is to say wild and crazy crap like a guy in a panic….attack the media!, three months before the election he starts whining about rigged elections!….the bully is insecure, thin skinned and can’t handle a strong opponent. He panics…not what we want in the President of the United States.

        • They secretly fear Cue Ball Carville is going to roll up into Georgia and really give them a good embarrassment. I wish I’d have gotten my 5k down on The Beast right after the Republican convention, odds probably bad now.

      • A stench akin to Bee slough is beginning to linger over Henze Rd as we speak. Hopefully the toxic fumes will be blown away with the departure of the Trump donors.
        I’d love to know if the Winnecke-McClintocks will be attending. Being seen at Trump fundraisers could spell the end of a political career for a team player Republican like Winnie.

  2. I take from the facts about the General Fund is to point out how former mayor Weinzapfel blew thru 54 million dollars during his tenure, thus leaving the city in financial ruin?

    • Frank F. McDonald, II – 1987 – 1999 – $58 million

      Russell G. Lloyd, Jr. – 2000 – 2003 – $232,000

      Jonathan Weinzapfel – 2004 – 2011 – $4 million

      Lloyd Winnecke – 2012 – Present – $207,000

      • Where is our lone CPA, namely Anna Hargis ..the most recent State Board of Accounts report clearly states that Russ Lloyd, Jr. manipulated the year end General Fund balance ..only 5 million dollars ..and now at June 30, 2016 Winnecke tell us that he has $3.9 mil a pig’s eye ..take away the unauthorized transfer of the Riverboat $12.5 mil and pay your medical bills of $7.5 mil and valla ..the Gen Fund is upside down by 16 mil and one year earlier, the Gen Fund was $855,000 ..with this rubber stamp Council, Evansville is heading down the path of Hammond, IN

    • The big money powers want the Queen ..Wall Street, Hollywood, etc . . want her ..why ..because she has proven over the years that she is For Sale long as your check clears ..Trump (I have had issues with him) but, much like Bloomberg of NY City, it is hard to bribe a billionaire ..maybe this is why the Koch Brothers were backing Jeb then Marco?

      • It is becoming increasingly clear, that while is a wealthy person, Trump is no billionaire. Mark Cuban, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet….all laugh at this notion of Trump. No respect.

        He’s in debt up to his ears…and that debt… not from US Banks who have blackballed Trump for too many bankruptcies…..that debt that Trump is from Russian financiers whose wealth is tied to Russian government relationships (Gazprom, etc.)

        Big money powers from the US have always been involved in US politics.

        But “big money powers from Russia?”
        Benedict……you need to get a GRIP. (Press sold his soul. That’s his excuse.)

  3. Wonder where Russell G. Lloyd, Jr. spent $57,000,000. in 2000 to 2004? I do not remember any city catastrophes during that period. Comparatively Jonathan Weinzapfel – 2004 – 2011 – $4 million looks good.

  4. The people who run the country read the Wall Street Journal.

    State Governors, Company CEO’s, the people who run successful small businesses, hospitals, schools, you name it….if you have a lot of responsibility and are accountable for your company’s profitability and hiring plans….those people – effectively run the United States, and they read the Wall Street Journal.

    TODAY……..THIS…..the guys who run the Wall Street Journal, they said this, this morning:
    “If they can’t get Mr. Trump to change his act by Labor Day, the GOP will have no choice but to write off the nominee as hopeless and focus on salvaging the Senate and House and other down-ballot races. As for Mr. Trump, he needs to stop blaming everyone else and decide if he wants to behave like someone who wants to be President—or turn the nomination over to Mike Pence.”

    Whew! THAT is bad. Trump is a dangerous fool.

    • Oh they’ve given it til Labor Day eh? I thought they had given it til the convention. I wonder what’s the unsaid “or else”. This has got to suck for his kids. They were looking at cushy futures trading on the Trump media brand.

  5. See where the GOP had a excellent “mechanical mannequin” delivering that “ISIS” preprogramed speech. The right and left movement and periodic straight forward look was almost lifelike. If they can keep using that
    “dummy” up to election time, and keep the other dummy hid, they might pull off the election!

    • Nobody’s ever really accused him of being human. I didn’t see the speech but read a recap of it. Sounds like it was heavy on the xenophobia.

      Excerpts from the letter signed by over 70 Republican office holders, RNC staffers and other top Republican operatives urging the besieged Reince Priebus to cut of the cash to the Tangerine and focus on winnable races.
      (Accusing Trump of) :
      •Attacking Gold Star families of soldiers who died serving their country
      •Urging a hostile foreign government to intervene in a U.S. election
      •Suggesting that gun owners take action against his opponent if she wins the election
      •Repudiating our NATO treaty obligations to protect our allies
      •Expressing interest in the preemptive use of nuclear weapons
      •Exposing his total ignorance of basic foreign policy matters
      •Stating his admiration for violent foreign autocrats
      •Refusing to disclose any of his past taxes, including those not under audit.

      And…this interesting paragraph was in there:
      ‘As you know, there are very rearely large shifts in support at this late stage in a presidential election cycle, particularly with two candidates as well known to the public as the current nominees.’

    • Not a chance. They’d have a better chance if they get Trump to step aside and run Pence the way the WSJ wants. He’s not going to do that because he’s addicted to the high he gets from the adoring crowds at his rallies. I figure he’s going to spend the rest of his life having rallies and letting his gold plated brand turn to tarnished green.

    • ….you know, Press, your guy is a NYC liberal, right? I mean, pro-choice, no touching entitlements, wants to increase the debt, wants national health insurance for everyone and is pro-gay marriage.

      • I am now pro-life; after years of being pro-choice…….(June 8, 2011)

        Donald Trump shocked attendees at the conservative CPAC conference in February when he declared himself pro-life after years of supporting the pro-abortion position. Several months ago, when questioned about his position, Trump responded by saying the public “would be surprised” by his stance and, in an interview with Laura Ingraham from Fox News leading up to the conference, Trump characterized himself as “pro-life” and he repeated that apparent reversal when he told the audience at CPAC, “I am pro-life” and pledged to fight for the reversal of ObamaCare, which contains abortion funding loopholes.

    • “Press just got hit. That’s all. And now he’s like a guy who started a fight, and the other guy punched him back, and his mouth is bleeding. And he’s crying. And yelling and calling people names.

      And what’s his reaction? It’s he just flails away out there. That’s all this is. He’s just losing and taking it poorly. He’s reacting poorly because he’s getting slapped around.”

    • We can only hope Congress will do their job and keep the “extremes” from happening
      from the executive branch!

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