IS IT TRUE June 24, 2012


HMS Evansville aka The Titanic

IS IT TRUE June 24, 2012

IS IT TRUE the infrastructure deficiencies in the City of Evansville seem to raise their ugly heads in more and more places on a weekly basis?…that one engaged and concerned citizen named Brent Jackson is finally beginning to see some publicity regarding his crusade to draw attention to the dilapidated sidewalks in Evansville?…the City County Observer published a study by Mr. Jackson that included some classic examples of long term neglect of sidewalks last year and that the Courier and Press has finally followed suit?…that the TV stations need to get on board and drive the point home with the bulk of our citizens who seem at times to live in simple oblivious comfort completely unaware or uncaring about the state of the City of Evansville?…that Mr. Jackson estimated the cost to repair dilapidated or missing sidewalks at a minimum of $100 Million using per square foot pricing used by City Engineers?…if every sidewalk in Evansville were replaced that the cost to do that would exceed $600 Million?…that the CCO agrees that Mr. Jackson’s estimate for immediate needs is probably in the ballpark (no pun intended) of what needs to be spent right now to get the sidewalks of the City of Evansville up to minimally acceptable standards with respect to safety?

IS IT TRUE that the revelations of the last several years with respect to the dilapidation both above and below ground in Evansville are enough to strike fear into the pocket book of even Larry Ellison who just last week bought the Hawaiian Island of Lanai for a reported $500 Million?…that the EPA has the City of Evansville under court order to repair or replace the Combined Sewer Overflow problem so that we as a people do not contaminate the Ohio River, Bee Slough, and of course our streets, yards, and basements?…the accepted estimate for that work is $500 Million to $600 Million?…that it was recently owned up to that there are 600 miles of cast iron water pipes that are in need of replacement at an estimated cost of $450 Million?…that now we learn that between now and 20 years from now we can add around $500 Million to the maintenance budget for sidewalks?…that former Director of Metropolitan Development, Tom Barnett is on record stating that there are over $1 Billion in repairs needed to get over 8,000 abandoned houses into LIVABLE CONDITION?…the total of these costs add up to roughly $2.5 Billion (nearly $60,000 per household) just to get the City of Evansville salvaged to a point where we can claim that the sewers, the water system, and the sidewalks are safe and sufficient and that there are no rat trap houses rotting down like a month old Halloween pumpkin for all the world to see?

IS IT TRUE that all of these necessary repairs to get to the level of acceptability must really be a buzz-kill to the partying and park loving class that seems to have had a chokehold on local politics recently?…that at a time when literally $2.5 Billion is needed to get the City of Evansville into presentable and livable condition, our government has spent $127 Million on an arena, tried to waste $18 Million on 8 ballfields, are hostage to a belief that an incentive package of $15 Million or more is needed to entice a convention hotel developer to come to town, spent $603,000 on a parking lot at a hotel that the City does not own, have two more parks at $10 Million on the drawing board, and are in the process of final negotiation on $80 Million to read water meters attached to dilapidated pipes over the internet, our leaders dare to smile for the cameras and say things like “it’s a great place to raise kids” or “we have a great quality of life”?…the statements and actions of local government and its surrogates are enough to make ones head spin in disbelief?

IS IT TRUE that having insufficient water pressure to fight fires, brown water to drink, crap in the streets during rains, a polluted river, fragments of concrete formerly known as sidewalks, and a looming $2.5 Billion to spend to get to acceptability does not constitute a “high quality of life” or a “great place to raise kids”?…that spending money on frivolity like parks, arenas, star wars water meters, and junkets to Savannah makes about as much sense as flying lobsters in for the last meal on the Titanic before it sinks?…it is time for the leadership of Evansville to get serious about making Evansville into a “great place to raise kids”?…that the leadership will need the help and support of the people of Evansville who are comfortably oblivious to reality?…there is only so much picking up garbage can hide if anything at all about the real quality of life in River City?


  1. Come November, why not extend the current city management to the entire county so we all can share in the wonderful blessings that have, here to fore, only been enjoyed by city residents?


  2. Remember Mr. Andrew Smith and his common sense “sewers before stadium” message?

      • The only common sense message surrounding Roberts was the Option C “sell it and get it off the books” message – the one none of our leaders wanted to talk about.

  3. This is off the subject but why is the CCO or the C/P or the local TV news media not reporting the protective order that was filed against City Councilman Weaver by his ex-wife. Why is the hearing being held in Judge Kiely’s office on July 17th at 1:30 instead of where the public can attend the hearing? Is this standard procedure or special treatment? Weaver is a public official so why hasn’t this been made public? People should know the character of the people they have elected to office. Cause number is 82D03-1206-PO-02971 filed 06/19/2012.

    • Provide this information to each outlet and see if they care to report. Unless it is a cute pet video or a video report from another outlet the local media does very little research on their own. Maybe the News 14 head will “take a stand” on this. Ha ha ha.

    • Even I know this is a highly charged emotional issue between two individuals and should be worked out in private. If it has not spilled over in a way that affects Councilman Weaver’s performance of public duties, self-appointed busy bodies should leave it between the two affected parties.

      • My point is that the local medias pick and choose who they out. The local people in power protect their own and try to destroy anyone who has the will and the strength to go against them. The petition for a protective order is real and does exist and it will go a long ways in showing the true character or lack of, of Weaver. Hopefully this will be the final nail in his political coffin. I would think that the local women protective groups would want to know about this case as it is the reason they exist to protect women who are or have been abused or threatened by their spouses, boyfriends or ex-husbands.

  4. This may be the best CCO editorial ever. Maybe, just maybe, a few of our elected City Officials will read and understand it.

  5. What a great editorial. The passion for Evansville really shines through.
    Also the frustration we all feel.
    Is the corruption, or the stupidity to blame?
    I would be interested in a poll.

  6. I agree that this is a first-rate editorial. I have bookmarked it for future reference.
    Saute! C-CO, Evansville’s true watchdog. …

  7. You know…. I haven’t drank out of the Evansville municipal water supply in SIX YEARS. I buy distilled water…

    Perhaps this is why I’m not buying the whole “let’s spend a few more million on a stinking park” mentality. It’s like a homeowner having a termite infestation who decides to plant some pretty bushes out front instead of taking care of the pressing problem.

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