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  1. “He had long blond hair in which care he devoted great time, pulling it across his head and scenting it with cinnamon oil.”

    “He was a self-promoter …a man who rode to the top over the backs of his fallen comrades… and a lot of men died…because Yellow Hair was leading them into situations that he shouldn’t have been leading them into.”

    More than anything, he said he wanted to be remembered…George Custer graduated at the bottom of his class at West Point and led all of his men to their slaughter for no gain to their cause or their country. But he succeeded, we do remember him.”

    • But did Custer go to Wharton? Well, Trump did and he’s leading the modern day Charge of the Light Brigade. I mean, this brigade is really light. Featherbrains. Broke, white as the snow and always mad. They want ‘their’ country back. The charge isn’t going too well right now but could still result in great awards for the Wharton Tangerine, just ask him. He might earn that Purple Heart he so coveted after all. Custer was not scalped, Trump should be. He scares the children and looks like a fool who buys hair and skin products from infomercials.

      Libby Custer was no Melania. She wrote her own speeches and entered America legally. Melania lied about completing a college degree. Possibly she too went to Wharton. Solidifying her credentials as a Whare. The ‘values’ voters would love to see her live in the White House. You finally have to conclude that these people who so readily speak of their ‘values’ have none and believe in nothing.

      • Breaking News ..apparently Bill Clinton was the honorary chairman of the International School of Sharia Law in which he received 5.6 million in speaking fees. Those fees were deposited into their joint checking account ..of course, Hilliary was the other individual on the accounts.

        • I saw that. Also saw where, in the unlikely event Trump ever lives in the White House he will include Melania when he rents out the Lincoln bedroom. Lincoln was one of our presidents, in case you didn’t know.

    • News Flash ..Julian Assange announce today that WikiLeaks will be publishing 350 of the deleted emails of Hilliary ..according to Assange those 350 will be indictable evidence ..of course, at this point, it is only rhetoric ..if Assange was successful in obtaining the DNC emails, Hilliary’s would be a cake walk. Regardless, let’s sit back and see if the October suppress blows up Hilliary’s ass!!!

  2. Lets talk about the people who want to occupy the Whit House again, Bill and Hillary Clinton.

    It is a small wonder the media are pulling out all the stops to get their two darlings elected again. If they pull it off they hope to stave off any of the criminal investigations that will be coming as a result of the investigations into all of the illegal activity outlined in the documentary. Not to mention the ability they would have to appoint the very judges and prosecutors who could hear and prosecute these cases.

    • Did you forget that Donald and Melania Trump also want to occupy the White House? You don’t seem to ever have anything positive to say about them. Here’s the truth of the matter of the American people’s will as it stands today.

  3. I’ve spent some time pondering the history we will likely make in November. It appears that we may elect a woman for the first time. I’m disappointed for my daughters and granddaughters that she won’t be elected because she is a great leader for our American society, but because she is the less repugnant of two disgraceful candidates. She may turn out to do a credible job as president, but the Orange Buffoon has no ability to do a decent job.
    There is one bit of history we are sure to make. For the first time ever, there will be a First Spouse, but it won’t be a FLOTUS. It will probably be a First Philanderer (FPOTUS) but it is possible that it will be a FWOTUS – use your own imagination.
    Today’s RCP,

          • How can you make excuses for these two? By doing so you are complicit in their criminal schemes.

          • PRESS:
            I know you have a lot of fun creating some narrative about the Clinton’s pending indictments, trials and prison time.

            Those Fundraisers working on commission who keep asking you for more donations Press? They keep promising those things…keep promising the trial is coming up….keep getting your donations…..and you keep on telling us what they tell you over the phone I guess.

            I mean, c’mon Man. “We need your help. They’re ready to indict her. The trial is coming up! We need your help to put Hillary in prison. We’re asking all of our donors to increase their gifts this month by 150%. The trial is coming up! We even take PayPal !!”

      • I doubt that Melania belongs in prison. I know there is a vague possibility of her losing her citizenship because of the kerfuffle about whether she broke immigration law while making hardcore porn in NYC in 1995, but prison is a bridge too far. If she did break immigration law, she should lose her citizenship and be deported, but not imprisoned.

        • Btw, PAK, I knew what you meant. This is just a little reminder that you shouldn’t get so over-wrought that you screw up your personal pronouns.

        • “Hardcore porn”? I think you’re stretching that term a bit too far. I’ve,seen her topless photos and “art” photos that have been published repeatedly by the New York left-wing press and have flooded the internet in recent weeks. But no porn.
          Speaking of porn, did you see the B&D photos of Obama’s mama taken in Hawaii? They’ve been all over the internet this week too.
          That said, there’s no need to stoop so low to publish “nekid” photos of any candidate’s spouse or parent or relative in a attempt to discredit the candidate. The spouse or parent or relative isn’t running for office.

  4. Looks like everyone is in agreement on this page. Both candidates from the two major parties do not deserve to be our next President. So now we are choosing the lesser of two evils?

    Who is your dark horse? Who do you wish would come out and say “Vote for ME!!!”. Who are we looking for? Who can bring us all to say he or she is the right one for right now?

    • In answer to your last question, Hillary is the right one of the viable choices. I had planned to either vote for Gary Johnson or skip the race, but since more people than I could have imagined are backing Trump, I will vote for, contribute to, and work for Hillary.
      In answer to your previous question, Bernie would have been my choice of the field we had. Sherrod Brown would have been my fantasy candidate.

    • Let’s hope so! He really managed to right a sinking ship. Let’s keep on progressing!

      • This is how screwed things up are for real conservatives.
        THE BLAZE can’t help itself by creating this story about “the Clinton Campaign”…….cause it has some actual standards and IT won’t abandon its long held values.
        But The Blaze realizes that Donald Trump is a liberal Democrat, and worse, a dangerous fool…..and so it will never publish a positive article about “the fake Republican nominee.”

        • Obama is leaving the Office under his most favorable light ever.
          The “Kenya conspiracy people” (who don’t like him for no other reason than he’s black) may not view him that way, granted.
          But it’s helped him that he is clearly a dedicated Father and family man. Every Parent in American can identify with those qualities.
          (Rush Limbaugh…, no way. Of course he doesn’t like Obama. But then he has no family. In fact, he’s been married four times and has no children. Father material?……glad he didn’t.)

  5. Did anyone read Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan’s column this week?

    Oh my God. Favorable view of Trump……all year.
    Not anymore. Whew!

  6. Trump just swam the 2nd leg of the 100 meter relay for the Russians. Damnedest thing, looked like a bobbing rooster’s comb in Phelp’s wake.

  7. IS IT TRUE that the attorney that filed suit in regards to the DNC email scandal representing Bernie was found died in his bathroom according to sources. He was 28 yrs old and the cause of death listed as un-determined. Boy, the White Water days may be back again!!!

    • According to a retired FBI agent who was the lead agent on the White River investigation assigned to Little Rock indicated that he feared for his safety during the investigation. According to him, nearly 200 individuals surrounding the scandal, turned up dead by mysterious causes ..

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