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  1. C&P has a article about the IRS going after Olympians who earn cash along with their metals.
    Uncle Sam gets his cut as if it is normal income. But for those who has “capitol gains” from stocks
    are given “food stamps” on their earnings!

    C&P has a article on city budget. General Funds generated will be down 16%, 9.5million.
    Special Taxing Districts/TIF’s will be flush with cash! Expect the common city resident to
    take the blunt of this, while special interest groups wallows in their pigeon hole cash!

    C&P front page has Trump being cheered with his arrival yesterday. Is it likely there were more cheering that he left?

  2. That was an obscene display out there at Shorty’s Little White House last night. Money from people buying a piece of Trump — just in case. He not only can be bought, he has been. He has lowered the bar so drastically that it will be tougher than ever for a decent candidate to run. I hope he stole some of Shorty’s silverware.

    • Hey Joe. The Clinton campaign pulled all of their advertising from Virginia. No ads in a tossup State. Why would they do that? Answer: Cause it don’t matter anymore, the race is over in the State…and believe me, they are swimming in cash, so there’s reason other than…the race is over in the State. That’s why there were no protestors at EVV Joe. No need.

      (Uh….did you see the crease in Steve’s jeans last night. Jacket and nice shirt, but always with jeans…He irons a crease on all of his blue jeans. I mean, who does that?)

      • Pecker , a few years back most people did iron a crease in their jeans ,,,most people are too lazy to iron clothes now

        • …..FYI – Trump charges his campaign for his time, for his personal staff, for consulting fees, for his travel expenses, for the use of his plane, for transporting passengers, for the crew including all incidentals.

          The trip to Evansville raised $1.5M. Ka-ching.

    • Why would we do that? Giving attention to a badly-behaved child only encourages more acting out.

    • It’s an interesting comment from you Joe.
      Really… are reinforcing that any wish or hope that electing Trump over Hillary will somehow “win back the lost culture war” that Indiana Enoch, Pressanykey and you think comes with a Trump win.

      I think Pressanykey realizes that, to his credit. It’s over.

      Your link Joe….it tells the story that the social/cultural war supporters?….Trump AIN’T (is not, ain’t gonna do it, nada…mark that a “No.” ) gonna re-fight that for the right wing Christian community. HE DOESN’T AGREE WITH THEM. He tells them he does, cause he needs their votes. But Trump is a master at exploiting people he knows have already lost….and making them feel they have no choice but to vote for him. But the culture war people? You’re right Joe. Trump ain’t gonna help’em. That ship left, and Trump ain’t on it either.

  3. City flirting with disaster

    There are two entities that comprise the nexus that is leading Evansville down the road to municipal bankruptcy. One is the Evansville Redevelopment Commission that is controlled by the local chamber, and the other is the Evansville Common Council, who must approve the projects coming out of the ERC, but lack the sophistication among its elected council members for the proper vetting of those projects.

    The solution to the problem is to abolish the Evansville Redevelopment Commission at the earliest opportunity. Waiting until the City of Evansville is forced to file for protection from creditors is not an option that sane people would consider.

    • If the ERC is axed it would be right back with another name. Often when changes like that take place the new iteration is even more onerous than what it replaced. It gives those in control of such things the opportunity to tighten it up, add things bad and take away things good. Maybe grace it with a populist sounding name. Restock it with toadies unfamiliar to the public. They will do their projects through whatever agency they whip up.

      Our City Council would be laughable except it’s not funny. I thought the now obvious money constraints would have the effect of reining it in but they still simply stamp the administration’s projects ‘funded’ and look for new revenue streams (ie: part or all of the Homestead Tax Credit, fees for things that were formerly sort of free albeit funded by your taxes, now you get hit again at the door). The spending would seem to be the problem. If the electorate is ignorant enough to elect these people, they get what they deserve.

    • This is why you make a strong case for the City Council to have an analyst on the payroll that reports directly to the City as a whole ..

  4. FYI:
    Trump does not have 85 days to turn it around.
    Early voting starts nationwide October 4th – there are not 85 days til voting starts, its much later than Trump supporters realize…too late to change the minds of independents and soccer Moms who long ago decided against Trump – and those are the people who elect Presidents.
    They vote early, not on election day.
    And they start voting Oct 4th.

    • These folks are under enough pressure, being saddled with a very odd candidate who is tanking fast. Now you’ve gone and invoked the old Tick-Tockery. Probably sounds more like a massive ear splitting gong to some. It is the soundtrack to a personal horror show of their own making.

    • FYI….Trump has smashing support from Hispanics. Fox News Latino Poll, Hispanics for Trump: 20%.

      That’s right. Twenty percent. I don’t even know why you posted this P.

      • You did not watch the video. Which is typical for you. It is explained in the video.

  5. Tuesday, August 16, 2016

    Trump is right, 1952 McCarran-Walter Act allows us to keep out immigrants we can’t trust

    By Kevin Collins

    Just a little bit of research shows that as usual Donald Trump is right and the lazy hate filled media is wrong. Trump’s call for “extreme” vetting falls squarely within the options outlined by the 1952 Immigration and Nationality revise Act commonly known as the McCarran-Walter Act, which was passed to strengthen America’s ability to protect ourselves in matters relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality.

    H.R. 13342; Pub.L. 414; 182 Stat. 66.
    82nd Congress; June 27, 1952.


    “Otherwise known as the McCarran-Walter Act, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 was meant to exclude certain immigrants from immigrating to America, post-World War II and in the early Cold War. The McCarran-Walter Act moved away from excluding immigrants based simply upon country of origin. Instead it focused upon denying immigrants who were unlawful, immoral, diseased in any way, politically radical etc. and accepting those who were willing and able to assimilate into the US economic, social, and political structures, which restructured how immigration law was handled. Furthermore, the most notable exclusions were anyone even remotely associated with communism which in the early days of the Cold War was seen as a serious threat to US democracy. The main objective of this was to block any spread of communism from outside post WWII countries, as well as deny any enemies of the US during WWII such as Japan and favor “good Asian” countries such as China. The McCarran-Walter Act was a strong reinforcement in immigration selection, which was labeled the best way to preserve national security and national interests. President Truman originally vetoed the law, deeming it discriminatory; however there was enough support in Congress for the law to pass.”

    Radical Islamists who profess allegiance to Sharia Law, which forbids assimilation, above the US Constitution can and should be excluded from entry into our country. They are exactly the type of people the McCarren-Walter Act was written to exclude from our nation. A simple examination of what it means to be adherent to Sharia Law reveals that those who practice it will never become part of our melting pot – they hate assimilation – they will never follow our laws regarding fair treatment of all Americans and will never yield to our political system. True to the Democrat nature of always being on the wrong side of issues, Democrat Harry Truman vetoed this law but was overridden and it was forced into law by Republicans who wanted security and safety for all Americans.

    • Aaah. A good post, not a link. I like it.

      One more thing, and this is important. Your post…it describes that “unlawful, immoral, communists, etc.” people can be kept out of the US.

      The thing is PRESSANYKEY, Hispanic immigrants exhibit classic All-American values, habits and traditions: Hard-working, big family-oriented married heads of households, church-going, work long hours to seek a better life for their children, study hard do well in school going families…..dedicated to their communities, schools and churches in their neighborhoods. EXACTLY what your post says WE WANT….in immigrants.

      So……good job Press. Look at you…..a leader in Immigration Reform.

      • You forgot the one thing that is under discussion, their illegal status and entry into the United States. The: “Hard-working, big family-oriented married heads of households, church-going, work long hours to seek a better life for their children, study hard do well in school going families…..dedicated to their communities, schools and churches in their neighborhoods” Hispanics who immigrated to this country legally do not approve of the illegal entrants any more than the majority of Americans do. They came here by playing by the rules. Not at the illegal invitation of the democrat party promising to be their Santa Clause, if they will just break a few more laws and register to vote democrat.

  6. Just saw this in the news today…
    There appears to be some kind of email issue with Hillary Clinton while she was serving at the State Department. Does anyone know anything about this?

    • This is all I can find about it Becker other than another article where Rove states Vince Foster actually deleted them.

      Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns

      Sorry bro. I’ll keep a lookin….

        • History is an excellent antidote for hysteria. All the huffing and puffing over the Bush Administration’s firing of eight U.S. Attorneys might be tempered by an awareness that Bush’s predecessor, President Bill Clinton, summarily fired all 93 U.S. Attorneys on a single day, March 23, 1993. (1) (2)

          Why the Clinton Administration initiated this unprecedented purge has never been adequately investigated. For the convenience of future historians, we offer here a full list of the 93 U.S. Attorneys whose resignations the Clinton administration demanded:
          1.U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama ( James Eldon Wilson (1987-1994), replaced by Charles R. Pitt (1994-present) (3)
          2.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama ( Jack W. Selden (1992-93), replaced by Claude Harris, Jr. (1993-94)
          3.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama ( J.B. Sessions, III (1981-1993), replaced by Edward Vulevich, Jr. (1993-95)
          4.U.S. Attorney for the District of Alaska ( Wevley William Shea (1990-1993), replaced by Joseph W. Bottini (1993)
          5.U.S. Attorney for the District of Arizona ( Linda A. Akers (1990-1993), replaced by Daniel G. Knauss (1993)
          6.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas ( Charles A. Banks (1987-1993), replaced by Richard M. Pence, Jr. (1993)
          7.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Arkansas ( J. Michael Fitzhugh (1985-93), replaced by Paul K. Holmes, III (1993-present)
          8.U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California ( A. Bowers (1992-94), replaced by Nora M. Manella (1994-present)
          9.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California ( George L. O’Connell (1991-93), replaced by Robert M. Twiss (1993)
          10.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California ( John A. Mendez (1992-93), replaced by Michael J. Yamaguchi (1993-present) (4)
          11.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of California ( William Braniff (1988-93), replaced by James W. Brannigan, Jr. (1993)
          12.U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado ( Michael J. Norton (1988-93), replaced by James R. Allison (1993)
          13.U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut ( Albert S. Dabrowski (1991-93), replaced by Christopher Droney (1993-present)
          14.U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware ( William C. Carpenter (1985-93), replaced by Richard G. Andrews (1993)
          15.U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia ( Jay B. Stephens (1988-93), replaced by J. Ramsey Johnson (1993)
          16.U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Florida ( Robert W. Genzman (1988-93), replaced by Douglas N. Frazier (1993)
          17.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Florida ( Kenneth W. Sukhia (1990-93), replaced by Gregory R. Miller (1993)
          18.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida ( Roberto Martinez (1992-93), replaced by Kendall B. Coffey (1993-96)
          19.U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia ( Edgar William Ennis, Jr. (1988-93), replaced by Samuel A. Wilson, Jr. (1993)
          20.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia ( Joe D. Whitley (1990-93), replaced by Gerrilyn G. Brill (1993)
          21.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia ( Jay D. Gardner (1992-94), replaced by Harry D. Dixon, Jr. (1994-present)
          22.U.S. Attorney for the Districts of Guam and the Northern Mariana IslandsFrederick A. Black (1991-present)
          23.U.S. Attorney for the District of Hawaii ( Daniel A. Bent (1983-93), replaced by Elliott Enoki (1993-94)
          24.U.S. Attorney for the District of Idaho ( Maurice O. Ellsworth (1985-93), replaced by Patrick J. Molloy (1993)
          25.U.S. Attorney for the Central District of Illinois ( J. William Roberts (1986-93), replaced by Byron G. Cudmore (1993)
          26.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois ( Judge Fred L. Foreman (1990-93), replaced by Michael J. Shepard (1993)
          27.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois ( Frederick J. Hess (1982-93), replaced by Clifford J. Proud (1993)
          28.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana ( John F. Hoehner (1991-93), replaced by David A. Capp (1993)
          29.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana ( Deborah J. Daniels (1988-93), replaced by John J. Thar (1993)
          30.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Iowa ( Charles W. Lawson (1986-93), replaced by Robert L. Teig (1993)
          31.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa ( Gene W. Shepard (1990-93), replaced by Don Carlos Nickerson (1993-present)
          32.U.S. Attorney for the District of Kansas ( Lee Thompson (1990-93), replaced by Jackie N. Williams (1993)
          33.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky ( Karen K. Caldwell (1991-94), replaced by Joseph L. Famularo (1994-present)
          34.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Kentucky ( Joseph M. Whittle (1986-93), replaced by Michael Troop (1993-present)
          35.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana ( Harry A. Rosenberg (1991-93), replaced by Robert J. Boitmann (1993)
          36.U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Louisiana ( P. Raymond Lamonica (1986-94), replaced by L.J. Hymel (1994-present)
          37.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Louisiana ( Joseph S. Cage, Jr. (1981-93), replaced by William J. Flanagan (1993)
          38.U.S. Attorney for the District of Maine Richard S. Cohen (1981-1993), replaced by Jay P. McCloskey (1993-present)
          39.U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland ( Richard D. Bennett (1991-93), replaced by Gary P. Jordan (1993)
          40.U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts ( Wayne A. Budd (1989-93), replaced by A. John Pappalardo (1993)
          41.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan ( Stephen J. Markman (1989-93), replaced by Ross Parker (1993)
          42.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan ( John A. Smietanka (1981-94), replaced by Thomas J. Gezon (1994)
          43.U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota ( Thomas B. Heffelfinger (1991-93), replaced by Francis K. Hermann (1993)
          44.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Mississippi ( Robert Q. Whitwell (1985-93), replaced by Alfred E. Moreton, III (1993-present)
          45.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi ( George L. Phillips (1980-94), replaced by Brad Pigott (1994-present)
          46.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri ( Stephen B. Higgins (1990-93), replaced by Edward L. Dowd, Jr. (1993-present)
          47.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri ( Jean Paul Bradshaw (1989-93), replaced by Michael A. Jones (1993)
          48.U.S. Attorney for the District of Montana ( Doris Swords Poppler (1990-93), replaced by Sherry S. Mateucci (1993-present)
          49.U.S. Attorney for the District of Nebraska ( Ronald D. Lahners (1981-93), replaced by Thomas J. Monaghan (1993-present)
          50.U.S. Attorney for the District of Nevada ( Monte Stewart (1992-93), replaced by Kathryn Landreth (1993-present)
          51.U.S. Attorney for the District of New Hampshire ( Jeffrey R. Howard (1989-93), replaced by Peter E. Papps (1993)
          52.U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey ( Michael Chertoff (1990-94), replaced by Faith S. Hochberg (1994-present)
          53.U.S. Attorney for the District of New Mexico ( Don J. Svet (1991-93), replaced by Larry Gomez (1993)
          54.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York ( Mary Jo White (1992-93), replaced by Zachary W. Carter (1993-present)
          55.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of New York ( Gary L. Sharpe (1992-94), replaced by Thomas J. Maroney (1994-present)
          56.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York ( Otto G. Obermaier (1989-93), replaced by Roger S. Hayes (1993)
          57.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of New York ( Dennis C. Vacco (1988-93), replaced by Patrick H. NeMoyer (1993-present)
          58.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina ( Margaret Person Currin (1988-93), replaced by James R. Dedrick (1993)
          59.U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina ( Robert H. Edmunds, Jr. (1986-93), replaced by Benjamin H. White, Jr. (1993)
          60.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina ( Thomas J. Ashcraft (1987-93), replaced by Jerry W. Miller (1993)
          61.U.S. Attorney for the District of North Dakota ( Stephen D. Easton (1990-93), replaced by John T. Schneider (1993-present)
          62.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio ( Joyce J. George (1989-93), replaced by Patrick J. Foley (1993)
          63.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio D. Michael Crites (1986-93), replaced by Barbara L. Beran (1993)
          64.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Oklahoma ( John W. Haley, Jr. (1990-present)
          65.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Oklahoma ( Tony M. Graham (1987-93), replaced by Frederick L. Dunn, III (1993)
          66.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Oklahoma ( Joe L. Heaton (1992-93), replaced by John E. Green (1993)
          67.U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon ( Charles H. Turner (1982-93), replaced by Jack C. Wong (1993)
          68.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ( Michael M. Baylson (1988-93), replaced Michael J. Rotko (1993)
          69.U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania ( James J. West (1985-93), replaced by Wayne P. Samuelson (1993)
          70.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania ( Thomas W. Corbett, Jr. (1989-93), replaced by Frederick W. Thieman (1993-present)
          71.U.S. Attorney for the District of Puerto Rico ( Daniel F. Lopez-Romo (1982-93), replaced by Charles E.. Fitzwilliam (1993)
          72.U.S. Attorney for the District of Rhode Island ( Lincoln C. Almond (1981-93), replaced by Edwin J. Gale (1993)
          73.U.S. Attorney for the District of South Carolina ( John S. Simmons (1992-93), replaced by Margaret B. Seymour (1993)
          74.U.S. Attorney for the District of South Dakota ( Kevin V. Schieffer (1991-93), replaced by Ted L. McBride (1993)
          75.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee ( Jerry G. Cunningham (1991-93), replaced by David G. Dake (1993)
          76.U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee ( Ernest W. Williams (1991-94), replaced by John M. Roberts (1994-present)
          77.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Tennessee ( Edward G. Bryant (1991-93), replaced by Daniel A. Clancy (1993)
          78.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas ( Robert J. Wortham (1981-93), replaced by Ruth Yeager (1993)
          79.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas ( Marvin L. Collins (1985-93), replaced by Richard H. Stephens (1993)
          80.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Texas ( Ronald G. Woods (1990-93), replaced by Lawrence D. Finer (1993)
          81.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas ( Ronald F. Ederer (1989-93), replaced by James H. DeAtley (1993-96)
          82.U.S. Attorney for the District of Utah ( David J. Jordan (1991-93), replaced by Richard D. Parry (1993)
          83.U.S. Attorney for the District of Vermont ( Charles A. Caruso (1991-93), replaced by Charles R. Tetzlaff (1993-present)
          84.U.S. Attorney for the District of the Virgin Islands ( Terry M. Halpern (1987-93), replaced by Hugh P. Mabe, III (1993)
          85.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia ( Richard Cullen (1991-93), replaced by Kenneth E. Melson (1993)
          86.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia ( E. Montgomery Tucker (1990-93), replaced by Morgan E. Scott, Jr. (1993)
          87.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Washington ( William D. Hyslop (1991-93), replaced by Carroll D. Gray (1993)
          88.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington ( Michael D. McKay (1989-93), replaced by Susan L. Barnes (1993)
          89.U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of West Virginia ( William A. Kolibash (1981-93), replaced by William D. Wilmoth (1993-present)
          90.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of West Virginia ( Michael W. Carey (1986-93), replaced by Charles T. Miller (1993)
          91.U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin ( John E. Fryatt (1988-93), replaced by Nathan A. Fischbach (1993)
          92.U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Wisconsin ( Kevin C. Potter (1981-93), replaced by Grant C. Johnson (1993)
          93.U.S. Attorney for the District of Wyoming ( Richard A. Stacy (1981-94), replaced by David D. Freudenthal (1994-present)

          • This would likely be the first thing to do on Hillary’s agenda, should she ever be elected to the Presidency. So it is not only positions on the Supreme Court that is at stake, it could well be the jobs of every currently employed Federal Attorney.

          • Bill Clinton took office as President of The United States in January of 1993. He immediately set about politicizing the United States Justice Department!

          • FLASHBACK: They all do that Press;

            Reagan replaced 89 of the 93 U.S. attorneys in his first two years in office. President Clinton had 89 new U.S. attorneys in his first two years, and President Bush had 88 new U.S. attorneys in his first two years.


            They just don’t replace their own picks in the middle of their second term but Ho Hum….

          • I really got a kick out of future Commander-in-Chief Mop Head saying he would send our troops to take over the oil wells in Iraq then use the proceeds to take care of the veterans and wounded in the process.

            On its’ face this is nuts but Lt. Gen. Mark Hertley put it best, “bizzare.”

            Go get um Golden Boy!

            You de man….

          • Wasn’t “Runt” Bush going to pay for his wars with Iraq the same
            way? Selling their oil? Did that ever happen?
            Was not the cost around 2 trillion dollars and it was kept off the books?

    • That is old news. The FBI looked at it and said it was OK. Bill said it was BS So I guess it is the right wing conspiracy again. ;>)

    • It appears that the Clintons now have even been able to compromise the FBI with their brand of partisan politics. Both Hillary and Bill should be serving time in a Federal Prison.

  7. This is for the criminals in Milwaukee. Stop shooting/Stop setting fires/Stop assaulting Police Officers. You are the problem. You are not PROTESTING. You would not cross the street to greet the gunman killed by the officers. You would probably shoot the gunman a lot faster than the officers.

  8. Again…..Pressanykey lies that firing US Attorneys after beginning a term is unique to the Bill Clinton
    This is not new behavior. He learned it from Trump!

    SO… honor of this laughable habit….for your consideration:

    No-no, no, no, no-no-no, no, no-no, no, no-no
    Na-no, no, na-no, no-no, na-no, no-no, no, no-no, no
    Nobody can lie like TRUMP like he do
    Nobody can lie like PRESS like Trump do
    Nobody can lose the ELECTION like Trump do
    And nobody can lose his REP like Press do

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